
Monday, April 7, 2014

Mysteries Contained in the Holy Books

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, "mystery" is defined as follows: 

mys·tery (noun) \ˈmis-t(É™-)rÄ“\ [plural: mys·ter·ies]  1. a: a religious truth that one can know only by revelation and cannot fully understand b: something not understood; beyond understanding c: profound, inexplicable; secretive quality or character.
While the Old Testament of the Christian Bible does not mention 'mystery', the word appears several times in the New Testament, especially by Paul the Apostle.

That is not to say that mysteries did not occur during the ancient period of the B.C. era, for many enigmatic events happened during the time of the Hebrew Bible, which the Christian's Old Testament is based upon. Many ancient mysteries continue to remain obscure, such as:

  > 1. Creation of the world and mankind (Genesis 1:1-27)
  > 2. Giants roaming the earth (Genesis 6:4
  > 3. Lot's wife turning to a pillar of salt (Genesis 19:26) 
  > 4. Ten plagues of Egypt/Parting the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21-31
  > 5. Baalam's ass speaks (Numbers 22:21-35
  > 6. The River Jordan divided by Elijah & Elisha near Jericho (II Kings 2:7-8; 14
  > 7. Daniel saved in the lion's den (Daniel 6:16-23)

The baptism of Christ depicted in 'The Chronology of Ancient Nations' by Al-Biruni, Islamic school, 14th century. AKG Images/Edinburgh University Library
Baptism of Christ by Al-Biruni (14th century)
The Islamic Qur'an also mentions a few enigmatic occurrences, and uses the word 'mystery' as well in some of its narratives.

The following verses from the Qur'an are in reference to a few of those perplexing "mysteries"...
  > "my Lord understandeth best the mysteries of all that He planneth" (12.100)  
  > "To Allah belongeth the Mystery of the heavens and the earth." (16.77)  
  > "Behold, the Lote-tree was shrouded (in mystery unspeakable!) (53.16) 
  > " By (the mystery of) the creation of male and female;- (92.3)   

When the Christian Bible was translated into Greek, the word "musterion" (meaning mystery) did not mean or imply something that is obscure, incomprehensible, or shrouded in secrecy; rather it meant a truth given to a select few (such as the prophets) in which certain "mysteries" were revealed.

Jim Jones & the People's Temple
(Mass suicide of a congregation)
Defining the mysteries of the Holy Books can be complex and sometimes can lead to a sinister corruption of the scriptures.

There are some cults and factions [of false religions] who teach that there are special secrets that God has entrusted to only a select few, who are generally leaders of the cult. This false teacher claims that God reveals mysterious things to them that the ordinary lay person does not understand, nor can interpret. The congregation thus believes that only spiritual things, such as understanding mysteries, is a privilege granted only to the elite chosen [such as their leader].

Depiction of Apostle Paul
However, the Apostle Paul said, "by the scriptures... the mystery is made known to all nations." (Romans 16:26)

Paul was declaring that the entire world had access to the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ and any truth that the Creator has revealed is open for all of mankind to understand.

The Christian Bible states that man has access to God's Word, which enables a person to understand spiritual truth for themselves. Therefore many interpretations are forthcoming when trying to decipher the mysteries of the Bible.


The following excerpt from Who's ? Right: Mankind, Religion & the End Times sums up the mysteries contained in the holy books:

click to visit
"When it comes to the enigma of biblical mysteries, the holy books of the world are filled with many stories untold. Generations of great scholars and scientists have tried to uncover that which is otherwise unfathomable. It becomes controversial in context, with the end results continuing to remain hidden in obscurity."

Which takes us back to the original definition of 'mystery': a religious truth that one can know only by revelation and cannot fully understand.

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