
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Nostradamus & His Prophecies

Nostradamus by Cesar.jpgNostradamus was an ancient seer who lived during the 16th century (A.D.) and considered one of the finest oracles of his time [and beyond]. This French physician and astronomer lived from 1503-1566 and completed a total of 942 quatrains (four line poems) which he organized into centuries (groups of 100 quatrains).

His family was of Jewish ancestry. Some say from the tribe of Issachar, who were reputed to read the moon, stars and interpret the heavens. But, the family converted to Christianity when King Louis XII decreed that all Jews renounce their religion and convert to Christianity or leave the area. Nostradamus' parents chose to remain and, as a result, Michel de Nostredame (Nostradamus) was born into a Christian home. 

A qualified doctor of medicine, an adviser to the Queen of France (Catherine de' Medicis) and a writer of philosophical treaties, Nostradamus was considered an imposing man of his time and influenced world events before and after his death. This oracle of the Renaissance was best remembered for his book, Les Propheties de M. Nostradamus, which appeared in 1555.

It is believed by many that Nostradamus made such predictions as: 1) the fall of the House of Valois (the deaths of the Queen's children); 2) change from the Julian calendar (of Nostradamus' time) to the Gregorian calendar (still in use today); 3) the rise and fall of Napoleon; 4) Hitler and Mussolini uniting as allies during World War II; and, 5) the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 and Senator Robert F. Kennedy in 1968.

While some skeptics argue that Nostradamus' writings are a jumbled mess of words without meaning, many believers are convinced this particular seer saw 400 to 500 years into the future.

"The year of the great seventh number accomplished, It will appear at the time of the games of slaughter: Not far from the great millennial age, When the buried will go out from their tombs. Long awaited he will never return In Europe, he will appear in Asia: One of the leagues issued from the great Hermes, And he will grow over all the Kings of the East." (Century X/Quatrains 74 & 75)

Many interpretations are forthcoming when deciphering the works of Nostradamus, but these particular quatrains just seem to fit in with the "End Times" scenario. The "games of slaughter" could refer to the radical Islamic suicide bombers; buried will go out from their tombs - this is prophesied about in the Christian Bible (I Corinthians 15:52); quatrain 75 could infer the rise of a world leader whom will have much power over all the nations (Revelation 17:12-13).

Whether you are inclined to agree or disagree with Nostradamus' findings, it is unmistakably clear that this ancient oracle, not only made a name for himself, but continues to fascinate people in the 21st century with his cryptic cantos.

For more information on Nostradamus and his predictions, please visit: 

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