
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Eschatology Comparison

The three major monotheistic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) have many prophecies regarding an "End Times" scenario. As the scholars would agree, these religions believe some of the predictions of the ancient seers have come true, while other prophecies foretold are still yet to come. 

While some scholars believe Muhammad secured some of his ideas from the followers of Christianity, Judaism and Zoroastrianism, the concept of Islamic eschatology is extremely hard to piece together. Muslim scholars of prophecy do not attempt to compare how events are related to each other. As with Christian and Judaic theologians, who disagree on the sequence of the "End Times" prophecies, Islamic scholars disagree on the nature of certain events.

However, the three religions are considered inextricably linked to one another through their histories because of certain common factors in their theologies. And, all three faith-based institutions feature many of the same figures and places, yet they are often presented in different meanings and perspectives. 

Although the three major religions of the world are intertwined and defined by common beliefs, they differ when it comes to doctrine and practice. Even their sacred holy books are reflected by such differences.

The following literary publication of Contender Ministries, depicts a fair comparison of the similarities and differences in the eschatological teachings of Christianity, Islam and Judaism.


The purpose of Jesus Christ Coming

Christianity: Jesus will come to rescue Israel and defeat the Anti-Christ, judge all nations and the wicked in Israel, and rule over a messianic kingdom.

Islam: Jesus (Isa) will return to overthrow Masih ad-Dajjal in the battle of Aqabat Afiq in Syna to confirm Islam as the only true religion.

Judaism: A Messiah (who has not yet come) will defeat the gentile nations and restore the kingdom of Israel. Isaiah will be fulfilled and God will be recognized as the universal king.

Who Must Experience Death

Christianity: All people will experience physical death except those living when Christ returns.

Islam: All people will experience a physical death.

Judaism: All people will experience a physical death.

Resurrection of the Body

Christianity: Yes

Islam: Yes - all will gather at the Mount of Olives for Judgment Day.

Judaism: Yes

Judgment Announced at Trumpet of the Archangel

Christianity: Yes - Matthew 24:31 "And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other."

Islam: Yes - Qur'an 36.51 "And the trumpet shall be blown, and, lo! They shall speed out of their sepulchers to their Lord."

Judaism: Yes - shofar will announce beginning of messianic era, gather the scattered exiles, and serve as a summons to the heavenly court on the Day of Judgment.


Belief in Purgatory

Christianity: Evangelicals - No; Catholics - Yes

Islam: Yes - called Barzakh

Judaism: No

Signs of the Times

Christianity: Beginning of birth pangs (Isaiah 11:11-12; Matthew 24:5, 6, 7); Birth pangs (Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:11, 25:15; Revelation 6-19)

Islam: Major and minor signs will reveal that the end times have arrived. (Surat 21.96; 27.82; 43.61)

Judaism: Ten signs will accompany Messianic 'birth pangs' of end times.(Sanhedrin 97b)

Result of End Time Battle

Christianity: After Armageddon, Satan is bound and believers enter the Millennium. Following the thousand year reign of Christ there is a final battle with Satan.

Islam: A 'Great Destruction' which destroys all but God, then a resurrection and recreation.

Judaism: War of Gog and Magog, in which God defeats the gentile and establishes Israel in its kingdom over all the earth.

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While there are many similarities and differences when it comes to "End Times" eschatology, it is unmistakably agreed upon by the Abrahamic religions that these doomsday revelations are destined to befall mankind regardless. And, it is interesting to note, Jesus Christ plays a major role in the scenario of various events which will usher in the "End Times".

For more information on "End Times" eschatology, please visit the following sites:

Christian Eschatology (Princeton University)

Islamic Eschatology (Princeton University)

Jewish Eschatology (Princeton University)

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