
Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Great Tribulation

The Great Tribulation refers to tumultuous events that are described during what the Christian's refer to as the "End Times" and first mentioned by Jesus in the Olivet discourse. The Great Tribulation is also referenced in the Book of Revelation.

Before the 'end of the world as mankind knows it' can begin and the Great Tribulation of the Great Creator commences, there are a few things that still have to occur in our present world. There are many theories and debates as to when the Great Tribulation will start but the biblical account states the following events must happen first:

One World Government:

Global Economy:

A restored Jewish Temple:

Increased power in the Middle East

Mass apostasy of the Church:

The purpose of the tribulation period is twofold. One, to bring about the conversion of Israel to prepare them for their Messiah. Two, to pour out God’s judgment on the unbelieving nations of the world.

There are a few books, in the Old and New Testaments, of the Christian's Holy Bible which describes a tribulation that will befall mankind.  It will last for seven years, Revelation 11:2-3, which speaks of 1260 days and 42 months, and Daniel 12:11-12, which speaks of 1290 days and 1335 days. Some believe these days have a reference to the midpoint of the tribulation.

Many believe the real suffering will take place in the latter 3 ½ years, with the first 3 ½ years pretty much like it is now. There are also many Bible scholars that believe most of the events of the tribulation period are of a symbolic nature and are not to be taken literally. Like any other theoretical conclusion, it is supported by individual opinion and refuted by individual interpretation.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Israel Remembers

Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) began the evening of Wednesday, April 18, 2012, and ended the evening of Thursday, April 19, 2012. In honor of Holocaust Rememberance Day, let's take a moment to highlight the heroism and heros of the Holocaust- those Jews who found a way to fight the Nazis, whether the partisans or the Jewish brigade in the British army.

Israel Returns

In 1946, a new fighting unit, the Jewish Brigade Group, was created in pre-State Israel. Many of the fighters were Jewish refugees from Europe, and they fought side by side with the Allied forces in Europe. They became part of the British 8th Army, fought as Jews – as free sons of the Land of Israel. Ultimately, they formed an essential part of the building of the Israel Defense Forces that would fight back the Arab Armies in Israel’s War of Independence in 1948.

Click on the link below to take a moment to watch this fascinating short film made in 1946 about the Jewish brigade. At the 8 minute mark, watch the Passover scene – with Jewish soliders eating the traditional Matzah – unleavened bread – as Jewish soldiers brought freedom to Jewish prisoners from German Concentration Camps.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Religion of the Cherokee

What gods do the Cherokee Indians worship?

Most, if not all, native Americans are spiritualist. They observe a central or great spirit and also recognize minor spirits. Supernatural and natural forces both played central roles in the original Tsalagi (Cherokee) belief system.

The earth was suspended between an Upper World and a Lower World, maintaining a balance between these spheres was central to the Cherokee religion. There is a belief in superior beings or spirits, many of whom were believed to resemble familiar animals, but others were human like. These are remembered in an elaborate system of spoken tribal mythology.
Central to religious practices is an annual cycle of festivals linked to the seasons, harvest, hunting, and all facets of life: including interpreting dreams, foretelling the future, and attempting to ferret out evil spirits, curing the sick, finding lost objects, and averting or lessening natural disasters.
James Adair, who lived among the Cherokees during the 1700's, was taught that the Cherokees worshiped Loak Ishto Hollo Aba. Loak is translated into exalted, holy, sacred, etc. Ishto Hollo means fire. And Aba meant father (this word was not applicable to one's own father, only to the Great Spirit). This being was said to live above the clouds, therefore being the Great Holy Father who lives in the Heavens.

Despite Euro American religious ministrations, Traditional Cherokee religious beliefs are still alive among many Cherokee, including some of those who have converted to Christianity.
"No we do not worship the eagle or thunder bird. We worship God, the Great Spirit, Creator or any other word a tribe may have for God. We respect and honor the spirits of all animals and all things. We respect and honor mother Earth. Beyond that, it depends upon the tribe, and what time frame you are speaking about." - Unknown

An old Cherokee told his grandson,
 "My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all.
    One is Evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego.
The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth."
The young boy thought about it and asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
The old Indian quietly answered, "The one you feed."

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Festival of Chaitra

Chaitra is the first month of the Hindu calendar year.

In India's national civil calendar Chaitra is the first month of the year while it is the last month of the year in Nepali calendar where Baisakh is the first month. With the calendar reforms, it coincides with the northern spring equinox on March 20.

In the more traditional reckoning, the first month commences in March or April of the Gregorian Calendar, depending upon whether the lunar or solar system is used. There is no fixed date in Gregorian calendar for 1st day of Chaitra, i.e., the beginning of the Hindu New Year.

It is the last month in the Bengali calendars (the Bônggabdo), where it is called Choitro (Bengali: চৈত্র). It commences in mid-March. It is also the last month in the Nepalese calendar (the Bikram Sambat), where it commences in mid-March. Chitterai is the first month in the Tamil calendar and starts in mid-April. In the Vaishnava calendar, Vishnu governs this month.

According to the Sloka Chaturvarga Chintamani, Lord Brahma created the universe on the first day of Shukla paksha (first fortnight / first half of the month) in the month of Chaitra. He also gradually included planets, stars, ruthu (seasons) and rains. In this month, the fifteen days in Shukla paksha are dedicated to fifteen deities. Each day of the month is dedicated to a different god.

Thoughts of a Buddhist

"You control your future, your destiny. What you think about comes about. By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands – your own." – Mark Victor Hansen


Hong Kong Grand Buddha

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Commonly Asked Questions About 'Who's ? Right'

What Is The Overall Theme Of The Book?
The book is non-fiction. The theme is a combination of historical, religious and eschatological ideals.  

It is a subject that holds much mystery, dives into the unknown and conducts a basic study into unanswered questions. There are more than 6,000 years of world history, including religious affiliations and histories, as well as the ‘future predictions’ of the prophets and their forecasts. 

As we enter 2012, the cries of an imminent ‘apocalyptic end of the world’ run rampant throughout our planet. While many believe the end is near, and others feel it is just a hoax, it remains a subject that is widely recognized.

What Makes This Book Different From Others Like It?
Through much research, I have expanded on the theories of an ‘end of the world’ scenario by letting the reader assimilate many of their own conclusions, including: where mankind came from; how history has played a major role in shaping our modern world; and, expounded upon the prophets and what they predicted for the ‘end of the world’. Many quotes, charts, and other literature relevant to the book’s overall theme have been included as well.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Death and Resurrection

6 April 2012
Is it an extraordinary coincidence that the Christian's Easter and the Jewish Passover coincide? While one celebrates the death and resurrection of their Savior, the  other commemorates the promised continuity of their nation. Yet is this not indictive of the prophet Jesus and what he stood for?

The Hebrew nation experienced the death of their old life of bondage and the resurrection of a new life filled with many promises. The modern Jew [descendants of the Hebrew] received the promise through their God. Likewise, the modern Christian [descendants of the Gentile] received the promise from the son of this God.

Just an interesting observation while the Christians and Jews celebrate their holidays.


Curiously, the above 'thoughts' of the author, who once intended to write a private web-blog to record and further detail the various histories and prophecies of the Holy Bible after publishing the book, Who's ? Right: Mankind, Religions & The End Times, turned into a fantastic avenue to further record the various stories about ancient mankind, their religions and the comparison of their end times beliefs. While my book touches upon all these subjects, the need to know more spurred me into literary action.  And thus was born... the Who's ? Right Blog. ~ Kelly Warman-Stallings, 17 Aug. 2020 

Monday, April 2, 2012

The ongoing question of mankind's origins have been a controversial topic since the beginning of mankind's existence. While the theory of evolution purports man has been on the Earth for tens of thousands of years, the majority of the planet believes man was created by a Greater Being; a Superior Creator. It is recorded in the Christian, Jewish and Islamic Holy Books that mankind has been around almost 6000 years.