
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Religion of the Cherokee

What gods do the Cherokee Indians worship?

Most, if not all, native Americans are spiritualist. They observe a central or great spirit and also recognize minor spirits. Supernatural and natural forces both played central roles in the original Tsalagi (Cherokee) belief system.

The earth was suspended between an Upper World and a Lower World, maintaining a balance between these spheres was central to the Cherokee religion. There is a belief in superior beings or spirits, many of whom were believed to resemble familiar animals, but others were human like. These are remembered in an elaborate system of spoken tribal mythology.
Central to religious practices is an annual cycle of festivals linked to the seasons, harvest, hunting, and all facets of life: including interpreting dreams, foretelling the future, and attempting to ferret out evil spirits, curing the sick, finding lost objects, and averting or lessening natural disasters.
James Adair, who lived among the Cherokees during the 1700's, was taught that the Cherokees worshiped Loak Ishto Hollo Aba. Loak is translated into exalted, holy, sacred, etc. Ishto Hollo means fire. And Aba meant father (this word was not applicable to one's own father, only to the Great Spirit). This being was said to live above the clouds, therefore being the Great Holy Father who lives in the Heavens.

Despite Euro American religious ministrations, Traditional Cherokee religious beliefs are still alive among many Cherokee, including some of those who have converted to Christianity.
"No we do not worship the eagle or thunder bird. We worship God, the Great Spirit, Creator or any other word a tribe may have for God. We respect and honor the spirits of all animals and all things. We respect and honor mother Earth. Beyond that, it depends upon the tribe, and what time frame you are speaking about." - Unknown

An old Cherokee told his grandson,
 "My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all.
    One is Evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego.
The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth."
The young boy thought about it and asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
The old Indian quietly answered, "The one you feed."

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