
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Commonly Asked Questions About 'Who's ? Right'

What Is The Overall Theme Of The Book?
The book is non-fiction. The theme is a combination of historical, religious and eschatological ideals.  

It is a subject that holds much mystery, dives into the unknown and conducts a basic study into unanswered questions. There are more than 6,000 years of world history, including religious affiliations and histories, as well as the ‘future predictions’ of the prophets and their forecasts. 

As we enter 2012, the cries of an imminent ‘apocalyptic end of the world’ run rampant throughout our planet. While many believe the end is near, and others feel it is just a hoax, it remains a subject that is widely recognized.

What Makes This Book Different From Others Like It?
Through much research, I have expanded on the theories of an ‘end of the world’ scenario by letting the reader assimilate many of their own conclusions, including: where mankind came from; how history has played a major role in shaping our modern world; and, expounded upon the prophets and what they predicted for the ‘end of the world’. Many quotes, charts, and other literature relevant to the book’s overall theme have been included as well.

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