
Friday, April 6, 2012

Death and Resurrection

6 April 2012
Is it an extraordinary coincidence that the Christian's Easter and the Jewish Passover coincide? While one celebrates the death and resurrection of their Savior, the  other commemorates the promised continuity of their nation. Yet is this not indictive of the prophet Jesus and what he stood for?

The Hebrew nation experienced the death of their old life of bondage and the resurrection of a new life filled with many promises. The modern Jew [descendants of the Hebrew] received the promise through their God. Likewise, the modern Christian [descendants of the Gentile] received the promise from the son of this God.

Just an interesting observation while the Christians and Jews celebrate their holidays.


Curiously, the above 'thoughts' of the author, who once intended to write a private web-blog to record and further detail the various histories and prophecies of the Holy Bible after publishing the book, Who's ? Right: Mankind, Religions & The End Times, turned into a fantastic avenue to further record the various stories about ancient mankind, their religions and the comparison of their end times beliefs. While my book touches upon all these subjects, the need to know more spurred me into literary action.  And thus was born... the Who's ? Right Blog. ~ Kelly Warman-Stallings, 17 Aug. 2020 

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