Sunday, September 3, 2017

Eclipse Warning: History Shows America Headed for Judgment

[This is an exclusive article that was found on the website,  WND]

Eclipse Warning: History Shows America Headed for Judgment

Image result for american judgment and eclipsePastor Mark Biltz explains significance of 'signs in the sky'. 

The day has finally come. Millions will look skyward as a path of darkness cuts across the entire United States for the first time in a century. 

Some wonder if the rare event has any significance beyond producing awe and wonder. 

Pastor Mark Biltz, the man who discovered the Blood Moons phenomenon and the author of the new book, God’s Day Timer, believes it does. 

“God said He created the sun, moon and stars for signs at creation,” Biltz said. “As Earth is the only place in the solar system that can witness these rare events, that’s why God filled this place with humanity. Jesus said in the Gospel of Luke that there would be signs in the sun, moon and stars at His coming. Believers who are aware and dismiss this eclipse are as Lot, who mocked the coming destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and had to be dragged out.” 

Biltz cautioned believers not to interpret the eclipse as a sure sign of the Last Days or of certain doom. He argues the reason God sends such messages to mankind is to offer a way for believers to avert judgment. 

“I do not believe that destruction is predetermined; it can be postponed, mitigated or even eliminated depending on our response to God’s message,” Biltz told WND. “I do not believe in the ‘end of the world’ scenarios others teach, as I believe humanity is here for at least another 1,000 years. I do not believe anything apocalyptic will happen during the eclipse either.” 

But what is God’s message? Biltz said history indicates judgment is on the way unless America’s Christians repent. 

“I do believe we are headed for major judgment, based on scientific and historical data tied to biblical prophecy. In Matthew 24, Jesus discusses His coming as being similar to the days of Noah and Lot. He also ties the generation that will see His coming to the restoration of the nation of Israel.

“The timing is significant. God gave Noah’s generation a 120-year warning. It just so happens this year is the 120th anniversary of the first Zionist Congress held by Theodore Herzel on August 29, 1897. It also just so happens that very day was the first of Elul, and here we have the eclipse happening at the new moon of the month of Elul, beginning the month of repentance! This year is also the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration presented on November 2, 1917, which just so happens to be the very day Noah’s flood rains began! This is also the 70th anniversary of Israel becoming a nation and the 50th anniversary of recapturing Jerusalem!” 

Biltz argues the world is going through a historic time that could presage the return of the Messiah. 

“This time of trouble is likened to birth pains,” he said. “Who can deny the travail the world is currently going through? In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 21, it mentions the generation that sees Israel born in a day, the one that is the terminal generation before Messiah comes, will also be the one to see the signs in the heavens! Here we have had the blood moons on the biblical holy days. Now we have the sun eclipsed at the beginning of the month of repentance.” 

But the eclipse isn’t the only sign on the way. On Sept. 23, on the Feast of Trumpets, or Rosh Hashanah, there will be another sign in the sky. 

“There will be a confirmation of celestial events as described in the Book of Revelation,” Biltz said. “Revelation 12: 1-2 reads: ‘A great sign was seen in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was with child. She cried out in pain, laboring to give birth.’ 

“The woman clothed with the sun is the constellation Virgo and represents the nation of Israel,” he said. “The 12 stars represent the 12 tribes of Israel. 

“Interestingly, the constellation Leo, the Lion, which is above Virgo, is made up of nine stars. The Lion represents specifically the tribe of Judah. It just so happens this year during the Days of Awe, three planets will join the constellation Leo making up 12 stars. Virgo will be clothed with the sun, and the moon will be under her feet, fulfilling this sign to precise detail!” 

Biltz further points out that the tiny nation of Israel has become a major geopolitical focus.  

“We are told Israel and Jerusalem were to become the focus of the world and it has,” Biltz said. “Jesus says when all these things are happening to look up! That is what I will be doing at the end of September! And I say if nothing happens by the end of October, then we’ve temporarily dodged a bullet – and we wait for the next Rosh Hashanah!”

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