
Sunday, February 18, 2024

Nostradamus 2024: Civil War, Bloodshed And The End Of The World

The following article was obtained through the website, Astroframe.

Nostradamus   is   famous   for   his   incredibly accurate  predictions  spanning  centuries. His forecasts are like ancient prophecies, hinting at massive global shifts.  If  you're  curious  about what he foresaw for 2024, you're in for a treat! Get   ready   to   uncover   some   mind-boggling events that are set to rock the world and change our lives forever. Buckle up, because we're about to dive into some mind-blowing predictions for 2024.

Nostradamus' predictions 2024 - 8 Things he forecasts

We hate to break it to you, but Nostradamus' predictions for 2024 aren't very positive and are indeed very scary... 

1. Civil war in the USA

It's been several years since the United States has appeared more divided than ever. In 2024, the year of presidential elections, the country is at risk of facing unprecedented instability. As debate seems impossible and violence escalates, the specter of a civil war could become a reality in 2024.

2. China's growing influence

Already in 2023, China made headlines with its geopolitical role. It appears that this quest for power and broader international collaborations continues into 2024.

3. A nuclear explosion

'For forty years, the rainbow will not appear; For forty years, it will be seen every day: The dry earth will grow drier, And great floods when it is seen.' ☠️

According to Nostradamus' predictions for 2024, a devastating nuclear explosion will cause climatic changes and significant depopulation in many European countries. This is alarming given the current global situation.

4. Escalation of climate change

More than just an intensification, Nostradamus speaks of irreversible climate changes in 2024. Temperatures keep rising, and he even mentions fish boiling in the sea and changes in humanity that won't leave traces for nearly a thousand years.

5. The end of the world

The astrologer predicted a 'celestial fire on the royal building.' This indicates a radical transformation in the world and could potentially put an end to painful things for all of us.

6. Intensification of the migration crisis

Wars and the ravages of climate change will undoubtedly intensify the migration crisis. Still, according to Nostradamus, terrorist attacks will also contribute to the surge in the number of migrants.

7. A new world order

A 'new world order' will be established. It should involve a man and a woman joining forces. The downside is that the coalition won't last very long.

8. Assassination of a world leader and the rise of another

2024 might mark the end of an important world leader. This leader could be assassinated, paving the way for peace. On the other hand, this year could witness the emergence of a great leader in Europe. A charismatic figure representing a glimmer of hope for many peoples. However, true peace would only come in 2043... A little more patience will be needed.

Nostradamus and Queen Elizabeth II - Did he predict her death? 👑

Yes, he did! According to 'The Complete Prophecies for the Future' book in which his visions were all prescribed, Nostradamus successfully predicted that Queen Elizabeth II would die around 2022, at the age of approximately 96! He also went on to reveal that Harry would be the one to take the throne after the abdication of Charles III, meaning Queen Elizabeth's death will cause major changes in the monarchy. The reason for Charles' future abdication would be, according to the predictions, his advanced age. As for William, the predictions evoke an "incapacity" that would send his brother on the throne until the young George is old enough to be king.

Who is Nostradamus?

His real name was Michael de Nôtre-Dame, and he was a French doctor and astrologer. He contributed his knowledge during the plague, famous for his prophecies in which he anticipated the future of humanity until the end of the world. Interestingly enough, he predicted the end of the world to come about in the year, 2024. He perhaps most famously also predicted the attack on the Twin Towers. For centuries and right up until nowadays, his prophecies are studied around the world and announce the events that are to come. 

Why is 2024 a crucial year for Nostradamus?

Over the years, his predictions have often been associated with important events that have occurred in the world. Indeed, many people believe that Nostradamus has predicted the future and that his predictions have proven to be accurate. According to some of his prophecies, 2024 will be a very important year. In fact, this year, he even predicted the end of the world, however, it should be noted that he didn’t specify an exact date.

British Nostradamus; Craig Hamilton-Parker announces WWIII ðŸª–

Over the years, Craig Hamilton-Parker has earned the title of the British Nostradamus thanks to his correct predictions regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. When it comes to 2024, the British Nostradamus believes that an accident will trigger the beginning of World War III . He predicts that the bloodshed will begin in Taiwan because of the conflicts with China. In fact, he believes that the incidents will be triggered by the collision of two planes or submarines. He goes on to say, "I think we're going to get an accidental conflict in some respects because we're going to have something like a freak collision or incident". He adds that the incident will be so serious and even more so than the war in Ukraine. Hamilton-Parker also foresees Russia siding with China and therefore creating more conflict within the world.


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