
Saturday, October 22, 2022

The Primacy of Peter: Vatican to Host Debate in November, 2022

The following article was obtained through News 360 and written by Daniel Stewart.

Vatican to host a debate at St. Peter’s in November between three Protestant, Orthodox and Catholic theologians

On November 22, the Vatican will host a debate in St. Peter's Basilica between a Catholic, a Protestant and an Orthodox theologian on the primacy of Peter, that is, on the primacy of the Bishop of Rome over all Christian confessions.

St. Peter's Square - Evandro Inetti/ZUMA Press Wire/d / DPA© Provided by News 360

Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Culture, has been the main promoter of the discussions on the theme 'On this rock I will build my Church'. This theological debate is part of a new series of conferences on the figure of the Apostle Peter in history, art and culture that will take place in the basilica starting next Tuesday, October 25, and will conclude in March 2023.

One of the main knots of the ecumenical dialogue, that is, to achieve unity between Orthodox Christians, Protestants and the Catholic Church, has been the question of the primacy of Rome and the role of the Bishop of Rome. Ravasi stressed that the new cycle of conferences is not only for believers who want to find the reason for the hope that is in them, but also aims to reach out to non-Catholics.

As he pointed out in this regard, the Italian Baroque master Gian Lorenzo Bernini - who was the architect of St. Peter's Basilica - imagined the colonnade of the basilica as "two great arms that could embrace not only Catholics from all over the world, but also heretics or those of other faiths".

Ravasi founded the Courtyard of the Gentiles foundation within the Vatican's Dicastery for Culture and Education to promote dialogue between believers and non-believers through events, debates and research. This foundation is also one of the organizers of the new cycle of conferences together with the Fratelli Tutti Foundation, founded by Pope Francis in December 2021.

The two conferences planned for 2023 will focus on a "more cultural dimension" of the Apostle Peter, Ravasi explained. The Jan. 17 conference will look at the figure of St. Peter in history and culture, and the March 7 conference, titled 'Quo vadis,' will examine how Peter has been depicted in art, literature, music and film.


The following article was obtained through Vatican News and written by Deborah Castellano Lubov.

Vatican to host 'Lectio Petri' events to explore St. Peter's legacy

The Holy See Press Office hosts Cardinals Ravasi and Gambetti to showcase the 'Lectio Petri: The Apostle Peter in History, Arts and Culture' initiative, which runs through the Spring of 2023.

The Vatican is set to host 'Lectio Petri: The Apostle Peter in History, Arts and Culture,' a series of meetings on the life and ministry of the saint, open to the public in St. Peter's Basilica.

This new project was presented on Thursday in the Holy See Press Office by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, President Emeritus of the former Pontifical Council for Culture and founder of the Courtyard of the Gentiles, and Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, Vicar General for His Holiness for Vatican City, Archpriest of St. Peter's Basilica, and President of the Fabric of Saint Peter.

The series consists of four encounters, in the evocative setting of the Vatican Basilica and with an unprecedented and original format, to explore the life and Ministry of the Apostle Peter in history, arts and culture.

The project is being organized by the Basilica, the Fratelli tutti Foundation and the Courtyard of the Gentiles.

St. Peter, 'fascinating and complex figure'

During Thursday's Press Conference, Cardinal Ravasi emphasized the current revelance of Saint Peter.

“Peter is a fascinating and complex figure, also narrated in the Gospels, with his weaknesses and frailties. His story is studded with different moments, we could almost call them 'phases', the same that a believer might go through today: vocation, crisis - resulting in betrayal - and then conversion and final rehabilitation.”

The Cardinal, who just turned 80 this week, explained that Peter is "a somewhat modern character," who deserves to be explored in depth and is relevant to contemporary times.

"He was a mediator between the Judeo-Christian and pagan Churches and, according to the Apostle Paul, he was the first official witness of Christ's resurrection, impacting not only the Catholic faith and tradition."

Cardinal Ravasi (L) and Cardinal Gambetti (C) at the Holy See Press Office

Enlightening the face of 'our' Church

Likewise, Cardinal Gambetti described the programme as worthwhile.

"We look at the first of the Apostles with gratitude and reverence," he reflected, "for crossing the Mediterranean and arriving in Rome, in the city that the poet Tibullus called 'eternal,' and bearing witness to his love for Jesus."

"Peter," continued the President of the Fabric of St. Peter, "followed the Master, becoming like Him in every way."

This inheritance, he suggested, "is seamlessly duplicated by the Apostolic Tradition to this day."

“In the light of Peter's faith, we want to enlighten the face of 'our' Church and better understand the Way that the Magisterium points out to all peoples in this Third Millennium", from the Second Vatican Council to Pope Francis.”

Four encounters

The first appointment will be hosted by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, on Tuesday, 25 October, at 6:30 p.m. Rome time, in the Basilica.

For the meeting entitled, "The life of St. Peter. The following, the tears and the martyrdom,' Cardinal Ravasi will propose a reflection and some comments on some of the most significant Gospel passages concerning the Apostle and his vocation.

On Tuesday, 22 November, a Catholic, a Protestant and an Orthodox theologian will debate together on the theme of the Primacy of Peter, at an event entitled "On this rock, I will build my Church”.

The third appointment, called "Accounting for the Hope that is in us", is scheduled for Tuesday, 17 January 2023, and dedicated to an in-depth analysis of the figure of the Saint in history and culture.

Cardinal Ravasi will comment on the two Letters of Peter and some passages from Pliny's Letter, one of the oldest sources describing the life of the early Christians.

Professor Giuliano Amato, President of the Courtyard of the Gentiles Foundation, will conclude the meeting with a reflection on the relationship between faith and society.

Finally, the last Lectio Petri event, "Quo vadis," is scheduled for 7 March.

With the participation with prominent personalities from the world of culture, it will analyse the figure of Peter in arts, literature and music.

The Courtyard of the Gentiles is a structure of the Dicastery for Culture and Education, founded by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi to promote dialogue between believers and non-believers.

Through events, meetings, debates, research and opportunities for sharing, the Courtyard of the Gentiles has established itself as a meeting place for leading figures from secular and Catholic cultures, on issues and challenges affecting contemporary society - such as ethics, legality, science, faith, sport, art, youth and new technologies.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Who Is Amenadiel?

The following article was obtained through the website, Meredith Gould.

Who is Amenadiel in the Bible: The Truth about Him (Summary)                                      December 26, 2021 | Meredith Gould

Amenadiel in the Bible

Who is Amenadiel in the Bible? When the popular TV series Lucifer started airing, many people asked one of the questions, “who is Amenadiel?” For many people who have read the entire Bible several times, the name Amenadiel does not appear.

However, judging from his character in the Lucifer movie, some people began to think they missed something. Other people think that Amenadiel does not exist, and he might be nothing more than a fictional character.

Who is Amenadiel

There is no mention of who Amenadiel is in the Bible. However, some scholars believe that Amenadiel was a powerful angel in Heaven who God trusted. Along the line, this angel disobeyed God, and he was sent away from Heaven.

One theological theory suggests that Amenadiel is an air spirit that has the combination of Angels Michael and Gabriel’s powers. Therefore, this spirit could exist both in Heaven and on Earth.

Other theories that answer the question “who is Amenadiel in the Bible?” infer that he is the brother of Lucifer because they have similar powers. However, this cannot be proven accurate because the Bible does not mention him.

Also, other sources infer that Amenadiel was God’s first son. He carried out some critical assignments, like giving Cain the brother of Abel, a permanent and conspicuous mark of a fugitive.

What does the Book of Enoch say about Angel Amenadiel

The Book of Enoch is an old text in Judaism that talks more about the spiritual realm, the heavenly angels, the fallen angels, etc. According to this Judaic text, angel Amenadiel was one of God’s favorites in Heaven. However, he became selfish and narcissistic, wanting to establish a kingdom to be the supreme leader.

He was tired of being controlled or supervised by his father, God. Amenadiel’s plans didn’t pan out well because Angel Michael defeated him. Also, he was sent to Hell with other angels who conspired with him.

What does the TV series “Lucifer” say about Angel Amenadiel

The storyline of the Lucifer TV series bears no semblance to what the Book of Enoch says about Angel Amenadiel. According to the TV series, Amenadiel is a Seraph who radiated love and light. He was a very powerful angel, superior to several angels. He was also described as a committed servant, having powerful warrior skills that made him quintessential in God’s kingdom.

In the Lucifer TV series, Amenadiel was tasked with important tasks like planting a significant mark on Cain so that anyone who sees the symbol would label him as a fugitive. Also, according to God’s orders, he took his mother, Goddess, to Hell.

Amenadiel was also instructed to bring Lucifer back to Hell because the latter would leave Hell and spend several years on Earth. This was a tough assignment because Lucifer employed different strategies to frustrate Amenadiel’s plans.

Some key qualities of Amenadiel

He is a powerful warrior

One of the attributes that make Amenadiel stand out is his warrior abilities. According to the TV series Lucifer, Amenadiel was one of the most powerful beings alongside Lucifer. He also carries out the will of God without fear or favor. This is why he has faced different dangerous demons and powers.

In the Bible, the angel who matches this description is Archangel Michael. This is why some schools of thought in Christianity think that the answer to the question who is Amenadiel could be found in the answer: Angel Michael.

He is loyal

Another quality that makes Amenadiel stand out is his loyalty. As seen in the series, he mentioned how he felt God would be disappointed in him because he had not fulfilled his assignment.

While he tried convincing Lucifer to go back to Hell, his loyalty to God remained. Amenadiel understood that since God gave him critical assignments, because he was a trusted angel. Therefore, he did not want to disappoint God.

Who is Amenadiel in Bible?

The name, Amenadiel, is not mentioned in the Bible. This is one of the reasons why some sources feel it is a fictional character. In other holy books, Amenadiel is not mentioned. Therefore, it is correct to say that his existence does not matter to our salvation.

Is Amenadiel an angel or demon?

Some sources claim that Amenadiel was first an angel, who later became a demon after he disobeyed God. Other sources claim that even after Amenadiel fell out of God’s favor, he remained an angel. In the TV series Lucifer, Amenadiel didn’t become a demon even after he lost his powers temporarily.

Who are the 7 Fallen Angels?

The Bible mentions Lucifer as the main fallen angel, who was expelled out of Heaven because he revolted against God. However, different theologists and sources have come up with the names of other fallen angels, which are not referenced in the Bible.

Lucifer, Mammon, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Satan, and Belphegor are these seven fallen angels. In comparison, the book of Enoch lists the 7 fallen angels as Jeqon, Asbeel, Kasdeja, Samjaza, Penemue, Gadreel and Kasbeel

Who is Lucifer’s brother?

The Bible gives no record of Lucifer having a brother. But other sources claim that Amenadiel is the older brother of Lucifer. In the Tv series, Lucifer severally calls Amenadiel, his brother. Also, when Michael arrives later in the series, we learn that he is also Lucifer’s brother. There is no trusted or precise source that tells us if Lucifer had brothers or not.


Amenadiel became more popular when the Lucifer TV series began to air. Hence, different questions have emerged on Who is Amenadiel and if he is mentioned in the Bible. It is important to mention that Amenadiel does not exist in the Bible, as there are no references to him.

Whether this angel exists or not, believers are advised to be careful when researching some unfamiliar names.

This is important to avoid falling into error and idolatry. Some of the knowledge beyond our scope as humans might not be necessary for us because they have little or no ties to our salvation.


The following article was obtained through Astrofame

If you know a little about the Bible, angels, or have even watched Lucifer the Netflix series, the name Amenadiel may already ring a bell for you. Although, the same probably can’t be said about his backstory and origins, which are somewhat mysterious. We’re here to reveal where he came from, who he is, and why you definitely need to learn all about him.

Amenadiel was the first angel that God created

Amenadiel was the first angel to exist, so he is the oldest and most respected of them all. *Satan and Lucifer, who were also angels created by God, are therefore Amenadiel's brothers, however, the trio eventually went on to tear each other apart over the years and form the course of history that we are fairly familiar with.

Amenadiel Angel - He is known as the Fallen Angel

According to the Catholic Church, all angels were created to be good, but some unfortunately become evil and turned against their creator. In the beginning, God had created three archangels: Lucifer, Michael, and Gabriel, each leading a third of the *72 angels. With the complicity of his angels, Lucifer led the revolt against God and looked for revenge. He was a rebellious angel, who had always sought to dethrone God, and he therefore ended up being cast out of heaven and *lost his wings in the process. During the revolt, Amenadiel first sided with his father and then fought to overthrow God's power. This is what earned him his status as a fallen angel.

Whilst Lucifer was angry, and began reigning over the world of the dead, he vowed to take revenge at any cost and to do everything to drag his father down. During this time, his brother Amenadiel angel remained loyal to *his parents, completely abandoning his brother and even turning his back on him. Lucifer decided to lead the revolt and converted many angels to his cause. He tried to make God his father fall and above all to prove to him that men, whom he venerated so much, were in reality not worthy of his love. Faced with such a revolt, Amenadiel did not know whose side to take. Legend has it that his lust and jealousy for his father blinded him and that he too secretly took part in the battle to overthrow the divine power, therefore becoming a fallen angel.

Amenadiel Bible - The truth about this angel

Amenadiel cannot be found in the Bible, as there is no information about him, although there are ancient Judaic and Christian texts that mention him. The Bible contains little information about the angelic kingdom, so the fact that he is not in the Bible does not mean that he does not exist.

That being said, two ancient texts contain information about who Amenadiel might be, and one more recent than the other:


*Theurgia-Goetia is a book on magic, and it is an anonymous text written in the seventeenth century, yet it is one of the most important texts that deals of demons in Christianity. In this text, Amenadiel angel is known as the "King of the East", commander of more than 1000 dukes, and numerous lower spirits. Here, the fallen angel is described as a demon of day and night, with a prominent black aura.

The Book of Enoch

The Book of Enoch is an ancient Judaic text that reveals much information about the divine realm and the angelic hierarchy. It contains information about the fallen angel, who is described as a rebel, who wants to create a new kingdom without his father God. According to this ancient text, Amenadiel was defeated by the archangel Michael and sent to hell with other angels who participated in the revolt (the angel Sariel and Remiel are also considered the most powerful fallen angels).


Commentary by Who's ? Right Blog

> According to the Christian Bible and Hebrew Tanakh, Satan and Lucifer are the same angel, not two separate angels.

> No religious literature states there are exactly 72 angels. The Christian Bible comments, "But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels...  Hebrews 12:22 (NASB)

> Likewise, there is no record of "angels having wings". It is an artistic expression created by mankind during the Middle Ages.

> "his parents"... mankind has never properly proven that a female god, or even a female angel, was ever created.

> The Theurgia-Goetia refers to "spirits" not "angels". According to an analysis by Morina Ravenberg, an occult blogger, the following speaks volumes, but has no factual data to back it up when it comes to defining "angels"...“The office of these Spirits is all one, for what one can do the others can do the same, they can show & discover all things that are hidden, and done in the world & can fetch & carry & do any thing that is to be done or contained in any of the 4 Elements, Fire, Air, Earth or Water, & also the secrets of Kings or any other persons or person, let it be in what kind it will. These are by nature good & evil, that is the one part is good & the other part is Evil, they are governed by their Princes, & each Prince hath his abode in the points of the Compass, therefore when you have a desire to call any of the Princes or any of their servants, you are to direct yourself towards that point of the Compass the King or Prince has his mansion or place of Abode, & you cannot well err in your operations, note every Prince is to have his Conjuration, yet all of one form, excepting the name and place of the Spirit for in that they must change & differ, also the seals of the Spirits are to be changed accordingly”.

> While the Book of Enoch mentions Amenadiel as a fallen angel, revolting against God and being evicted from Heaven by the archangel, Michael, no other information is available about him in the ancient book.