
Tuesday, April 20, 2021

When the righteous cry for help

The following article was obtained through the American Family Association website and is a personal note from Tim Wildmon, President.

Dear friend,

Do you ever wish you lived in Mayberry? You know, the America of The Andy Griffith Show where nobody locked their doors, and every conflict and situation turned out "happily ever after." It's a nice thought, but if Scripture teaches us anything, it's that Mayberry is a fantasy; spiritual warfare is a reality. All we have to do is follow the daily news to know that Satan is relentlessly working to destroy what's left of Christian America.

And it's going to get worse before it gets better, especially for those who yearn to see our nation return to God.

At the center of the struggle that we are all experiencing right now, I am convinced that for the purpose of refining the faithfulness of His people, God is testing Christians in America. We see that pattern in Scripture, and we see it in our nation now.

As in the Old Testament, He is asking if we are content to live as slaves of a godless pharaoh, or if will we trust Him at any cost and live as free, obedient sons and daughters of the Savior King.

I believe the coming months and years are going to be difficult and often disheartening. Radical leftists are firmly in charge of our national political institutions and have declared open season on Christians and conservatives. Consider these comments from some well- known and influential "progressives." 
  • Reza Aslan, a scholar and author who frequently writes about politics for the mainstream media in the U.S. and Europe, said that all supporters of former President Donald Trump "are by definition white nationalist terror supporters" and that "this evil, racist scourge must be eradicated from society."
  • Washington Post associate editor Eugene Robinson said on MSNBC that "millions of Americans" who supported Trump were like members of a cult who needed "to be deprogrammed." 
  • Max Boot, a global affairs analyst for CNN and columnist for the Washington Post, said cable companies like Comcast should treat Fox News and other conservative media outlets like "domestic terrorists … who radicalize people and set them on the path toward violence and sedition." Such conservative outlets, Boot said, should be removed from television if they don't start promoting "impartiality and accuracy" in their news. 
  • PBS business affairs principal counsel Michael Beller said prior to the November 3 election that, if Joe Biden were to win, the Department of Homeland Security should locate Republican voters and "take their children away," then put the adults "in reeducation camps." 
No doubt, Satan is escalating his war against Christians and conservatives in America. However, I pledge to you that AFA will not shrink from its call to resist his evil army and proclaim that our nation will be free and prosperous only when we look to God as our hope and rescuer. Because God has shown us that as His people come to the end of themselves and cry out, He hears and answers their prayers. Psalm 34:17 (ESV) expresses God's often-repeated promise:   
"When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles."  
Sincerely, Tim Wildmon, President                      American Family Association                       


Many will read this above missive and wonder...
Who's ? Right 

Yet, no proper answer will be suitable to those who 
who do not understand the signs of the End Times.

 "Nevertheless, the righteous will hold to their ways, and those with clean hands will grow stronger." ~ Job 17:9 ~

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