
Thursday, November 26, 2020

Bible Prophecy Being Fulfilled in 2020

Top Five Prophecies Fulfilled in 2020

(OPINION) PNW – Nov 20, 2020 – There has been a lot of events that have transpired over the past year and here are the top ten events that have taken place to accelerate us closer to the fulfillment of all things foretold.     

1) The Decline of America. There is really no end-time power in the Bible other than a Revived Roman Empire from which the Antichrist will headquarter. Thus, prophecy watchers have always known America must decline. This year we have watched capitalism come under attack and socialism and globalism be heralded. Some progressive but deluded political leaders are even hailing Marxism, including many on the Biden team.

2) The Rise of Lawlessness, Anarchy and Spirit of Antichrist. We see unbridled lawlessness in Matthew 24 and parts of Revelation, although the context of both is the Tribulation. So once again, we see Tribulation events casting a long shadow on the Church Age. Here in America, literally “all hell is breaking loose” and our Republic and rule of law are disintegrating right before our eyes! At the root of this is the spirit of the Antichrist.

3) Peace Efforts in the Middle East. We can debate the practicality of these events and should America and Europe even intrude on Israel with peace efforts? Nonetheless, they are setting the stage for peace deals proposed by the Antichrist. And, the year is not over, so more peace efforts may take place before year-end. But, I am reminded of the haunting words in Jeremiah 6:14: “Saying peace, peace, when there is no peace.”

4) Increasing Attacks on Christians, Christianity, Churches, etc. Thanks to Covid-19, churches, and Christianity in general, became gross inconveniences in 2020. Churches were either shut down or marginalized starting in March. Christians in America were harassed and even arrested for wishing to just practice their faith and meet for worship. Believers in the Mideast and Africa were slaughtered by the thousands. Jesus said a day was coming when we would be hated for His Name’s sake (Matt. 10:22).

5) Growing Apostasy and Wolves Among the Flock. Sound biblical preaching is fading with a rise in the love for experience, emotion, and unsound doctrine. There is even the love of the “doctrine of demons” (I Timothy 4:1). The New Apostolic Reformation continues to surge. A new, but very false teaching in both churches and seminaries, is the Marxist Critical Race Theory. At the same time, Bible prophecy has vanished from most pulpits, as well as support for Israel. 

Article was obtained through End Times Ministries.


2020 Prophecies Fulfilled — Almost Fulfilled — & Still to Come                                   (June 15, 2020 * Elizabeth Marie)

Fulfilled…. or…. In the Process of Being Fulfilled:
  • A testing and purging of the Church (churches that were locked-down/ restricted).
  • Judgment on the church as she follows another (Churches going ecumenical).
  • It will be a year like no other (whole world on ‘lock-down’).
  • Wickedness will abound like never before (we are seeing an increase of wicked lawlessness).
  • It will become like ‘hell here on earth’ as we start seeing the ‘gates of hell’ being unleashed (violent crime).
  • Times of ‘natural disasters being precipitated by man’ (the virus).
  • Time of fire (cities burning).
  • Great darkness….. spiritually speaking, this is already here upon the world.
Not Fulfilled Yet:


You will have to make some important decisions this year….. NOT taking the mark, possibly?

Deciding HOW to get ready for what is coming.

Deciding if you need to move to a safer or more isolated area.

Time of WAR (civil war/ war with foreign nation/s or both).

Great DARKNESS coming — Electricity being turned off.

PERSECUTION and CAPTIVITY coming in many forms.

Article was obtained through His Kingdom Prophecy


20 Prophetic Items to Watch in 2020                                                                                      
In Mark 13:37 and Luke 21:36, Jesus tells His followers to watch world events that will precede His coming. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel goes over 19 items he said in 2018 to watch in 2019 and pointed out events that were related to them. Dr. Thiel goes through the following list of items to watch in 2020:
  1. Scoffers and the Modern Media 
  2. Morality Prophecies Being Fulfilled Daily (Sodom and Gomorrah) 
  3. Internet Censorship 
  4. Weather Sorrows and Troubles 
  5. Earthquakes 
  6. The White Horse of the Apocalypse (Pope Francis, Vatican, Ecumenical Movement) 
  7. Strife and the Red Horse of War
  8. Trade 
  9. The Deal of Daniel 9:27 (Donald Trump, Palestinians) 
  10. Knowledge Increasing (5G) 
  11. Debt 
  12. US Dollar Dominance will Decrease (Instex) 
  13. Cash, 666 (Legal Entity Identifier), & Gold (Russia, China, Romania, Poland) 
  14. Europe Will Work to Reorganize 
  15. Europe Will Have a Great Army (Ursula von der Leyen) 
  16. Steps Towards the Formation of the King of the South Will Occur 
  17. The Time of the Gentiles will Lead to Armageddon (Belt and Road Initiative) 
  18. Jews Ready to Sacrifice
  19. Fulfillment of Matthew 24:14 & 28:19-20 (Gospel of the Kingdom and the Short Work) 
  20. 2020 Presidential election. 
Dr. Thiel goes over prophetic scriptures (in 2 Timothy, Habakkuk, Amos, Daniel, Matthew, Mark, Romans, Revelation, Isaiah, 2 Corinthians, Psalms), including those that must be fulfilled before the start of the Great Tribulation as well as others that also need to be fulfilled before Jesus returns.

A written article of related interest is also available titled "20 items to prophetically watch in 2020" URL:

Article was obtained through the website, Bible News Prophecy Radio

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