
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Prophecies of a Bulgarian Prophetess (Baba Vanga)


Image result for baba vangaBaba Vanga (Bulgarian: баба Ванга) (31 January 1911–11 August 1996), born Vangeliya Pandeva Dimitrova (Вангелия Пандева Димитрова), known after her marriage as Vangelia Gushterova (Вангелия Гущерова), was a blind Bulgarian mystic, clairvoyant, and herbalist, who spent most of her life in the Rupite area in the Kozhuh mountains Bulgaria. Millions of people around the world were convinced that she possessed paranormal abilities. 
Vanga was illiterate or semi-literate. She did not write any books herself. What she said or allegedly said had been captured by staff members. Later numerous esoteric books on Vanga's life and predictions were written.  

Vanga claimed that her extraordinary abilities had something to do with the presence of invisible creatures, but she could not clearly explain their origin. She said that those creatures gave her information about people, which she could not transmit to them, because distance and time did not matter. According to Vanga, the life of everyone standing in front of her was like a film to her from birth until death. But changing "what was written on the generation" was beyond her power.   

However, according to close friends, Vanga was not the type to voice predictions she saw if they were catastrophic because she knew that chaos that would ensue around those she told. Witnesses and close friends also claim that she never made such prophecies, and in fact when asked claimed that there will be no World War III. Nevertheless, after North Korea — a nuclear nation — attacked South Korea on 23 November 2010, there was a spike in internet interest about Vanga concerning this alleged prophecy. 

Vanga purportedly predicted another 'realm of being,' claiming that entire cultures would begin to spread through a 'false world.' She claimed that in 2003, any person would be able to think in synchronicity with others, allowing for a form of secondary existence. 2003 marked the year of release of the game Second Life, in which an account holder can make an avatar and engage in social interaction with others. Many believe this to be the secondary 'realm of being' that Vanga spoke of.  

Vanga attempted to prophesy about newborn or unborn children. She said that she was "seeing" and "talking" to people, who had died hundreds of years ago. Vanga talked about the future, although she did not like to. In her words, in 200 years men will make contact with brothers in mind from other worlds. She said that many aliens have been living on the earth for years. They came from the planet, which in their language is called Vamfim, and is the third planet from the Earth.  

Followers of Vanga believe that she predicted the precise date of her own death, dreaming that she would die on 11 August, and be buried on 13 August. Shortly before that she had said that a ten-year-old blind girl living in France was to inherit her gift, and that people would soon hear about her.[citation needed]   

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Vanga reached news headlines after predicting, in 1989, what many interpret to be the 9/11 terror attacks.
"Horror, horror! The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing."— Predicted in 1989 by Baba Vanga
Vanga predicted that the 44th President of the United States will be African American, and the last US president. Other of her predictions include that Europe will be transformed into an Islamic caliphate and the transformation will be complete in the year 2043, that communism will return to Europe and the rest of the world in 2076 and that there will be a war on Mars in 3005. Due to the subjective nature of many predictions, many remain skeptical.  

During World War II, Vanga attracted believers in her ability to heal and soothsay –a number of people visited her, hoping to get a hint about whether their relatives were alive, or seeking for the place where they died. On 8 April 1942 the Bulgarian Tzar, Boris III, visited her.   

She continued to be visited by dignitaries and commoners. After the Second World War, Bulgarian politicians and leaders from different Soviet Republics, even Leonid Brezhnev, sought her counsel; in the 1990s, a church was built in Rupite by Bogdan Tomalevski with money left by her visitors. Vanga died on 11 August 1996 from breast cancer. Her funeral attracted large crowds, including many dignitaries. Fulfilling Vanga's last will and testament, her Petrich house was turned into a museum, which opened its doors for visitors on 5 May 2008.
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Here are 13 predictions that the Prophetess Baba Vanga made for 2016 and beyond:
1 - Barack Obama will be the last president of the US: Baba Vanga had predicted that the 44th US president would be an African American, but she had also added that he would be the last one. According to her, he would leave office at a time when the country would be in economic ruins, and there would be a huge divide between the northern and southern states – as was the case during the American Civil War.

2 - Europe will cease to exist: According to Baba Vanga, the continent will cease to exist by 2016, and all that would remain will be empty spaces and wasteland, nearly devoid of any form of life. She is reported to have said that chemical weapons would be used by extremists against Europe.

3 - Muslims will invade Europe: The blind mystic had also predicted that Muslims will invade Europe, and there will be widespread destruction by extremists, which will go on for many years, until the continent ceases to exist. She had also predicted that a Great Muslim War will begin in Syria. 

4 - China will become the new super power: As per her predictions, China is set to become the new superpower in 2018, bringing an end to the United States and its economy. According to her, the exploiters (the developed nations) will become the exploited (the third world). In 2011, the International Monetary Fund had also predicted that China’s economy will overtake that of the US in 2016, emerging as the new superpower. 

5 - Hunger eradication: Baba Vanga has predicted that hunger will get eradicated sometime between 2025 and 2028.

6 - On to Venus: Humans will travel to Venus, according to the Baba, in search of new energy sources. They might even set up a colony there.

7 - Rome as the capital of the Islamic caliphate: Islam will finish invading the whole of Europe by 2043, and Rome will be the capital of the new caliphate.

8 - Ice caps melting: According to the Baba, ice caps will melt by 2045. The rate at which the ice caps are melting already due to global warming, does seem to suggest the same. 

9 - Cloning of organs: As per Baba Vanga’s predictions, body organs will be cloned in 2046, and that would be the easiest method of treatment. 

10 - US attacking Muslim dominated Europe: By 2066, the US will attack Muslim dominated Europe using climate change weapon, and will try to retake Rome and bring back Christianity.

11 - The return of Communism: By 2076, communism will return to Europe and the rest of the world. 

12 - Underwater civilisations: By 2130, civilizations will learn how to live under water, with the help of aliens. 

13 - The death of the Earth: By 3797, everything on Earth will cease to exist. However, humans will be advanced enough to move to a new star system.

Related Articles:

Prophecies of Baba Vanga
So what else did Baba Vanga predict?
Europe will be gone by 2016 - All the prophecies by Bulgarian Prophetess Vanga

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