
Sunday, April 3, 2016

Joel C. Rosenberg: Biblical Prophecy and Russia

Russia's New Alliance: Biblical Prophecy Coming to Life?
10-04-2015 CBN News

Many Christians believe Russia plays a major role in biblical prophecy about the end times.

CBN News spoke by phone with best-selling author Joel Rosenberg about Russia's big move into the Middle East and what it might mean for Israel.

Rosenberg refers to the book of Ezekiel and prophecies that involve an alliance of Russia, Syria, and Iran all aligned against Israel.

He told CBN News that for the first time in 2,500 years that scenario is a reality. He is quick, however, to downplay whether biblical prophecy is in fact being fulfilled with these recent developments.

He also blamed the Obama administration for leaving a huge vacuum in the Middle East, which has allowed Russia to move in.

Rosenberg had much more to say about the future of Israel and how Christians can stand up for the Jewish state. Click play to listen to the entire interview.

Russia's New Alliance: Biblical Prophecy Coming to Life? (Joel Rosenberg)


Where Are We on the End Times Timetable?
01-01-2016 CBN News
JERUSALEM, Israel -- The recent Russian moves in Syria have many Christians asking, "Where are we in God's End Times timetable?"

CBN Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell discussed the issue with author and Middle East expert Joel Rosenberg in Jerusalem this week. 

Click play to hear what Rosenberg told us about the book of Ezekiel, how world leaders are reacting to events in light of the Bible, and how Christians should be looking at seeming apocalyptic scenarios.

*Originally published Nov. 6, 2015.

Where Are We on the End Times Timetable? (Joel Rosenberg)


Where Are We on the End Times Timetable?
01-05-2016  Jessilyn Justice (Charisma News)

Joel C. Rosenberg talks about Russia's military action in Syria. (CBN)

The presence of Russia in Syria reverberates end-times prophecies, says author Joel C. Rosenberg, and much of that lays at the feet of the Americans. 

"We are watching a catastrophic capitulation by the American government in the Middle East," Rosenberg says. "It was bedrock U.S. foreign policy for six, seven decades to keep the Russians out of the Middle East. Yet President Obama and his administration have surrendered—surrendered. We have withdrawn, we have surrendered, we have ceded the playing field to Vladimir Putin, who is a czar rising." 

Putin's military freedom "just a few miles north of Israel" has devastating consequences for the region. Rosenberg draws parallels between Russia's military action and the foretold war of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel.

Is Russia Fulfilling Prophecy in Syria? (Joel Rosenberg)


Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog - With Russian & Iranian forces now engaged in combat in Syria, people are asking, “What is the War of Gog & Magog?” Here’s the answer.

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