
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Countdown to Armageddon

The majority of Holy Books around the world describe an "End of the World" scenario that will result in the an apocalyptic war between good and evil. The Christians, Jews and Muslims all have various theories on the subject, yet most religious denominations agree upon the following signs that will herald in the Christian's "End Times", the Jews "End of an Age" and the Muslim's "Last Days".

Signs of Armageddon

Disease - increase in diseases has more than tripled in the last 100 years. In the last 50 years alone the following inflictions have came upon mankind - HIV/AIDS, Ebola and Marburg Viruses, Monkeypox, Mad Cow (BSE), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Zika Virus, West Nile Virus, Avian Influenza, Whooping Cough, just to name a few. The following are considered the worst diseases in the history of mankind:
  1. Smallpox (c/430 B.C.-1979) - killed more than 300 million people worldwide in the 20th century alone.
  2. Typhus (c/430 B.C. - present) - killed 3 million people between 1918 and 1922, and noted for killing the majority of Napoleon's soldiers in the early 1800s.
  3. Black Death (1340 A.D. - 1771 A.D.) - worse disease in human history; killed between 75-200 million people worldwide during this era in history.
  4. Malaria (1600 A.D. - present) - this disease, that appeared in the 17th Century, has been an ongoing problem and kills about an estimated 2 million people per year.
  5. Cholera (1817 A.D. - present) - since the early 19th Century there have been eight (8) different pandemics to hit the planet, claiming hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide.
  6. Spanish Flu (1918 A.D. - 1920 A.D.) - one of the worst influenza outbreaks in history, this disease killed 50 to 100 million people worldwide in less than 2 years during the early 20th Century.
  7. HIV/AIDS (1981 A.D. - present) - this disease came onto the scene in the latter part of the 20th Century and to date has killed over 25 million people worldwide.


Famine & Drought - since antediluvian times droughts have had far-reaching effects on humankind by causing the failure of crops, decreasing natural vegetation, and depleting water supplies. Livestock and wildlife, as well as humans, have died of thirst and famine; large land areas often suffer damage from dust storms or fire. 

> Droughts are unusually long periods of insufficient rainfall.
> Famines are extreme shortages of food that cause people to die of starvation.

Over many milennia, famine and drought have been a part of mankind's history, but in the last 100 years this epidemic has become worse than ever before in the annals of history. The following are considered the worse famines/droughts in the history of mankind:

+ Egypt (1200-1202) - final death toll was 110,000
+ Ireland (1845-1849) - final death toll was 1.5 million
+ Northern China (1959-1961) - final death toll was estimated 30 million
+ Africa (1967-1969) - final death toll 1 million; 3.5 million malnutritioned.

+ The Great Plains of the U.S. (1930-1940) - worst drought of 20th century.
+ Europe (2003) - currently the worst drought of the 21st century 
   (Tens of thousands of people died during these droughts.)


Earthquakes - the increase in earthquake activity around the world is just staggering in comparison to the ancient B.C. era when few earthquakes were noted or recorded during ancient history. In the past 500 years, earthquakes around the globe have claimed millions of lives and with each passing year the seismic activity greatly increases and becomes more frequent

The Pacific Rim (aka: Ring of Fire) has long been the most volatile region. It accounts for 90 percent of the world’s earthquakes. Several thousand small to moderate quakes occur annually around the west coasts of North and South America to the eastern Pacific Rim. Southeastern Asian countries and many island nations are also experiencing heightened activity. Each year, Japan alone is shaken by more than 1,500 tremors—over four every day (The World Factbook).

Worst Earthquakes of the 21st Century:

2001 Gujarat earthquake - 7.7 Magnitude (20,085 deaths)
2002 Hindu Kush earthquakes - 6.1 Magnitude (1000 deaths)
2003 Bam earthquake - 6.6 Magnitude (31,000 deaths)
2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami - 9.1 Magnitude (300,000 deaths)
2005 Kashmir earthquake - 7.6 Magnitude (100,000 deaths)
2006 Yogyakarta earthquake - 6.6 Magnitude (5,700 deaths)
2007 Peru earthquake - 8.0 Magnitude (500 deaths)
2008 Sichuan earthquake - 7.9 Magnitude (80,000 deaths)
2009 Sumatra earthquakes - 7.6 Magnitude (1100 deaths)
2010 Haiti earthquake - 7.0 Magnitude (300,000 deaths)
2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami - 9.0 Magnitude (20,000 deaths)
2012 East Azerbaijan earthquakes - 6.4 Magnitude (300 deaths)
2013 Balochistan earthquakes - 7.7 Magnitude (800 deaths)
2014 Ludian earthquake - 6.2 Magnitude (700 deaths)
2015 Nepal earthquake - 7.8 Magnitude (9000 deaths)
2016 Taiwan earthquake - 6.4 Magnitude (100 deaths)


Religious Persecution - has been going on for many centuries throughout the timeline of mankind. All three major religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) has experienced 'religious persecution' at one time or another. According to it states:
"Religious persecution is the systematic mistreatment of an individual or group of individuals as a response to their religious beliefs or affiliations or lack thereof. The tendency of societies or groups within society to alienate or repress different subcultures is a recurrent theme in human history."
In some nations governments take the lead in suppressing the faithful, imposing a range of restrictions backed by the state. Examples include bans on particular faiths, prohibitions on conversion, and restrictions on religious practice. In other countries the people make their societies unfriendly to minority beliefs, imposing a wide range of less formal sanctions. Such behavior includes harassment, intimidation, and violence, including murder. The overall global environment to religious faith is hostile.


False Prophets - in religion, a false prophet is one who falsely claims the gift of prophecy or divine inspiration, or who uses that gift for evil ends. Often, someone who is considered a "true prophet" by some people is simultaneously considered a "false prophet" by others, even within the same religion as the "prophet" in question. 

Christianity - Throughout the New Testament, there are warnings of both false prophets and false Messiahs, and believers are adjured to be vigilant. In Matthew 7:15–23, Jesus relays warnings about false prophets from the Sermon on the Mount. One well-known New Testament false prophet is the agent of the "Beast" mentioned in the Book of Revelation.  The Apocalypse's false prophet (Beast), will ultimately be cast into the "lake of fire and brimstone". (Revelation 19:20 ) This "Beast" is commonly known as the Antichrist.

Islam - According to the Quran, Muhammad is the Seal of the Prophets, which is often understood to mean that anyone who will emerge to be a new prophet after Muhammad is a false prophet. All mainstream Muslim scholars' perspectives from both Sunni and Shia sects do not see the second coming of the Messiah as the coming of a new prophet, as the Islamic Messiah Jesus had already been an existing prophet, and will rule by the Qur'an and Sunnah of Muhammad, bring no new revelation or prophecy. The false prophet of Islam is called  Masih ad-Dajjal and likened unto the Christian Antichrist. Imam Mahdi, the redeemer according to Islam, will appear on Earth before the Day of Judgment. At the time of the Second Coming of Christ, the Prophet 'Isa (Jesus Christ son of Mary) will kill Masih ad-Dajjal (The Antichrist). Muslims believe that both Jesus and Mahdi will rid the world of wrongdoing, injustice and tyranny ensuring peace and tranquility.

Judaism - Armilus is an anti-messiah figure in medieval Jewish eschatology, comparable to medieval interpretations of the Christian Antichrist and Islamic Dajjal, who will conquer Jerusalem and persecute the Jews until his final defeat at the hands of God or the true Messiah. His inevitable destruction symbolizes the ultimate victory of good over evil in the Messianic age. The 11th Century Midrash Vayosha, which describes Armilus, was first published at Constantinople in 1519. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, Armilus is "a king who will arise at the end of time against the Messiah, and will be conquered by him after having brought much distress upon Israel." He is spoken of in the Midrash Vayosha, Apocalypse of Zerubbabel and other texts.


Increased Knowledge - The primary application of "knowledge increased" is in reference to people understanding the prophecies of the Book of Daniel, however, many Bible scholars believe that this prophecy also applies to an increasing knowledge of science, medicine, travel, and technology.

We are living in "The Information Age" making this sign seem even more obvious. Even the most skeptical mind must admit that knowledge is exploding in all directions. It is said that 80% percent of the world's total knowledge has been brought forth in the last decade and that 90% percent of all the scientists who have ever lived are alive today.
"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." ~ Daniel 12:4


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