
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Prophecy of the Seven Thunders

Image Article posted by Kirsten Cowart via
"Native Americans still hold the oldest existing ongoing knowledge. Knowledge passed on for thousands of years. Truth. A message from the heart. The prophecies of the seven thunders are about these times. The first three have already occurred; the fourth is nearly fulfilled. This is just a summary of the prophecies."

Prophecies are sometimes literal and other times symbolic. They don't always take place in a literal third dimension way. Sometimes they are referring to higher events that take place in other ways, or happen on higher dimensional levels. Read these prophecies and see what you think is happening or will happen based on that that has been shared.

1. The people of the world will experience mass starvation, sickness and homelessness.

If you look at our world today you see this happening all over the world. What I have found, traveling to other counties, is that this sort of thing is less hidden in other countries outside of the US. Those who suffer are out on the street and you see it in both the old and the young. In Western culture, and inside most cities of the United States these issues are hidden from view. Out of sight, out of mind.

2. The sky will become sick with holes like sores. From these holes bacteria will come into the waters.This will affect our physical and dimensional realities.

What do you think this one means? The first thing that comes to my mind is the holes in the ozone layer as a literal translation. As more of a spiritual or higher translation I see this being about our link with divinity. We have forgotten our higher connections and wisdom. In our disconnected ignorance we are poisoning the earth and causing illness for plants, animals and people alike. 

3. New species and mutations will occur. Mutations in humans will start to happen.

Though this could mean many different things on many levels I can't help but think about GMO's. Not only are we modifying our food and breeding animals to fit our consumption wants, we are also causing damage to ourselves. Another level to look at this one is on our minds. Our minds are mutating as society falls further and further into the illusion of consumerism. Good thing more people are waking up each day.

4. Two comets - the twins in the heavens, one guards the north pole, one the south. They will cause the poles to shift and our realities will shift too. New information will be unearthed, lost cities will be found. The Devil winds will blow and the Earth will rid her toxins. Four great women will perish which will signal the beginning of seven circles which are the answers to the seven thunders.

This part contains a lot of interesting and intense ideas. Are they physical or symbolic? We know the realities are shifting, more and more people are shifting from a 4th dimensional mind into a 5th dimensional mind. Lost cities in history are being found. The poles are predicted to make a big shift, however the magnetics of the earth have been shifting more each year for a while now regardless of a big shift. 

The winds and the women could be metaphorical or literal. There could be 4 women on earth or this could have some symbolic reference to the 4 elements and mother earth. What do you think? 

5. The atmosphere can no longer repair itself. Time and reality as we perceive it will shift. Good and evil will emerge. Man will experiment with the Earth and cause a volcanic eruption in Mexico and a chain reaction of earthquakes will go up the Cascade Mountain Range.

Haarp has long been suspected of being able to control the weather. What other experiments has the government been conducting that may have lead up to the recent increase in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions? For the Mexico volcanic eruption, all I can say is that I hope it is metaphorical and is referring to a moment of thought rather than actual destruction. 

6. The people from the stars will return to help us. The Earth has picked up the consciousness of the people and it is on self destruct.

It sounds like aliens or higher dimensional beings will lend their assistance to the human race. I am so grateful for this. 

7. The Purifier comes-The twelfth planet will pass the Earth, causing three and a half days of darkness in the eclipse. The pyramids clock, keeper of the Earth, runs on sun light. After the darkness we will emerge into the fifth world.

Whether or not there is going to be a literal 3.5 days of darkness is yet to be known. Perhaps it will be 3 days of spiritual darkness followed by a shift in consciousness. Either way it sounds like the whole earth will shift into the 5th dimension.

What do you think about these prophecies? Do you think they will comes to pass? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Thank you for reading.

Source: Native American Lore

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