
Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Lost Books of the Bible

Excerpts taken from "Who's ? Right: Mankind, Religions & The End Times"...

When referring to religion it can be defined very broadly. Thus, the religious books in the world can also be similarly circumscribed. There are many Holy Books today that contain specific systems of beliefs, codes of ethics and philosophies of life. In almost every religion around the world, the congregation depends on a Holy Book.

Likewise, the majority of mankind feels a similar kind of need and depends on the scholars and theologians to bring to light that which was lost. That need to learn more about the "missing holy texts" from the the Christian and Hebrew Bible has become a hot topic in the last 20 years or so...

Image result for scholars debating books
When it comes to the enigma of biblical mysteries, the holy books of the world are filled with many stories untold. Generations of great scholars and scientists have tried to uncover that which is otherwise unfathomable. It becomes controversial in context, with the end results continuing to remain hidden in obscurity.
For most biblical mysteries, unraveling the answer is obscure. However, when it comes to the ancient holy books being uncovered around the world - such as the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Book of Enoch, just to name a few - the authenticity of the ancient scrolls have been clarified by scholars and scientists alike.  Hence... shedding a new light on the writings of the Holy Bibles of the Christians and Jews.  

It has been suggested by some theologians and scholars of Christianity and Judaism that many books of the original Hebrew Bible transcript were excluded from inclusion in the Christian Bible because of the significance of the numerology contained within the ancient writings. Other philosophers of religion proclaim the original Hebrew texts were written in three different languages and lost in translation, and thus when the Old Testament was modified into Greek, then Latin, and then English, translation once again became questionable.

The synopsis of the 'Numerology' theory is not agreed upon by all theologians of religion, but the 'Lost in Translation' has become the most common theory accepted, not only among the religious scholars, but among modern mankind in general. There are some that believe when the original 70 Jewish scribes  (also known as the Masoretes) translated their sacred writings into Greek, there were liberties taken and the stories were written on a "need to know" basis with possible discrepancies added on purpose. Was this their way of protecting the actual sacred writings from the enemies of the Christian and Jew? Or were the 'significance of numbers' the culprit for excluding the 'lost books of the Bible'? Mankind may never fully comprehend the answers to those questions

The following is a list of a few speculated books lost to antiquity...

Tanakh/Old Testament:
  1. Book of the Covenant (Exodus 24:7)
  2. Book of the Wars of the Lord (Numbers 21:14; II Chronicles 35:26)
  3. Book of Jasher (Joshua 10:13)
  4. Book of Manners of the Kingdom (I Samuel 10:25) Also referred to as "Behaviors of Royalty"
  5. Annals of King David (I Chronicles 27:24)
  6. Book of the Acts of Solomon; Book of Nathan the Prophet; Prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite; Visions of Iddo the Seer (II Chronicles 9:29)
  7. Book of Shemaiah the Prophet; Book of Iddo the Seer  (II Chronicles 12:15)
  8. Book of Visions of Isaiah (II Chronicles 32:32)
New Testament Books:

While there are many books proclaiming a place in the New Testament of the Christian Bible, the following books are the most commonly known:
Whether these ancient books of the New Testament ever existed is up for debate. It continues to be a controversial issue among the scholars of religion. Once again, the manuscripts of the New Testament were included and decided upon by men [humankind] over many centuries. These holy canons were written during the 1st and 2nd century and completed by the year 150 A.D.; yet the forming of the New Testament [as we know it today] was not officially canonized until the Council of Hippo (393 A.D.) and the Council of Carthage (397 A.D.), which affirmed the 27 books of the New Testament as authoritative. The mystery continues on why one manuscript made the cut, yet another canon did not. What were those ancient recorders thinking and what was the reasoning behind excluding certain books from the Christian's Bible? 

Was ancient man responsible for creating such an old mystery? Did they intentionally leave out information that was not intended for all of mankind to study upon and learn?  Our ancient ancestors, who began with the lineage of Cain (son of Adam), put much precedence upon the significance of numbers. It is commonly known in our modern 21st century world that mathematics is the universal answer for everything. So the theory of the books being excluded because of the numerology within could have been the original plan in the outlook of the bigger picture [regarding the future of mankind]. 

It would appear the current limitations of the Bible was determined centuries ago by mankind, yet there are many ancient scrolls being unearthed that have Biblical significance and receives only a little recognition for such a discovery. Is mankind still trying to hide that which was originally intended for a select few or was it the Creator's plan to keep mankind guessing? 

Who's ? Right when it comes to Biblical era writings of importance which were not included in the Holy Bibles?

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