
Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Religion of Satanism

Satanic Cross
Satanism is invariably a new and modern religion, but the concept of Satanism has evolved over many centuries and dates back to the ancient religious custom of Setianism. This is associated with the Egyptian god, Set, who [some believe] is in connection with the biblical Satan

The word "satanism" commonly refers to the "worship of Satan or the powers of Evil", but the term can refer to a variable belief system, depending on the individual and the contents used. There are three (3) common branches co-occurrent with Satanism: LaVeyan Satanism, Theistic Satanism and Philosophical Satanism

Satanic Symbol
LaVeyan Satanism, considered the largest Satanist religious organization in the world, was organized and established by Anton Szandor LaVey in 1966 and considered the "first carnal religion in human history". The teachings of LaVey are based on individualism, self-indulgence, and the "eye for an eye" concept of morality. 

The religion does not literally worship Satan, but uses Satan as a symbol for people's inner desires and lusts. Rituals and magic are also used. LaVeyan Satanism firmly follows the belief that one's self is one's own "God". The Creator (nor any other gods) is not acknowledged in this movement. This branch of Satanism follows (4) major systems of belief: 
Nine (9) Satanic Statements - outlines what Satan represents in the Church
Nine (9) Satanic Sins - outlines transgressions, such a pride and self-deceit
Eleven (11) Satanic Rules of the Earth - outlines morals, standards, values
Pentagonal Revisionism - outlines a plan consisting of five major goals
Satanic Symbol
Theistic Satanism is a general term for the forms of Satanism which believe that Satan is an actual deity and/or a paramount force. They are not atheists and most believe in a cognizant universe.

Great emphasis is placed upon the serpent (snake) - believed to be one of the many incarnations of Lucifer - in the Book of Genesis (Old Testament). The basic teachings include being blessed with the "forbidden" fruit of knowledge, which brings about the birth of wisdom, and the actual sacred homage of Satan. Like LaVeyan Satanism, Theistic Satanism also includes a belief in magic, which is manipulated through certain rituals. Unlike LaVeyan Satanism, Theistic Satanism believes that Satan is a real being opposed to being a symbol of individualism

Some scholars and theologians believe the rise of Theistic Satanism came about during the time of the Early Modern European witch trials, as well as other noted witch-hunts, such as the Salem witch trials.

Satanic Symbol
Philosophical Satanism is a small religious group that is unrelated to any other faith or religious creed. They do not worship Satan as the Theistic Satanist does, but merely uses Satan as a concept to explain their purpose of opposing religion of any kind.

Most followers of this branch of Satanism are Atheist and Agnostic. Common morals are followed, like that of the LeVayan follower, and certain practices and rituals are instituted, such as: Astrology (for predicting the future); Alchemy (for finding cures for diseases); Astral Travel (out of body experience); and Spiritualism (pagan practice of talking with the dead). The core beliefs and philosophies of Philosophical Satanism parrallel those of the LaVeyan follower, yet it differs when it comes to individual ideologies, such as disagreeing with the nature of LaVey's epistemology of Satanism.


A ritual performed inside
the Church of Satan
Satanism, while virtually a new form of a religious creed in our modern times, has many followers scattered throughout the entire world. In the 1970's, it was estimated that the Church of Satan (founded by Anton LaVey) had 10,000 to 20,000 members in the United States and has two types of members: Registered Members and Active Members. Registered Members are simply people who have been inducted as members of the Church. To be deemed an Active Member, a person has to be involved with the Church and local members. In 1987, the Church of Satan had an estimated 1,000,000 members in America.  

Googling Satan
With the increased awareness of Satanism on the internet today, the membership numbers of Satanists have most likely increased as well. The cyber revolution has also gained awareness of different beliefs among Satanists, leading to more diverse groups in general. But Satanism has always been a pluralistic and decentralised religion in our modern world. While the Church of Satan does not solicit membership, those who wish to join or affiliate with the Church can become a Registered Member for a one-time registration fee of $200 [US currency only]. As the Church of Satan does not release its membership totals, it is impossible to get complete and accurate data for this particular religious movement.

In a 2007 interview with High Priest Peter H. Gilmore (of the Church of Satan), the Wikinews journalist, David Shankbone, asked the following question:

David Shankbone:
"What is the membership numbers for the Church of Satan?"

                Peter H. Gilmore:
"We never give out numbers. The reason for that our founder came up with and I agree with him and keep to his policy: if people think there are too few of us, they tend to not want to take us seriously. If they think there are too many of us, they think we’re a threat. There was even a point back during the Satanic Panic in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s when there was governmental legislation proposed to ban Satanism because they thought there were all these metal heads out there sacrificing babies, doing drugs and making child pornography. Of course, now we know, it was mostly people who were borderline Christian evangelists pretending, but then accusing their own family members and getting them put in jail, or acting as therapists and most of those people have been sued and properly censured since then."
For more information on Satanism, please visit:

Religion Facts of Satanism
A Christian View of Demonic Worship

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