
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Various Identities of Jesus Christ

The three major religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) are considered inextricably linked to one another through their histories because of certain common factors in their monotheistic theologies. And, all three faith-based institutions feature many of the same figures and places, yet they are often presented in different meanings and perspectives.

The same can be said of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Jewish prophet of Christianity. Although the three major religions of the world are intertwined and defined by common beliefs, they differ when it comes to doctrine and practice. Even their sacred holy books are reflected by such differences.


The Purpose of Jesus Coming:

Christianity - Jesus will come to rescue Israel, defeat the Anti-Christ, judge the nations and the wicked in Israel, and rule over a messianic kingdom.

Islam - Jesus (Isa) will return to overthrow al-Daijal in the battle of Aqabat Afiq in Syna to confirm Islam as the only true religion. 

Judaism - The Messiah will defeat the gentile nations and restore the kingdom of Israel. Isaiah will be fulfilled and God will be recognized as the universal king. 

Will Judgment Be Announced with the Trumpet of the Archangel? 

Christianity - Yes. (Matthew 24:31) "And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other."

Islam - Yes. (Qur'an 36.51) "And the trumpet shall be blown, and, lo! They shall speed out of their sepulchers to their Lord."

Judaism - Yes. Shofar will announce the beginning of the messianic era, gather the scattered exiles, and serve as a summons to the heavenly court on the Day of Judgment.


Signs of the Times:

Christianity - Major and minor signs will reveal that the end times have arrived. Beginning of birth pangs (Isaiah 11:11-12; Matthew 24:5, 6, 7); the actual birth pangs (Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:11, 25:15; Revelation 6-19).

Islam - Major and minor signs will reveal that the end times have arrived. Birth pangs (Surat 21.96; 27.82; 43.61)

Judaism - Ten signs will accompany the Messianic birth pangs of the end times (Sanhedrin 97b)

Result of an End Time Battle:

Christianity - After Armageddon, Satan is bound in Hell and believers enter the Messianic Millennium. Following the thousand year reign of Jesus Christ, there is a final battle with Satan.

Islam - A "Great Destruction" which destroys all but God, then a resurrection and recreation will occur.

Judaism - The war of Gog and Magog, in which God defeats the Gentile and establishes Israel in its kingdom over all the earth.

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For Christians, Jesus is the Savior the planet is waiting upon to bring about a peaceful one world nation in which Jesus himself will rule over not only the planet Earth, but the entire universe. He will be instrumental is defeating not only evil, but Satan as well.

For Muslims, Jesus will be instrumental in helping to defeat the al-Daijal (equivalent to the Christian Anti-Christ) and preparing the way for the Mahdi [the purest Muslim since the Prophet Mohammad]. The Mahdi, who will lead a “spiritual jihad” in converting the Western world to Islam, will eventually overthrow the Dajjal and become ruler of planet Earth according to Islamic law. 

For Jews, they are still awaiting their Messiah, who will appear during the end of days. Their arch-enemy is known as Armilus (equivalent to the Christian Anti-Christ). Many of the Judaic faith will believe Jesus, the Christian's Savior, to be Armilus who will die in battle before the actual coming of their long-awaited Messiah.

Some philosophers of religion believe power given to this dominant world leader, known by many names, will arise because the Abrahamic religions have become impatient during their long appointed vigil of preparing for the coming messiah (Judaic religion) or the long awaited return of the Mahdi (Islamic religion) or the anticipated second coming of Jesus (Christian religion).

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Regardless, of who Jesus Christ of Nazareth really was, it cannot be denied that He will play a very instrumental role during what the Christian's refer to as the "End Times", the Muslims call the "Last Days" and the Jews ascribe as the "End of Days".

There is only one question that remains in regards to this Blog Post: Who's ? Right

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