
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Ancient Timeline of Mankind

The history of mankind began with the creation of Adam and Eve according to the "creation theory". In conjunction with the "evolution theory", mankind was residing on Earth as far back as 500,000 BC. It is interesting to debate on the original origins of mankind and it is one of the most common mysteries yet to be deciphered, but the Editor foresees this enigma will remain an obscure subject.

The following excerpt was taken from Who's ? Right: Mankind, Religions & The End Times:

While there is 6,000 years of human continuum (according to the majority of scholars and theologians of antediluvian history), the scientific community claims prehistoric man came long before Adam. Today, speculation continues concerning such a theoretical summation.
Regardless of one’s beliefs, the theory of prehistoric man may never be reconciled. In this respect, mankind will incorporate their freewill and continue to believe what one wishes to believe. The following timeline is based on B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini…Latin for ‘In the Year of the Lord’).


c/500,000 to c/100,000 B.C.

 Homo Erectus (Java Man): first to make and control fire; traveled over land bridges from Africa and populated the world.

 c/100,000 B.C.

 Heidelberg Man: succeeded Java Man about the 3rd Glacial Age.

 c/50,000 B.C.

 Neanderthal Man: first to sew clothes from the animal skins; buried their dead with ceremony.

 c/25,000 to c/10,000 B.C.

 Cro-Magnon Man: constructed huts with a central hearth for fires; made necklaces and little statues of ivory, antler and bone.


4000-3500 B.C.

   Adam and Eve created from the dust of the earth; Satan entered the world; Adam and Eve’s sons were born (Cain and Abel); first murder committed (Cain killed Abel); Cain (whose birthright was to carry an ungodly lineage) was banished to the land of Nod.

   Seth (whose birthright was to carry a godly lineage) was born to Adam and Eve; Cain’s firstborn, Enoch, was born.

 Seth’s firstborn, Enosh, was born (according to Arabian tradition, Enosh prohibited intermarriages with the Cainites, which were the descendants of Cain).

 Seth’s first grandchild, Cainan, was born (this Arabian tradition, in respect to Cainan, said that he held an universal empire, and was notable for his wisdom and miraculous powers).

 Lamech, son of Methusael (from the lineage of Cain), was born; Lamech was the first polygamist on record, having married two wives.

 Jared, son of Mahalaleel (from the lineage of Seth), was born (according to Arabian tradition, Jared was the first who broke through the command of Enosh, which prohibited intermarriages with the Cainites, and married into the tribe of Cain).

 Intermarriages of the descendants of Seth and the descendants of Cain began. (Genesis 6:1-2 [KJV]) Immortality, violence and godlessness increased.

 3500-3000 B.C.

 Enoch, son of Jared (from the lineage of Seth), was born (this Arabian tradition claims Enoch was an eminent astronomer, mathematician and prophet of God; he ‘walked with God’ and was taken to heaven at the age of 365 years).

 Methuselah, son of Enoch (from the lineage of Seth), was born; he was the oldest man on record, living 969 years.

 The lineage of Seth was inventors of a peculiar wisdom dealing with the heavenly bodies and their order. Seth was purported to have had great prosperity for seven generations.

 Intermarriages between the Cainites and Sethites continue and become more pervasive as the violence and revelry increases. The marriage of brother and sister was common practice.

 Lamech, son of Methusaleh (from the lineage of Seth), was born; he was the first man on record to die a natural death before his father.

 Adam, the first historical man, died at the age of 930 years (3070).

 3000-2500 B.C.

 Seth, son of Adam and Eve, died at the age of 912 years (2958).

 Noah, son of Lamech (from the lineage of Seth), was born 2944.

 With intermarriages now common, the Cainites held much influence over the Sethites. Ethical and religious principles were fast becoming extinct. Violence, hostility and debauchery described the ancient society of mankind as it became increasingly corrupt.
2500-2000 B.C.

 Noah’s sons are born: Shem, the eldest, fathered five sons (and carried on the godly birthright). Japheth, the middle, fathered seven sons and Ham, the youngest, fathered four sons.

 Noah was called by God to start building an ark and to warn of a horrid and impending flood (c/2460). Noah’s prophesying lasted 120 years.

 The great flood deluged the earth. (c/2300) There are different dates assigned to the flood of Noah… Septuagint (3246); Josephus, (3146); Samaritan Pent, (2998); Clinton Bible, (2482); Playfair Bible, (2352); Usher English Bible, (2348); Hebrew Bible, (2288).

 The “rainbow covenant”, promising to never again flood the earth, was established between mankind and God. The sons of Noah began to repopulate the world.

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