
Sunday, January 6, 2013

The False Messiah

From a religious perspective, a false messiah is one who falsely claims to be the ultimate King of the Universe, the All-Knowing Omnipresence and the Redeemer of Mankind. He will possess the gift of prophecy or divine inspiration, and, in most instances, will use that 'gift' for evil purposes. In defining a false messiah it becomes somewhat sketchy; a "true messiah" by some religious sects would simultaneously be declared a "false messiah" by other denominations of faith. All three major monotheistic religions believe a false messiah will appear during what the Christians refer to as the "End Times", the Jews call the "End of Days" and Muslims describe as the "Last Days".
The following excerpt is taken from Who's ? Right: Mankind, Religions & The End Times:
"During what the Christians refer to as the “End Times,” a seven-year period known as the “Great Tribulation” will ensue and mankind will experience a most turbulent world, one like has never been seen before. The seven-year tribulation period will herald in the “fight of all fights.” Neither man, woman nor child will be safe during this era of corruption, murder and natural disasters.

According to some scholars, the Anti-Christ (an agent of Satan) will appear out of a global organization, such as the United Nations (UN) or the European Union (EU). He will make a grand entrance into a very vulnerable world.

This person will have the ability to convince many people to follow and worship him. The lies and deceit will be embraced as truth and salvation by many when the Anti-Christ, a suave character of charming persuasion, will be successful in uniting all countries through a long awaited peace treaty with Israel and the Middle East.

The Anti-Christ will rule for 3 ½ years and his world leadership will be embraced by many as that of a savior. Some theologians believe the Anti-Christ will be instrumental in having the third Jewish Temple built. His reign on earth will be viewed by many as that of an extraordinary and awesome leader. This is the first half of the Great Tribulation.

The second 3 ½ years will become a nightmare as Satan’s agent takes complete control and makes the world his own. He will force followers, and those who were struck with awe by his wondrous person, to take a mark on their forehead or their hand which will unknowingly establish a commitment to Satan. Some religions refer to this as the “mark of the beast” (also referred to as the number 666). Any who deny or renounce him will be put to death."


The following excerpt is taken from Who's ? Right: Mankind, Religions & The End Times:
"In the teachings of Judaism, their arch enemy is known as Armilus, an Anti-Christlike figure that has many legends attributed to him. According to, he will be a prominent figure, such as a king, who will inflict major persecution upon both the Jews and Christians.

The Midrash describes him as a bald-headed monstrosity with one large and one small eye, deaf in the right ear and maimed in the right arm. Purported to be the son of Satan (according to the Midrash), Armilus will set himself up to be the messiah, even the Creator himself, and many Christians will believe him to be Jesus Christ. The Jews refer to the Christian's savior as the scion of Joseph. The Gospels of the New Testament will be accepted by Armilus and he will use it as his doctrine, bringing more Christians to his side during the End of Days. However, this does not last and soon Armilus kills off the Christians, including the scion of Joseph, when the Jews refuse to worship him.  
When Satan's son is unable to convince the Jewish nation to follow him, he will rage war against them and send them fleeing into the desert. After 45 days in the desert, and the Jews unworthy of the messianic period die out, the angel Michael will appear and blow his trumpet which will signal the final battle is about to begin. The remnant of faithful Jews will witness the appearance of their long awaited Messiah, along with the Prophet Elijah, and march toward Jerusalem where the last war between good and evil will be fought and Armilus will be destroyed.

 “And he shall make a firm covenant with many for one week; and for half of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease; and upon the wing of detestable things shall be that which causeth appalment; and that until the extermination wholly determined be poured out upon that which causeth appalment.”  Kethivum-Daniel 9:27 (Tanakh)

According to the Midrash, the Talmud, and the Kabbalistic words of the Zohar, the Judaic messiah will arrive before the year 6000 [of the Hebrew calendar]. The Hebrew calendar of the Orthodox Jew dates back to the creation of mankind and the year 2012 correlates to the Jewish year 5772.

The Midrash states: “Six eons for going in and coming out, for war and peace. The seventh eon is entirely Shabbat (Sabbath) and rest for life everlasting.” 
The End of Days will herald in the the great Messianic Era-a time of global peace and harmony- that the Jewish nation has waited for these many thousands of years. The idea of the Jewish messiah ushering in a time of global peace can be found in the scriptural passages of Nevi'im in the Tanakh under Isaiah 2:4 and 11:6-9.

The following excerpt is taken from Who's ? Right: Mankind, Religions & The End Times:
The Islamic religion also refers to an 'Arch Enemy'. According to the Hadith, he is known as al-Masih ad-Dajjal, which is Arabic for “the false messiah”. This evil figure will appear in the world during the Last Days (per Muslim belief, approximately 2076 A.D.) and pretend to be the Masih (the Messiah). His entrance into our chaotic planet will happen before Yawm al-Qiyamah (Judgment Day) and he is likened unto the Anti-Christ in Christian eschatology and Armilus in Jewish eschatology.

 “And when the Word is fulfilled against them (the unjust), We shall produce from the earth a Beast to (face) them: he will speak to them, for that mankind did not believe with assurance in our Signs ” - Qur'an 27.82 
Other scholars of Islamic eschatology believe the Dajjal (literally translated means Deceiver) is a metaphor for the United States of America. They believe Jesus was a prophet of Allah and taught that Allah was the one true God. The scholars say those [Christians] who believe that Isha (Jesus) is part of a Holy Trinity is being deceived and therefore Christianity as a whole is an Anti-Christ in itself because it teaches the opposite of what Isha taught. And yet others believe the Christian Bible was 'corrupted' by the ancient deceivers intent on supporting the dogma of the Trinity. 
 Most Islamic theologians agree the Dajjal will produce an attack upon mankind and conquer the entire planet by military force, as well as seducing others with material prosperity. Many will be rendered blind by his power, which will cause them [Christians and Jews] to be easily deceived by his unholy mission. Numerous followers of Allah will become profoundly misguided and conform to Dajjal's doctrine as well. 
The majority of the Islamic scholars and theologians agree that the Mahdi [the purest Muslim since the Prophet Mohammed] will appear and raise his own army, which will include Isha (Jesus). The Mahdi, who will lead a “spiritual jihad” in converting the Western world to Islam, will eventually defeat the Dajjal and become ruler of planet Earth according to Islamic law. Those who are non-believers during this era of time will either convert to Islam or be killed. The Hadith says “the sun will rise in the west”, which roughly translated means Islam will spread throughout the Western [Christian] world.  
False messiahs have come and gone throughout mankind's history. The New Testament forewarns of the Anti-Christ to prepare Christians for the final apocalypse [known as Armageddon], the Jews are admonished about the major persecution both Jews and Christians will endure at the hand of the false messiah called Armilus before the Messianic Era begins, and the Muslims are warned about the Dajjal's plan of attack against mankind as the Last Days are ushered in. 
Some philosophers of religion believe power given to this dominant world leader, known by many names, will arise because the Abrahamic religions have become impatient during their long appointed vigil of preparing for the coming Messiah (Judaic religion) or the long awaited return of the Mahdi (Islamic religion) or the anticipated second coming of Jesus Christ (Christian religion).
All three major religions caution humankind about the possibly harmful circumstances or conditions headed mankind's way... BUT believers are adjured to be vigilant always. 
"At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you ahead of time." ~ Matthew 24:23-25
 "On that day, I will banish the names of the idols from the land, and they will be remembered no more,” declares the Lord Almighty. “I will remove both the prophets and the spirit of impurity from the land." ~ Navi - Zechariah 13:2-3
"He knows what is before them, and what is behind them; and they do not intercede except for him whom He approves; and they tremble in awe of Him. And whoever of them says, “I am a god besides Him,” We will reward him with Hell. Thus We reward the wrongdoers."  ~ Quran 21:28-29


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