
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Woman of the Apocalypse

The WOMAN OF THE APOCALYPSE is referenced in the Book of Revelation and her story has produced many interpretations: she is considered the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Church, the Nation of Israel, the Generic Man and Eve of Eden. She is represented as a woman travailing in labor and soon to give birth. The Great Red Dragon, interpreted as Satan, waits nearby to snatch the child from its mother, but the Creator intervenes and takes the "Woman" away so that the Red Dragon cannot touch her or the child. (Revelation 12)

 The Blessed Virgin Mary   
"Woman of the Apocalypse"
by Peter Paul Rubens
The Roman Catholic tradition assigns the identity of the "Woman" to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This theory is based on dogma as well as Scripture. After her assumption into heaven, she is revealed [and venerated] as the "Queen of Heaven","Mother of God", and "Mother of the Church". The incarnation of the Son of God through Mary thus signifies her as the likely candidate for the "Woman".

This view has been affirmed by the following Roman Catholic Popes: Pius X, Pius XII, Paul VI, and John Paul II. According to their religious theory, the woman's "male child" is a reference to Jesus Christ (Revelation 12:5), since he is destined to "rule all nations with a rod of iron" (Revelation 12:5).

The red dragon trying to devour the woman's child at the moment of his birth (Revelation 12:4) is a reference to Herod the Great's attempt to kill the infant Jesus (Matthew 2:16). Through his death and resurrection, Jesus "was snatched up to God and to his throne" (Revelation 12:5).

The current Pope, Benedict XVI, maintains that the Virgin Mary possesses divine motherhood which she continues to bestow as intercessory "graces associated with God's blessing." This sentiment echoed loudly through Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome on March 25, 1987 as Pope John Paul II delivered his encyclical Redemptoris Mater and said:
"At the centre of this mystery, in the midst of this wonderment of faith, stands Mary. As the loving Mother of the Redeemer, she was the first to experience it: "To the wonderment of nature you bore your Creator!" 
It was during the Middle Ages that the idea of the Blessed Virgin Mary being the "Woman of the Apocalypse" was widely accepted and such beliefs have continued into our modern times. However, the ancient Christians of the early AD era associated The Church with the "Woman" of Revelation.

The Church

In Roman Catholic teachings, the veneration of Mary is a logical and necessary consequence of Christology: Jesus and Mary are son and mother, redeemer and redeemed. This belief is shared by the entire Christian body of "The Church". However, according to the reformed theology of Christian eschatology, the "Woman" is identified as the Church and the man child she gives birth to represents the saints and therefore reverting back to the ancient beliefs that the Church is the "Woman". Revelation 12:17 describes the remnant of the seed of the woman as those who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Hence, the woman's seed (the man child) then refers to the saints, who are a symbol of the faithful members of the Church.

The Church in Thyatira, mentioned in Revelation 2:18-29, is promised that the faithful shall rule the nations with a rod of iron. In Revelation 19:15, the same thing is stated of Jesus, who is considered the head of the Church. Furthermore, in Revelation 21:2 (and Ephesians 5:21-32), the Church and New Jerusalem, referred to as "our mother", are portrayed as the Bride of Christ.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church has traditionally identified itself as the end-time "remnant church" described in Revelation 12:17. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints also interprets the "Woman" to be the Church, and the man-child to be the political kingdom that will grow out of the Church prior to or during the Second Coming of Christ.

While there are various theories concerning the concept of "The Church" being the "Woman of the Apocalypse", there are other ideals that interpret the nation of Israel as being the "Woman".

Nation of Israel

There are many reasons given to support the theory of the "Woman" being the nation of Israel. The biblical prophets of antiquity referred to Israel as a "woman" (Isaiah 54:5-6; Jeremiah 4:31; Micah 4:9-10). The woman in Revelation is said to be clothed with the sun, the moon under feet, and twelve stars. This is indicative of Joseph's dream in Genesis 37:9-11, in which the sun and moon represents the first family of Israel (Joseph's parents, Jacob and Rachel) and the stars are in reference to his brothers (the sons of Jacobs, also known as the Twelve Tribes of Israel), whom will eventually bow down to him [Joseph] as the Governor of Egypt.

Further, the archangel Michael is called the guardian over the sons of Israel in Daniel 12:1. And he will arise at that time of Israel's great tribulation (Daniel 12:1; Revelation 12:7). During this time, Israel will flee into the wilderness to escape the persecution of the Anti-Christ, who is called "the son of destruction," "the lawless one," and "whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan" (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; Revelation. 12:4,9). In the Olivet discourse, Jesus warned the people this would occur just prior to His return to set up His earthly, millennial kingdom. (Matthew 24:15-22) This scenario is also called the Seventieth Week of Daniel, a prophecy specifically addressed to Daniel and his people, Israel (Daniel 9:24-27).

Lutheran scholar, Craig Koester, stated:
"The woman encompasses the story of Israel, from whom the Messiah was born, as well as the story of the church, which was persecuted after Jesus' death and resurrection... John's visionary account of the threat against the woman and the woman's preservation uses imagery that encompasses many moments in the story of God's people. This allows the story to apply to people in many times and places."
The Amillennialist belief also interprets this passage as the nation of Israel, however this belief as expressed by amillennialists refers, not to the modern Israel, but to the Ancient religious state of Israel (Judea) as it existed in the time of Christ. The man child is Jesus Christ, born into the then existing state of Israel, and of Israel's linage. The Anti-Christ is often interpreted as not being a specific person, but as being that which is not of Christ, including the "generic" man who is a non-believer.

The Generic Man

Christian Scientists understand the "Woman" to symbolize "generic man, the spiritual idea of God; she illustrates the coincidence of God and man as the divine Principle and divine idea...the spiritual idea of God's motherhood." The man child represents "Christ, God's idea, [which] will eventually rule all nations and peoples - imperatively, absolutely, finally - with divine Science." To the followers of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy [its founder] typifies generic man. Some believe she actually referred to herself as the "Woman of the Apocalypse", even though she denied it, most notably at the Woodbury Trial of 1901. However, there were many who acknowledged Mary Baker Eddy as the "Woman" in Revelation 12 and her place in Bible prophecy. Such public statements were published in the Christian Science Journal in July, 1890. Mary Baker Eddy responded to these public statements by printing the following notice in the Christian Science Journal in August, 1890:
MR. EDITOR: - The late articles referring to me in July issue of the JOURNAL contain presentiments that I object to having uttered or written now in regard to myself. God alone appoints the befitting path and place for each of His children; and mankind should wait on Him, and let the ages declare judgment. It is my impression that at least a half century will pass away before man is permitted to render his public verdict on some of the momentous questions that are now agitating the world. (Vol. 8, p. 193; emphasis added)   
While it was never proven that Mary Baker Eddy made these claims, the fact remains that she taught that the "Woman" was a symbol of generic man, not the Church. Others disagree with this theory and believe Eve [from the Garden of Eden] was the "Woman" referenced in Revelation. 

Eve of Eden 
Some theologians believe the "Woman" referenced in Revelation is Eve from the Garden of Eden. Their reasoning is that she [Eve] was part of a conflict that also involved her seed (the future descendants of Israel) and the Dragon, who is identified as the ancient serpent in Eden. (Revelation 12:9; 20:2) This symbolic comparison mirrors the conflict experienced between Mary, Satan and Jesus.
"And I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel." (Genesis 3:15)
Jerusalem was considered to be the "wife" or "bride" of God (Jeremiah 2:2); however, she was an "adulterous wife" (Ezekiel 16:32). Therefore, the New Jerusalem, the capital city of the new heaven, will become the perfect "Bride" of the Lamb of God when it comes out of  the new heaven (just as Eve came out of Adam) after a new heaven and a new earth have been created.

It does not matter that Eve never ascended to Heaven because John of Patmos is recording the conclusion of events which began in the Garden of Eden and with the Fall of Man. Satan, who is responsible for tempting Adam and Eve to regain access to Heaven, will finally be expelled once and for all. Since the beginning, when Michael and his angels cast Satan and his fallen angels from their heavenly access, the Red Dragon [Satan] has waged war to stop his confinement on earth and reinstate himself into Heaven.

It was through Eve that the nation of Israel came into existence to bear the "male seed" that redeems what Adam and Eve lost as a result of the Serpents deception. And it is the prophecy of the coming Messianic redemption that parallels that which involves Eve, her seed, the serpent and the serpent's seed.


There is a lot of debate about what the symbol of this "Woman" represents. The different aspects of the conflicting symbolism that points to various possible meanings remain a study of debate among the scholars and theologians. Although the one thing agreed upon is that Satan has tried to prevent the Messiah's birth and the completion of the Creator's plan of redemption from the time Cain killed his brother, Abel. The Revelation given unto John reveals the spiritual dimension of this age-old conflict which will one day enter the final act.

The debate over the "Woman" and her identity will continue with each new generation and, most likely, the answers will remain as enigmatically obscure as the Revelation itself. But, it does make one ask: Who's ? Right

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Religion of the Buddhist

Prince Siddhartha Gautama: The Buddha
Prince Siddhartha Gautama was born sometime between 560 BC and 380 BC, according to various historians, and they regard his birthplace as Kapilavastu (present-day Nepal). His history is sketchy and uncertain, but the scholars of the late 20th century (AD) date his death around 400 BC. Gautama was born into a royal Hindu family. His father was King Śuddhodana , ruler of the Shakya clan, and his mother was Queen Maha Maya, a Koliyan princess. The word Buddha is a title for the first "enlightened one" in an era and initially attributed to Gautama. In most Buddhist traditions, Siddhartha Guatama is considered the Supreme Buddha. He was the founder of the Buddhist religion and taught a Middle Way compared to the severe asceticism found in the Shramana (renunciation) movement common in the Indian Subcontinent during ancient times. He later taught throughout regions of eastern India such as Magadha and Kosala. Even though the exact date is elusive, the day of the Buddha's birth is widely recognized and celebrated in Theravada countries.
For more information about Prince Siddhartha Gautama, please visit: Gautama Buddha

The Basics of Buddhism

Gautama is the ultimate and primary figure in Buddhism. The accounts of his life, commentaries, and monastic rules are believed by Buddhists to have been compiled after his death and memorized by his followers. The various anthologies of teachings attributed to him were passed down by oral tradition, and first committed to writing about 400 years later. The primary teachings of Buddhism are the "Four Great Truths", the "Eightfold Path" and the "Five Precepts". Within these teachings are the Buddhist doctrines of suffering (dukkha), the five aggregates of being (skandhas), no-self (anatta, shunyata), ethics, karma, rebirth, enlightenment and Nirvana.
The following excerpt is from "Who's ? Right: Mankind, Religions & The End Times":

"Buddhism is the polytheistic religion developed in India during the final centuries of the B. C. era and was adapted from Hinduism. Buddha (historically known as Prince Siddhartha) founded the church doctrine in the 4th century B.C. His teachings, Four Great Truths, inferred the idea of the world being evil and only complete separation from worldliness led toward absolute divine being. Reincarnation is recognized and accepted in the hope that their consecutive reincarnations will be met on a higher level.

There are various sects of Buddhism that differ essentially. Some believe virtuous life and serious thinking is sufficient. Others maintain meditation develops supernatural powers. Still other factions believe supernatural intervention is needed to aid mankind, otherwise a virtuous life and meditation won’t help.

The Tibetan Buddhist recognizes the Dalai Lama as the religious organization's spiritual leader. The Dalai Lama, who is reputed to be the reincarnation of the previous Dalai Lama and all his magistrates tracing back to 1391 A.D., was considered the “head of government” to the Tibetan people from the 17th century until 1959 when the People’s Republic of China took full control.

 The Dalai Lama fled to India and has since surrendered temporal power to the elected government-in-exile. The historic development of Buddhism ranges from an abstract philosophical system, which gained great influence in Europe in the early part of the A.D. era, to the crudest forms of superstition.

The difference between Buddhism and the Western God-fearing gospels is in its lack of a personal god and a religious creed. The majority of Buddhism followers can be found in China, Burma, Japan, Tibet and Ceylon."   
File:Sermon in the Deer Park depicted at Wat Chedi Liem-KayEss-1.jpeg
Painting of the first sermon depicted at Wat Chedi Liem in Thailand.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Adam & His Wives?

Adam (Hebrew: אָדָם; Arabic: آدم) is a well known literary figure in the Book of Genesis, the Qur'an and the Kitáb-i-Íqán (Bahai' Faith) and considered the first historical human. According to theories of the Abrahamic religions this person known as Adam was created by the god of Israel and made in His [God's] own image. The term "adam" also refers to the general creation of mankind. God blessed Adam and put him in charge of the Garden of Eden and ordained him to have dominion "over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." (Genesis 1:26-27) He is credited with giving all living animals, plants and creatures their names. The Bahá'í Faith, Islam and some Christian denominations consider Adam to be the first Prophet.

Creating A Wife:

Lilith (Hebrew: לילית) is a Hebrew name for a female figure in Jewish mythology, and first developed in the Babylonian Talmud. According to ancient Mesopotamian texts, Lilith was generally thought to be in part derived from a class of female demons known as Līlīṯu. Her detailed story dates back to the 13th century (AD) and can be found in the Zohar (Book of Splendor) and the Alphabet of Ben Sira (religious texts that surfaced during Medieval times and based upon traditions dating back to antiquity). Lilith, who was briefly referenced in the Christian Bible/Jewish Tanakh (Isaiah 34:14) and who scarcely appears in the Jewish Talmud, was a prominent literary figure of Mesopotamian mythology as well. In the Dead Sea Scrolls and Songs of the Sage the name 'Lilith' first occurs in a list of monsters.

There are many legends attributed to this figure named Lilith, but all agree she was a female demon and a bearer of disease, illness, and death. Modern biblical scholars attribute the creation of Lilith to the first mention of woman in Genesis 1:27.  While it is a debatable subject among mankind today, Lilith was purported to bare demon offspring to Adam, as well as his firstborn son, Cain. Some theologians believe that Lilith was made at the same time as Adam, attached to his hip, and God separated them.

In the 13th Century writings of Rabbi Isaac ben Jacob ha-Cohen, he describes: Lilith left Adam after she refused to become subservient to him and then would not return to the Garden of Eden after she mated with the archangel, Samael. Other sources contend that Lilith was born out the Great Abyss (Underworld). Regardless of her beginnings, she was evicted from the Garden of Eden and Eve was created.

Creating A New Wife:

Eve (Hebrew: חַוָּה, Arabic: حواء) was considered by the Abrahamic religions to be the first woman made by the Creator. Like Adam, she was made from the 'dust of the earth' in the Garden of Eden, but given one of the ribs of Adam [a covenant of subservience]. She is the first woman mentioned in the Christian and Jewish Bibles. God decides that "It is not good that the man should be alone" (Genesis 2:18)

According to Christian, Islamic and Jewish ancient history, the world’s civilizations were descended from a common set of parents known as Adam and Eve. By all accounts, after Eve's creation she disobeyed the commandment of God to "watch over the garden" (Genesis 2:15) and ate the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. In her defense, she claimed she was coerced by a serpent. In Christian tradition, the serpant (or snake) is literally defined as Satan.

Eve, along with Adam, was expelled from the Garden of Eden for her disobedience (because Eve ate the fruit and Adam allowed it). After being evicted from the fruitful garden, the pair faced many hardships for the remainder of their life. In Christian doctrine, this is commonly known as the "Fall of Man".

In the Qur'an, Eve is not mentioned by name, but she is referred to as Adam's spouse, and the Islamic tradition refers to her as Hawa (or Hawwā). The following verses of the Sura - 2:30-39; 7:11-25; 15:26-42; 17:61-65; 18:50-51; 20:110-124; and, 38:71-85 - are ascribed to her. The story of Eve in Islamic texts, such as the Qur'an and the books of Sunnah (Hadith), are similar but slightly different from the Torah and Bible.


Even during antiquity, the presence of two distinct females was duly noted and regarded with curiosity. The first account says God created male and female (Genesis 1:27) and the second account mentions Eve was fashioned from Adam's rib (Genesis 2:18). Some medieval rabbis suggested that these two women were separate individuals, Lilith and Eve, respectively.

Individual interpretations and beliefs regarding the story of Adam, Lilith and Eve vary across the different religious sects and factions. Many religions also differ on how they view Adam's subsequent behavior and to the consequences that those actions had on the rest of humanity. While Islamic teachings hold fast that both were equally responsible for their iniquity against the Creator and later forgiven, Christian and Jewish writings state a different level of responsibility for the "Fall". Christians believe redemption [for Adam and Eve] occurred through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

While some Christian denominations believe the "Fall" corrupted the entire natural world, causing mankind to be born into original sin, other religions, such as Judaism and Islam, do not recognize the theory of orginal sin and believe all are accounted for their own sins.

Regardless of the theories and controversy about the first human beings, the Creator "drove mankind out from the Garden of Eden and placed, on the east side of the garden, a cherubim and a flaming sword to guard the Tree of Life". (Genesis 3:24)

"God deliberated from what member He would create woman, and He reasoned with Himself thus: I must not create her from Adam's head, for she would be a proud person, and hold her head high. If I create her from the eye, then she will wish to pry into all things; if from the ear, she will wish to hear all things; if from the mouth, she will talk much; if from the heart, she will envy people; if from the hand, she will desire to take all things; if from the feet, she will be a gadabout. Therefore I will create her from the member which is hid, that is the rib, which is not even seen when man is naked." ~ Rabbi Joshua

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The False Messiah

From a religious perspective, a false messiah is one who falsely claims to be the ultimate King of the Universe, the All-Knowing Omnipresence and the Redeemer of Mankind. He will possess the gift of prophecy or divine inspiration, and, in most instances, will use that 'gift' for evil purposes. In defining a false messiah it becomes somewhat sketchy; a "true messiah" by some religious sects would simultaneously be declared a "false messiah" by other denominations of faith. All three major monotheistic religions believe a false messiah will appear during what the Christians refer to as the "End Times", the Jews call the "End of Days" and Muslims describe as the "Last Days".
The following excerpt is taken from Who's ? Right: Mankind, Religions & The End Times:
"During what the Christians refer to as the “End Times,” a seven-year period known as the “Great Tribulation” will ensue and mankind will experience a most turbulent world, one like has never been seen before. The seven-year tribulation period will herald in the “fight of all fights.” Neither man, woman nor child will be safe during this era of corruption, murder and natural disasters.

According to some scholars, the Anti-Christ (an agent of Satan) will appear out of a global organization, such as the United Nations (UN) or the European Union (EU). He will make a grand entrance into a very vulnerable world.

This person will have the ability to convince many people to follow and worship him. The lies and deceit will be embraced as truth and salvation by many when the Anti-Christ, a suave character of charming persuasion, will be successful in uniting all countries through a long awaited peace treaty with Israel and the Middle East.

The Anti-Christ will rule for 3 ½ years and his world leadership will be embraced by many as that of a savior. Some theologians believe the Anti-Christ will be instrumental in having the third Jewish Temple built. His reign on earth will be viewed by many as that of an extraordinary and awesome leader. This is the first half of the Great Tribulation.

The second 3 ½ years will become a nightmare as Satan’s agent takes complete control and makes the world his own. He will force followers, and those who were struck with awe by his wondrous person, to take a mark on their forehead or their hand which will unknowingly establish a commitment to Satan. Some religions refer to this as the “mark of the beast” (also referred to as the number 666). Any who deny or renounce him will be put to death."


The following excerpt is taken from Who's ? Right: Mankind, Religions & The End Times:
"In the teachings of Judaism, their arch enemy is known as Armilus, an Anti-Christlike figure that has many legends attributed to him. According to, he will be a prominent figure, such as a king, who will inflict major persecution upon both the Jews and Christians.

The Midrash describes him as a bald-headed monstrosity with one large and one small eye, deaf in the right ear and maimed in the right arm. Purported to be the son of Satan (according to the Midrash), Armilus will set himself up to be the messiah, even the Creator himself, and many Christians will believe him to be Jesus Christ. The Jews refer to the Christian's savior as the scion of Joseph. The Gospels of the New Testament will be accepted by Armilus and he will use it as his doctrine, bringing more Christians to his side during the End of Days. However, this does not last and soon Armilus kills off the Christians, including the scion of Joseph, when the Jews refuse to worship him.  
When Satan's son is unable to convince the Jewish nation to follow him, he will rage war against them and send them fleeing into the desert. After 45 days in the desert, and the Jews unworthy of the messianic period die out, the angel Michael will appear and blow his trumpet which will signal the final battle is about to begin. The remnant of faithful Jews will witness the appearance of their long awaited Messiah, along with the Prophet Elijah, and march toward Jerusalem where the last war between good and evil will be fought and Armilus will be destroyed.

 “And he shall make a firm covenant with many for one week; and for half of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease; and upon the wing of detestable things shall be that which causeth appalment; and that until the extermination wholly determined be poured out upon that which causeth appalment.”  Kethivum-Daniel 9:27 (Tanakh)

According to the Midrash, the Talmud, and the Kabbalistic words of the Zohar, the Judaic messiah will arrive before the year 6000 [of the Hebrew calendar]. The Hebrew calendar of the Orthodox Jew dates back to the creation of mankind and the year 2012 correlates to the Jewish year 5772.

The Midrash states: “Six eons for going in and coming out, for war and peace. The seventh eon is entirely Shabbat (Sabbath) and rest for life everlasting.” 
The End of Days will herald in the the great Messianic Era-a time of global peace and harmony- that the Jewish nation has waited for these many thousands of years. The idea of the Jewish messiah ushering in a time of global peace can be found in the scriptural passages of Nevi'im in the Tanakh under Isaiah 2:4 and 11:6-9.

The following excerpt is taken from Who's ? Right: Mankind, Religions & The End Times:
The Islamic religion also refers to an 'Arch Enemy'. According to the Hadith, he is known as al-Masih ad-Dajjal, which is Arabic for “the false messiah”. This evil figure will appear in the world during the Last Days (per Muslim belief, approximately 2076 A.D.) and pretend to be the Masih (the Messiah). His entrance into our chaotic planet will happen before Yawm al-Qiyamah (Judgment Day) and he is likened unto the Anti-Christ in Christian eschatology and Armilus in Jewish eschatology.

 “And when the Word is fulfilled against them (the unjust), We shall produce from the earth a Beast to (face) them: he will speak to them, for that mankind did not believe with assurance in our Signs ” - Qur'an 27.82 
Other scholars of Islamic eschatology believe the Dajjal (literally translated means Deceiver) is a metaphor for the United States of America. They believe Jesus was a prophet of Allah and taught that Allah was the one true God. The scholars say those [Christians] who believe that Isha (Jesus) is part of a Holy Trinity is being deceived and therefore Christianity as a whole is an Anti-Christ in itself because it teaches the opposite of what Isha taught. And yet others believe the Christian Bible was 'corrupted' by the ancient deceivers intent on supporting the dogma of the Trinity. 
 Most Islamic theologians agree the Dajjal will produce an attack upon mankind and conquer the entire planet by military force, as well as seducing others with material prosperity. Many will be rendered blind by his power, which will cause them [Christians and Jews] to be easily deceived by his unholy mission. Numerous followers of Allah will become profoundly misguided and conform to Dajjal's doctrine as well. 
The majority of the Islamic scholars and theologians agree that the Mahdi [the purest Muslim since the Prophet Mohammed] will appear and raise his own army, which will include Isha (Jesus). The Mahdi, who will lead a “spiritual jihad” in converting the Western world to Islam, will eventually defeat the Dajjal and become ruler of planet Earth according to Islamic law. Those who are non-believers during this era of time will either convert to Islam or be killed. The Hadith says “the sun will rise in the west”, which roughly translated means Islam will spread throughout the Western [Christian] world.  
False messiahs have come and gone throughout mankind's history. The New Testament forewarns of the Anti-Christ to prepare Christians for the final apocalypse [known as Armageddon], the Jews are admonished about the major persecution both Jews and Christians will endure at the hand of the false messiah called Armilus before the Messianic Era begins, and the Muslims are warned about the Dajjal's plan of attack against mankind as the Last Days are ushered in. 
Some philosophers of religion believe power given to this dominant world leader, known by many names, will arise because the Abrahamic religions have become impatient during their long appointed vigil of preparing for the coming Messiah (Judaic religion) or the long awaited return of the Mahdi (Islamic religion) or the anticipated second coming of Jesus Christ (Christian religion).
All three major religions caution humankind about the possibly harmful circumstances or conditions headed mankind's way... BUT believers are adjured to be vigilant always. 
"At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you ahead of time." ~ Matthew 24:23-25
 "On that day, I will banish the names of the idols from the land, and they will be remembered no more,” declares the Lord Almighty. “I will remove both the prophets and the spirit of impurity from the land." ~ Navi - Zechariah 13:2-3
"He knows what is before them, and what is behind them; and they do not intercede except for him whom He approves; and they tremble in awe of Him. And whoever of them says, “I am a god besides Him,” We will reward him with Hell. Thus We reward the wrongdoers."  ~ Quran 21:28-29


Tuesday, January 1, 2013


As the 'New Year' dawns, Who's ? Right would like to take a moment to share various sayings, history, poems and other related information....

Benjamin Franklin

"Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man." ~ Benjamin Franklin
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Time has no divisions to mark its passage, there is never a thunder-storm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols." ~ Thomas Mann

(from Wikipedia)

The Romans dedicated New Year's Day to Janus, the god of gates, doors, and beginnings for whom the first month of the year (January) is also named. After Julius Caesar reformed the calendar in 46 BC and was subsequently murdered, the Roman Senate voted to deify him on the 1st January 42 BC in honor of his life and his institution of the new rationalized calendar. The month originally owes its name to the deity Janus, who had two faces, one looking forward and the other looking backward.
This suggests that New Year's celebrations are founded on pagan traditions. Some have suggested this occurred in 153 BC, when it was stipulated that the two annual consuls (after whose names the years were identified) entered into office on that day, though no consensus exists on the matter. Dates in March, coinciding with the spring equinox, or commemorating the Annunciation of Jesus, along with a variety of Christian feast dates were used throughout the Middle Ages, though calendars often continued to display the months in columns running from January to December.
Among the 7th century pagans of Flanders and the Netherlands, it was the custom to exchange gifts at the New Year. This was a pagan custom deplored by Saint Eligius (died 659 or 660), who warned the Flemings and Dutchmen, "(Do not) make vetulas, [little figures of the Old Woman], little deer or iotticos or set tables [for the house-elf, compare Puck] at night or exchange New Year gifts or supply superfluous drinks [another Yule custom]." The quote is from the vita of Eligius written by his companion, Ouen.
Pope Gregory XIII
Most countries in Western Europe officially adopted January 1 as New Year's Day somewhat before they adopted the Gregorian calendar. In England, the Feast of the Annunciation on March 25, was the first day of the new year until the adoption of the Gregorian calendar in 1752. The March 25 date was known as Annunciation Style; the January 1 date was known as Circumcision Style, because this was the date of the Feast of the Circumcision, considered to be the eighth day of Christ's life, counting from December 25 when his birth is celebrated. This day was christened as the beginning of the New Year by Pope Gregory XIII as he designed the Liturgical Calendar.
In Memoriam, [Ring out, wild bells]
By Lord Alfred Tennyson
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light:
The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.
Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true.
Ring out the grief that saps the mind For those that here we see no more;
Ring out the feud of rich and poor, Ring in redress to all mankind.
Ring out a slowly dying cause, And ancient forms of party strife;
Ring in the nobler modes of life, With sweeter manners, purer laws.
Ring out the want, the care, the sin, The faithless coldness of the times;
Ring out, ring out my mournful rhymes But ring the fuller minstrel in.
Ring out false pride in place and blood, The civic slander and the spite;
Ring in the love of truth and right, Ring in the common love of good.
Ring out old shapes of foul disease; Ring out the narrowing lust of gold;
Ring out the thousand wars of old, Ring in the thousand years of peace.
Ring in the valiant man and free, The larger heart, the kindlier hand;
Ring out the darkness of the land, Ring in the Christ that is to be.


The New Year
By Martha Snell Nicholson
Dear Lord, as this New Year is born
I give it to Thy hand,
Content to walk by faith what paths
I cannot understand.
Whatever coming days may bring
Of bitter loss, or gain,
Or every crown of happiness;
Should sorrow come, or pain,
Or, Lord, if all unknown to me
Thine angel hovers near
To bear me to that farther shore
Before another year,
It matters not—my hand in Thine,
Thy light upon my face,
Thy boundless strength when I am weak,
Thy love and saving grace!
I only ask, loose not my hand,
Grip fast my soul, and be
My guiding light upon the path
Till, blind no more, I see!     

100 YEARS AGO [1913]:

> President of the United States was Woodrow Wilson

> Vice-President was Thomas R. Marshall

> The United States population was 97,225,000

> The 16th Ammendment [Income Tax] was adopted into the Constitution.

> Nobel Peace Prize Winner was Henri La Fontaine (Belgium)

> 1st sedan-type car (Hudson) goes on display at the 13th Annual Auto Show (NYC)

> Ida B Wells-Barnett demonstrates for female suffrage in Washington DC

~ for more 1913 historical info, please visit:
(from Wikipedia)

A New Year's resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. A key element to a New Year's resolution that sets it apart from other resolutions is that it is made in anticipation of the New Year and new beginnings. People committing themselves to a New Year's resolution generally plan to do so for the whole following year. This lifestyle change is generally interpreted as advantageous.
The ancient Babylonians made promises to their gods at the start of each year that they would return borrowed objects and pay their debts. The Romans began each year by making promises to the god Janus, for whom the month of January is named. In the Medieval era, the knights took the "peacock vow" at the end of the Christmas season each year to re-affirm their commitment to chivalry. At watchnight services, many Christians prepare for the year ahead by praying and making these resolutions. There are other religious parallels to this tradition. During Judaism's New Year, Rosh Hashanah, through the High Holidays and culminating in Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), one is to reflect upon one's wrongdoings over the year and both seek and offer forgiveness. People may act similarly during the Catholic fasting period of Lent, though the motive behind this holiday is more of sacrifice than of responsibility, in fact the practice of New Year's resolutions partially came from the Lenten sacrifices. The concept, regardless of creed, is to reflect upon self-improvement annually.

Top 10 New Year's Resolutions
By Albrecht Powell, Guide

 1. Spend More Time with Family & Friends
 2. Fit in Fitness
 3. Tame the Bulge
 4. Quit Smoking
 5. Enjoy Life More
 6. Quit Drinking
 7. Get Out of Debt
 8. Learn Something New
 9. Help Others
10. Get Organized


The "New Year's Toast" dates back to antiquity and is a habit with somewhat elusive and foggy beginnings. Odysseus drank to the health of Achilles in Homer's epic poem, The Odyssey. And in Rome, drinking to someone's health was so important that the Senate demanded that all diners drink to their emperor, Augustus Caesar, before every meal. Almost every culture of the ancient world - Hebrews, Egyptians, Persians, Saxons, Huns - conducted a pledging of honor with a glass for special occasions. The actual term "toast" was adopted in the 17th century AD when it was customary to to plop a piece of toast or crouton in a drink.

New Year’s Toast
By Joanna Fuchs

Here’s to the new year...
May it bring more joy and success
And less grief and regret.
To our dreams...
May we never stop believing in them
And taking the actions that will make them a reality.
To our friends, loved ones, associates (or colleagues)...
May we take the time to let them know
How much it means to us
To have them in our lives.
Let us encourage more and criticize less,
Give more and need less.
And whenever we can,
Let us create harmony and peace.
To new beginnings...
Let us start fresh, right now,
To make this the very best year ever.

A very Happy New Year to all of us!
image photo : Happy New Year 2013!!!