
End Times Eschatology

Eschatology Comparison

The three major monotheistic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) have many prophecies regarding an “End Times” scenario. As the scholars would agree, these religions believe some of the predictions of the ancient seers have come true, while other prophecies foretold are still yet to come.

These three religions are considered inextricably linked to one another through their histories because of certain common factors in their theologies. All three religions feature many of the same figures and places, yet they are often presented in different meanings and perspectives.

While some scholars believe Mohammed secured some of his ideas from the followers of Christianity, Judaism and Zoroastrianism, the concept of Islamic eschatology is extremely hard to piece to together. Muslim scholars of prophecy do not attempt to compare how events are related to each other. As with Christian and Judaic theologians, who disagree on the sequence of the “End Times” prophecies, Islamic scholars disagree on the nature of certain events.

Although the three major religions of the world are intertwined and defined by common beliefs, they differ when it comes to doctrine and practice. Even their sacred holy books are reflected by such differences.

The following link below, depicts a fair comparison of the similarities and differences in the eschatological teachings of Christianity, Islam and Judaism.

An eschatological chart publication of Contender Ministries

Eschatological Predictions

In biblical history, many prophets foresaw and correctly predicted various future occurrences that have happened during the existence of mankind. For centuries, religious scholars and ministers of the gospel have been saying that the “End Times” are upon us. Even the Apostles believed that Jesus would return, to set up His kingdom, during their own lifetime.

Now, nearly 2,000 years later, Christians continue warning of the imminent destruction of mankind and the return of Jesus Christ. The Muslims stoutly believe their savior, Mohammed, is soon to make his appearance and cleanse the planet of its unholy and unworthy inhabitants. Even the Jews agree that their Messiah will purify the world after exterminating those who practice evil and are unworthy of eternal life.

While all three major religions disagree on chronological order, certain events and interpretations, they all agree an “End Times” occurrence is assured. The following is a partial list of prophecies that have already been fulfilled:

>  Famine and Disease -  With the increase in world hunger and new diseases, the condition of planet Earth’s ongoing hunger, treatable sicknesses and terminal illnesses are steadily growing with every new year that approaches.

>  Wars and Rumors of Wars -  For centuries wars have been fought, but in the last one hundred years or so, mankind has had more than its fair share of battles; the increase in warfare grew considerably, if not astronomically, in the 20th century.

>  Earthquakes in Diverse Places - The increase in earthquake activity has multiplied many times over since the beginning of mankind and erupting where they had lain dormant for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. According to scientists, earthquakes have been shaking the planet on a monthly basis, if not more, since the 1990's.

>  Increased Knowledge - Today's modern man  has been bestowed with such an incredible intelligence, in comparison to the ancients. In the last one hundred years the progress of industrial, medical and technological has turned into a revolution like has never been since the beginning of mankind's reign on Earth.

The prophets and oracles of antiquity forewarned of the “End Times” so long ago. Today, the scholars, theologians and philosophers (who believe mankind is currently living during the time of the end) continue to implore us [mankind] to take into consideration the Holy Books of the world encourages humanity to not only be aware of the signs of the times, but to diligently watch for them. In doing so, mankind adheres to the warnings and thus prepares for a great holocaust that will one day affect the entire race of humanity.

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” - Luke 21-28 (KJV)