
Friday, August 25, 2023

Is Christianity at a Crossroads? Top Church Leader Sounds Alarm on Political Intrusion Into Sacred Teachings!

The following article is an opinion by the website called, The Net Worth Of.

A former top church leader has warned that Christianity is in “crisis” as the line between politics and religion grows ever closer. His comments have sparked a wave of discussion online. Let’s take a look at the full story.

Mounting Pressure of the Current Political Climate

Russell Moore, once a preeminent figure in the Southern Baptist Convention, the most substantial Protestant denomination in America, has raised concerns about Christianity’s direction in the United States.

He warns that the very essence of Christianity is in “crisis” as the words of Jesus Christ are mistaken for “liberal talking points” by believers, emphasizing the influence of political and tribal ideologies on America’s religious practices.

Speaking candidly to NPR, Moore shared his experiences and the anecdotes of numerous pastors who felt the mounting pressure of the current political climate on their spiritual duties.

The Sermon on the Mount, a revered teaching from the Gospel of Matthew, has long been considered a cornerstone of Christian ethics.

Its Lessons Have Guided Christians on the Path of Love, Humility, and Peace for Centuries

Its lessons have guided Christians on the path of love, humility, and peace for centuries. However, it seems the contemporary landscape is starting to challenge even this bedrock of the faith.

Many within their congregations are questioning the origin of these “liberal talking points.” To Moore’s dismay, even when these pastors assert that they are directly quoting Jesus Christ, the response has been dismissive.

“When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we’re in a crisis,” Moore explained.

The Sermon on the Mount contains some of the most influential and foundational tenets of Christianity.

A Profound Shift in the Understanding and Practice of Christianity in America

Among the lessons, it teaches believers to “turn the other cheek,” a clear message of non-violence and forgiveness.

If followers of the faith start considering these teachings as outdated or “weak,” as Moore indicates, it might signal a profound shift in the understanding and practice of Christianity in America.

Moore’s observations hint at a more profound issue where tribalism and political ideologies increasingly influence religious beliefs.

“Almost every part of American life is tribalized and factionalized,” Moore noted, and religion, it seems, is not immune.

Diluting the Core Messages of the Faith

This fusion of political beliefs and religious teachings may be diluting the core messages of the faith.

The solution, according to Moore, is easy. He believes that changes won’t come from a grand “war for the soul of evangelicalism.”

Instead, he thinks that the answer lies in small, local actions. This focus on localized, community-driven change may be an antidote to the broad strokes of political tribalism currently influencing Christianity.

Now at the helm of Christianity Today as its editor-in-chief, Moore is no stranger to controversy. He had been openly critical of Donald Trump during his presidential campaign.

Sexual Abuse Allegations

Furthermore, Moore has also been vocal about his concerns regarding the Southern Baptist Convention’s handling of sexual abuse allegations.

The Southern Baptist Convention, given its vast influence and reach in American evangelical circles, plays a significant role in shaping many’s religious beliefs and practices.

As such, Moore’s observations and concerns, coming from someone deeply embedded within the system, cannot be taken lightly.

As the lines between political ideologies and religious teachings blur, Moore’s concerns provide a timely reminder.

Core Teachings Should Remain Unaffected by Contemporary Politics

Christianity’s core teachings, centered around love, compassion, and humility, should remain unaffected by contemporary politics.

The burden is on religious leaders and congregations alike to preserve the sanctity of these teachings.

The fusion of political beliefs with religious teachings is not unique to Christianity or America.

However, given the country’s historical context of the separation of church and state, Moore’s observations serve as a moving reminder.

The Current Climate Brings Into Question the Principles That Guide Our Lives

The challenges ahead lie in removing political rhetoric from religious teachings, ensuring that the core principles of the faith remain unaltered.

The current climate brings into question the essence of faith, the teachings we hold dear, and the principles that guide our lives.

As politics and tribal beliefs grow more influential in our daily lives, the challenge remains to separate the temporary from the eternal, ensuring that the timeless teachings of love, humility, and peace are preserved for future generations.

Related Video:

John MacArthur: Believers and Politics

Monday, August 14, 2023

Largest Christian Denominations in the U.S.

The following article was obtained through the website, Family Minded, and written by Brittany Alexandra Sulc.

Christianity has been the largest religion in the U.S. since day one. According to the latest studies conducted by Pew Research Center, roughly 70 percent of today's U.S. population identifies as one Christian denomination or another. 

While every Christian denomination believes in God and the teachings of Jesus, each one has its own unique traditions, methods of worship and philosophy. Although more Americans identify as non-religious than ever before, these seven branches of Christianity are still the most widely practiced. 

Note: The practicing percentage comes from a 2014 Pew Research Center study that polled about 35,000 people.

7. Orthodox Christian

Percent practicing in the U.S.: 0.5%
Estimated population: 1.5 million

Orthodox Christianity encompasses a few denominations, including the Greek Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Church in America. All branches share a similar philosophy: that the Christian Faith and the Church are so interconnected that it's impossible to embrace one without the other. The traditions of the Orthodox Church are essential to the understanding and practice of Orthodox Christianity. 

The Orthodox Church also teaches that the Holy Spirit proceeds from God the Father, while Catholics and Protestants believe the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and Son (Jesus Christ). Another key difference is that Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Day on Jan. 7 rather than Dec. 25.

6. Jehovah's Witness

Percent practicing in the U.S.: 0.8%
Estimated population: 2.5 million

Jehovah's Witnesses, unlike most other Christian denominations in the U.S., believe in a singular God called Jehovah, as opposed to the Holy Trinity (God, the Son and Holy Spirit). Jehovah's Witnesses also believe that the world's end will soon come. They don't celebrate most holidays, including birthdays, and they don't celebrate religious holidays with any pagan origins. This includes Christmas and Easter. Another reason they don't celebrate Christmas is that there's no definitive proof that Jesus was born on Dec. 25. 

Jehovah's Witnesses also don't believe in getting blood transfusions, and followers are encouraged to avoid close relationships with people of other faiths. Many also discourage pursuing higher education. Additionally, they believe Satan is responsible for human corruption on Earth, leading people astray via governments, businesses and media. They also believe that when someone dies, they stop existing entirely.

5. Mormon

Percent practicing in the U.S.: 1.6%
Estimated population: 6.6 million

The highest population density of Mormons in the U.S. is in Utah. Mormons believe that the Book of Mormon was set in North America and that Christ was resurrected in the Western Hemisphere. They also believe the Garden of Eden was in North America. Unlike other Christian denominations in the U.S., they don't believe in the Holy Trinity, viewing God the Father as more significant than Jesus. 

Mormons also believe that every person has a life before birth in a spirit realm shared with God. After death, their soul returns to this realm to be later resurrected. They also believe in three kingdoms of glory that people are sent to based on whether they followed the Gospel, didn't follow it or disavowed it entirely. 

4. Historically Black Protestant

Percent practicing in the U.S.: 6.5%
Estimated population: 21 million

Over half of Black adults in the U.S. identify as members of the historically Black Protestant tradition. This encompasses seven different denominations: the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, the Church of God in Christ, the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church and three National Baptist Conventions, plus those who identify as non-denominational Protestants. 

Black Americans are more likely than the overall American public to identify as Protestant, especially among older generations. The reason Black Protestants are listed in their own category is because there are strong belief trends that differ from that of Mainline Protestants due to the complicated history of race relations and socioeconomic status in the U.S. They're more likely to identify as Democrats than white Protestants as well as to vote pro-choice. 

3. Mainline Protestant

Percent practicing in the U.S.:14.7%
Estimated population: 49 million

There are several Protestant denominations in the U.S., but the Mainline Protestant denomination is the second most common and encompasses the original "seven sisters of American Protestantism," including American Baptist Churches USA, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Presbyterian Church (USA), the United Church of Christ and the United Methodist Church.

Compared to their Evangelical counterparts, Mainline Protestants tend to be more politically moderate, focusing on solving economic gaps and social issues with a more liberal mindset. Most of them also have a modern theological take on Christianity, viewing the Bible as a historical document that should be interpreted based on the realities of current human existence, and they're known for having a more flexible viewpoint on the process of salvation. They do believe that following the teachings of Jesus is the way to salvation, but many also believe that people outside the faith may have access to salvation as well, via good deeds and God's grace. 

2. Catholic

Percent practicing in the U.S.: 20.8%
Estimated population: 70 million

The Catholic Church has been active in the U.S. since the colonial era, thanks to Spanish, French and Mexican influences. The number of Catholics in the U.S. rose in the mid- and late-1800s when Catholic immigrants flocked from Germany, Ireland and other parts of Europe. 

The most notable differences between Catholicism and other Christian denominations include the beliefs in the importance of the Virgin Mary, saints and the Pope. Catholics also follow strong traditions, like the practice of taking communion after being officially welcomed as a full-fledged members of the faith by receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. Those who identify as Catholic in the U.S., however, vary widely in personal beliefs. Some are very devout, attending mass weekly and practicing Catholicism in a literal sense. Others were born into Catholic families and were baptized but don't actively practice it as adults. 

1. Evangelical Protestant

Percent practicing in the U.S.: 25.4%
Estimated population: 84 million

Evangelical Protestants take the Bible the most seriously. They believe it's the true word of God and that having a personal relationship with Jesus is required for salvation. The word "evangelical" comes from Greek roots meaning "the gospel" or "the good news." Evangelical faith revolves around the good news brought to sinners by Jesus Christ, bringing hope for salvation. Being "born again" is a big part of their belief, stressing that members need to go through a conversion process to truly reject their sins.

Generally, Evangelical Protestant church services are divided into multiple parts, including a sermon, congregational singing and the practice of intercessory prayer — praying on behalf of another. Interestingly, this Protestant denomination loses fewer followers to atheism and agnosticism than many others.