
Wednesday, April 19, 2023

New Theory Claims Solar Storms Will Cause ‘End Of The World’ On April 23, 2023

The following article was obtained through and written by Douglas Charles.

© iStockphoto

It’s been a while since we have had a good “end of the world” theory sprout up out of the internet.

This latest prediction of the apocalypse apparently found its legs on, of course, TikTok.

According to, “a new conspiracy theory saying that an apocalypse of some sort will happen this Sunday, April 23rd has been gaining traction, especially among Spanish-language users, as the main source seems to be the account @lascapsulasdeltiempo.”

Let’s investigate.

According to this theory, an intense solar storm will take place on Sunday, April 23, 2023.

Why would this be bad?

Well, as we reported back in April of 2021, Dr. Mark Morris, a professor of astronomy at UCLA, explained that the apocalypse has a very good chance of being caused by the sun.

“There’s every expectation that in about five billion more years, that our sun will swell up to become a red giant,” Morris explained to the Daily Express.

“And then, as it gets larger and larger, it will eventually become what’s called an asymptotic giant branch star – a star whose radius is just under the distance between the sun and the Earth – one astronomical unit in size. So the Earth will be literally skimming the surface of the red giant sun when it’s an asymptotic giant branch star.”

That’s not what this latest theory is saying though. What it claims is that a massive solar flare could cause severe technological disruptions.

For example, the strongest recorded solar flare to ever hit Earth occurred in 1859 in what is referred to as the “Carrington Event.” That particular solar storm caused telegraph wires to burst into flames.

In 1921, the “New York Railroad Storm” also caused fires in electrical equipment and telegraph control rooms all over the world, while in 1989 a moderately strong solar storm knocked out power in northeast Canada for nine hours.

So, will something like that happen again on April 23, 2023? Not likely.

However, NASA has predicted a solar storm strike will hit Earth on April 20.

Space weather physicist Dr. Tamitha Skov forecasts a 10 percent chance that an X-class solar flare eruption could occur, causing shortwave radio and GPS disruptions.

Should that happen at the same time as a solar storm then it could severely affect power grids, mobile networks, and the internet.

Now that would be the apocalypse.

Then again, the strongest solar storm in nearly six years blasted Earth last month and space weather forecasters didn’t even see it coming, reported. The worst thing to happen during that event was spaceflight company Rocket Lab having to delay a launch by 90 minutes. We’ll probably be fine.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Congregants gathered to worship abortion at the first mass of a new church exalting women's autonomy

The following article was obtained through and written by Katherine Tangalakis-Libbert.

A crowd prays before the Church of Potential Life altar, 
created by Jackie DesForges. © Matt Ellis
  • Jackie DesForges began imagining her Church of Potential Life after the Dobbs decision was leaked.
  • As she watched reproductive rights roll back across the nation, she created an altar and new church.
  • In March, the Church of Potential Life held its first mass, worshipping abortion and female autonomy
At a renegade art and literary festival in Bombay Beach, California, Jackie DesForges knelt and prayed with passersby at the inaugural mass of her new church. Reading aloud from a sermon re-written using Supreme Court language, the group didn't merely celebrate — they worshipped abortion.

The idea to create a performance art church came to DesForges last year after a draft opinion of the Supreme Court decision that would ultimately overturn Roe v. Wade was leaked.

"I was very mad, like a lot of people were," DesForges, a Los Angeles-based writer and artist, told Insider. The anger and sense of grief over the loss of abortion rights, she said, inspired her to create the provocative symbol of hope, which took shape over the next year.

She had recently started creating erasure poems, painting over or whiting-out passages in books and other writings to create new poetry from the words left behind, and was inspired to do so with the language from the legal document that rolled back reproductive rights for women across the country.

"So I decided I wanted to do something with this draft, and kind of write women back into it," DesForges told Insider. "And I decided I wanted it to take the form of a manifesto for kind of this new, imaginary religion that sort of worships abortion and female autonomy."

Jackie DesForges performs the first mass of the Church of Potential Life 
to an audience at the Bombay Beach Biennale. © Matt Ellis

DesForges combed through the nearly hundred-page draft of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization opinion, erasing and re-structuring the language of Justice Alito to create an altar-sized poem, which she displayed at the Bombay Beach Biennale art and literary festival in March.

Before a small crowd, DesForges read aloud from the church's manifesto, completed a Gospel reading, and then, with a basket passed around to participants like a reverse donation plate, she encouraged Church of Potential Life congregants to take with them phrases from the manifesto, offering single lines of prose to think on.

DesForges said she drew power for the project by "taking the Supreme Court's words and kind of using them against them" reclaiming the words and the reasoning used to strip women of access to abortion.

"They had all the sources that they cited in this document, and I could use the same sources to prove a different point," DesForges said. "There also was a huge power is that for me, I think, where I was like, 'Okay, you can write this resounding opinion about what you think the situation is' and so can I, using your exact same words, basically."

Raised Catholic, DesForges said the project was also an act of reclaiming a sacred space after she left the church and recognized different religious perspectives on abortion. She noted that in certain Jewish faiths, abortion is not only allowed but required to protect the health of a mother, making an abortion ban a potential violation of their freedom of religion — and for those who follow her church.

"I think I used to be so anti-everything Catholic and everything church, I had a lot of complicated feelings for a while without it, and now I'm very much in the place where I can kind of take what I need from it and leave the rest behind," DesForges said.

That mentality appeared to resonate with those who saw her performance, she said, adding that audience members shared their own experiences and thoughts on abortion and religion with her following the mass, praising her project and its aim to open a dialogue.

"It was truly like, the perfect location, at the perfect time," she said, noting the fear regarding abortion access is still palpable as nationwide access to abortion-inducing drugs mifepristone and misoprostol has been called into question. "It just felt meant to be."