
Friday, February 24, 2023

The woman who foresaw 9/11 predicts a nuclear explosion for 2023

The following article was obtained through StarsInsider

Who is Baba Vanga?

Baba Vanga was a world-famous mystic who grew up in Bulgaria. She has often been referred to as the Nostradamus of the Balkans for her grand predictions. 

The origins of her gift

She grew up on a farm and was blinded in a dust storm when she was 12 years old. She said that this was the moment she received a gift from God to see into the future. 

The first signs

According to, she began to exhibit strange behavior around the age of 18. She left a home for the blind where she had spent her teen years and returned to live with her family in what is now North Macedonia. She began to have visions and strange dreams, and would speak to the dead.

Vanga's posthumous prophecies

She died in 1996 at the age of 75, but by that time had already made many far-reaching predictions about the future.

Foreseeing the fate of the Earth

In the 1950s, she made a prediction that seemed to herald climate change and the devastating tsunami that occurred in the Indian Ocean on December 26, 2004.

Vanga is believed to have said, “Cold regions will become warm … and volcanoes will awaken. A huge wave will cover a big coast covered with people and towns, and everything will disappear beneath the water. Everything will melt, just like ice.”

The Kursk submarine disaster

It’s rumored that she predicted a famous disaster that occurred in Russia in the year 2000. The Kursk submarine sank during a major Russian naval exercise and all of its 118 crew members were killed.

Her most famous prediction

One year later, her supporters claimed that she had once again predicted a major world event. It’s reported that she made a prediction that closely matched the details of the September 11 terrorist attack in the US.

The 9/11 prophecy

Vanga is believed to have said, “The American brothers will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing."

Her reputation for accuracy

These events helped to solidify Vanga’s reputation as a psychic among her followers. Many say that her predictions are extremely reliable. One researcher, the late Bulgarian psychiatrist Professor Georgi Lozanov, calculated that she has an 85% accuracy rate! So, what has she got lined up for 2023? 

2023: the Earth's orbit will change

Baba Vanga made five major predictions for 2023. The first was that the Earth's orbit will "change" somehow. The Earth's orbit of the sun is known to change infinitesimally over tens of thousands of years, but a more sudden change would have devastating effects. Moving closer to the sun would accelerate global warming, and moving further away would plunge us into an ice age. 

2023: a solar tsunami is coming

She also predicted that a powerful solar storm the likes of which we've never seen will occur in 2023. Solar storms are disturbances on the sun that can emanate out into our solar system and impact the Earth. Some have interpreted her words to mean a solar tsunami is coming. This is a rarely-seen phenomenon where a powerful plasma wave ripples across the sun and into the surrounding space climate. It could be devastating for Earth, causing blackouts and failures in technology.

2023: biological weapons will be used

Baba Vanga declared that a "big country" would carry out experiments using biological weapons on humans, and that hundreds of thousands would die as a result. Such practices are banned by the Biological Weapons Convention of the United Nations, but there are fears that some countries are going ahead with experiments in secret. 

2023: nuclear explosion

Baba Vanga warned that there would be a major nuclear power plant explosion in 2023. This is a very real concern considering that the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine has been caught up in the war with Russia, while Putin threatens nuclear war. 

2023: no more pregnancies

Finally, she predicted that natural pregnancies will be banned and all babies will be grown in laboratories. She said it will be up to leaders and medical experts to decide who gets a baby and when, while the parents will be allowed to decide on traits such as hair and eye color. Luckily, Baba Vanga's predictions haven't always been right. 

False predictions: 1994 World Cup Final

In 1994, she claimed that the World Cup Final would be played by two teams with names that began with the letter B. She was right about Brazil, but the other team was Italy. Perhaps she was hoping Bulgaria would make it to the final!

False predictions: nuclear war

She predicted that a nuclear war would occur between 2010 and 2014, and that certainly didn’t happen!

False predictions: Europe's destruction

A rather dramatic prophecy that never came to fruition was her claim that Europe would cease to exist in 2016.

False predictions: the 44th and final US president

Vanga is said to have correctly predicted that the 44th President of the United States would be African American, but she also claimed that this person would be the final president!

Some have interpreted this prediction as the end of serious politics in the US, with celebrities taking over the position of president. Thankfully, Kanye 2020 didn't work out...


Now, let’s see what other predictions Vanga made for the future!

Future predictions: climate change weapons

Baba Vanga said that in 2066 the US will unleash a climate change weapon on Muslim-controlled Rome.

Future predictions: time travel

Finally, in 2304, Baba Vanga says that humans will discover time travel.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

The Caste System Of Hinduism Is Rooted In Two Core Beliefs

The following article was obtained through the website, Grunge, and written by Dylan Hofer.

Religions and belief systems have tried to piece together how the world works, and how people should behave in accordance with metaphysical ideas. Christians believe that if someone accepts Jesus Christ as their lord and savior and repents for their sins they can enter the Kingdom of God, Muslims have a similar idea and believe that those who live a righteous life will enter heaven, whereas those who not will go to hell, and the ancient Greeks believed that one traveled through the realm of Hades after death trying to find salvation, according to Getty.

Golden Temple in Amritsar, Punjab 

Other religious systems don't have a rigid separation between the world of the living and the dead, but rather believe in cycles of reincarnation, such as Hinduism and Buddhism. In these two religions, death is not seen as the end, but rather a process where people try to attain higher levels of status and existence. According to Set Free, only by living good lives and attaining good karma can one hope to be elevated to another caste.

The Two Elements Of Caste

Indian workers recycling scraps. Photo: Aniruddha Chowhdury/Mint

Wet waste will be composted 

For Hindus specifically, people are born into four different castes and are only reincarnated as humans. The lowest caste is the Sudras, traditionally peasants or servants; the next level is Vaishyas, who are merchants; Kshatriyas are warriors, kings, or other rulers; and the final level is the Brahmins, the teachers, and priests of Hinduism, according to Phiren Amenca. It is believed that by doing good deeds in your current life, you will be rewarded with higher status in the next.

Below all of these is a group of people known as Dalits, or the Untouchables. Members of this caste aren't allowed to associate with any other denomination whatsoever. Even now Dalits face harsh segregation and are often abused in everyday society. It is sometimes expected that Dalits should do harsh manual labor that was unattractive to the higher castes, and many were indentured servants, including children (via National Geographic). Today, some laws are implemented to protect Untouchables, but often aren't enforced due to permeating cultural beliefs, according to Britannica.

Comparison To Buddhism

Buddha's statue near Belum Caves Andhra Pradesh India. Wikipedia

Many Untouchables convert to other religions due to this discrimination. Buddhism is often a popular religion to follow given its more empathetic take on the caste system and reincarnation as a whole, compared to its older spiritual cousin (via Britannica). In Buddhism, there is still karma and the belief in reincarnation, but the castes are radically different. Buddhists believe that all people are equal, and all people can reach enlightenment, but they also hold the notion that people can be reincarnated into different beings.

Usually, these beings are divided into six different categories: Gods, demigods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts, and devils. Hungry ghosts are beings who are constantly craving one thing that can never be fully satisfied, according to Lion's Roar. Nonetheless, both Hindus and Buddhists believe that karma exists and that the actions in our lives have consequences that follow us to the next, in the hopes that one day we will live in eternal bliss.

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