
Wednesday, June 22, 2022

World of Unrest, Chaos & Mayhem

World of Unrest


While the world is watching the war between Russia and Ukraine, which has caused havoc on the economy around the world, there are 22 other conflicts and skirmishes going on in other parts of the planet which threaten to erupt into major military standoffs. 

Matthew stated, "You will hear of wars..." (24:6) Wars have been going on since the beginning of mankind and many conflicts have come and gone over the last six millennia, but the 21st century is seeing such an alarming rise of unrest between many nations. One battle foretold in the Bible is the war of Gog & Magog as recorded in the Book of Ezekiel (Chapters 38 & 39). Many scholars identify Russia and China as Gog and Magog, with the majority of academia agreeing the military might of these nations are gearing up for major war in the not-so-distant future.

It is said that such conflict of war will get worse during the End Times, but the Prophet Isaiah said, "He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples." (2:4)

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Rumors of wars

Jesus specifically stated, "There will be wars and rumors of war...", as recorded in Matthew 24:6. For 2,000 years this prophecy has continued to be fulfilled. 

While wars have been conducted throughout the history of mankind, the various wars, battles, skirmishes and conflicts since the 1st century A.D. has increased enormously with each passing year. There has never been a world of peace since Jesus was crucified.

According to Revelation 6:16, the greatest war is yet to come, and mankind may worry, but terror will be the emotion that takes a person hostage during the End Times. This war, known as the Battle of Armageddon, describes what happens after God pours out the sixth bowl of wrath when the antichrist gathers “kings”. These kings, loyal to the antichrist, will gather their armies to wage war against the people of God.

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Riots & Mass Shootings

It is recorded in the Book of Proverbs, "A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls." (25:28) Riots, both political and environmental, are erupting around the world in the 21st century. 

Peaceful protests seem to be a "thing of the past" in our world today. Likewise, mass shootings are increasing with deadly force, especially in the United States of America. Gun violence has escalated in recent years and more deaths are being reported. Between 1982 and 2021 were a total of 129 mass shootings in America [that were reported]. In 2022, in the USA alone, there have 254 mass shootings in a six-month period! 

During the End Times such chaos shall erupt. Even King David pointed out, "The Lord tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence." (Psalm 11:5)

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World of Chaos

Diseases & Famines

Disease and famine go hand in hand in most cases. According to science, the number one cause of any disease is "toxemia". War and droughts are the number one causes of famine. When disease and famine are combined, it can become a lethal combination.

Deuteronomy 32:24, Moses states, "They shall be wasted with hunger, devoured by pestilence and bitter destruction;".  Covid-19 has become one of the world's worst disease epidemics since the Spanish Flu of 1918, with a global death toll of 6,317,507 as of 19 June 2022. Hunger around the world increases every year.  The U.N. World Food Programme declared that 870 million people worldwide – more than 1 out of every 10 people on the planet – are living with hunger in 2022. That’s an increase of more than 200 million hungry people since 2019, driven largely by the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters and conflicts of war.  

But hope remains as the Psalmist proclaimed, "Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flies by day; Nor for the pestilence that walks in darkness; nor for the destruction that wastes away at noonday." (Psalms 91:5-6)

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During the End Times "lawlessness will abound" (Matthew 24:12). There is no denying... and the entire planet will agree... that the 21st century residents are experiencing more mayhem than was ever encountered in the 20th century. Murders, robberies, riots, mass shootings, terrorism, anarchy, drug and human trafficking... The list goes on and on.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt's words in 1937, when America was under a quarantine, can pretty well sum up the scenario of lawlessness mankind is enduring today, "The present reign of terror and international lawlessness began a few years ago. It began through unjustified interference in the internal affairs of other nations or the invasion of alien territory in violation of treaties; and has now reached a stage where the very foundations of civilization are seriously threatened." 

A lawless person is one who breaks, violates, disobeys or transgresses the law. It seems as if history is repeating itself with a horrible force not seen during the 1940s. Our world has become a bedlam of horrors in a land of Babel.

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Pandemonium is defined on as follows: 1) wild uproar or unrestrained disorder; tumult or chaos. 2) a place or scene of riotous uproar or utter chaos. 3) the abode of all the demons.  

Pandemonium is running rampant in the world today from riots and destruction of property to school shootings and injuring/killing one's own family. It was John Milton who coined the term, "pandemonium" in Paradise Lost, and the third definition of pandemonium is a testament to our current world events. Evil is everywhere and the demons are out in full force. "But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power..." (2 Timothy 3:1-5)

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World of Mayhem


Murder started from the very beginning of mankind's reign on Earth with the killing of Abel at the hands of his own brother, Cain. (Genesis 4). Yet, that is not what the Creator had intended. In 1 Timothy 1:9 it states, "Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers..." 

But the world is beyond the brink of murderous mayhem today. So many killings are taking place all around the globe that law enforcement officials are having a hard time keeping up so many criminals. The Cain/Abel scenario, while it was a fierce rivalry between two brothers, it was also a tragic struggle between two different lifestyles (a farmer and a herdsman). At the time the story of Cain and Abel developed, there was constant friction between farmers and herdsmen, both of them fighting for the limited resources of the land. 

In today's world, theoretically speaking, the farmer and herdsman continue to battle among themselves. Each are trying to surpass the other. Or so it would seem.

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The Prophet Habakkuk, who was speaking to the Creator, asked, "Why are you forcing me to look at iniquity and to stare at wickedness? Social havoc and oppression are all around me; there are legal conflicts, and disputes abound." (1:3). 

The Creator's answer was a bit mysterious, but forward, "Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told." (1:5). 

Habakkuk goes back in his mind to what his God did when he delivered the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage and understood, as well as believed, that if the Creator states that He will do something, then He will. It was all about trusting his God during tough times. It is no different in our 21st century... it's all about trusting in Him to see mankind through the difficulties and turmoil that surround the people of the planet today.

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Nature Unleashed

There is no other phrase to use than, "nature is being unleashed"!  

Ezekiel poetically defined a tornado in scripture. "As I looked, behold, a stormy wind came out of the north, and a great cloud, with brightness around it... as it were gleaming metal." (1:4)

Jesus spoke about there being signs in the sun, moon and stars, as well as “...the roaring of the sea and the waves." (Luke 21:25); hurricanes fit that description.  

The Prophet Micah wrote about volcanoes, “The mountains melt beneath his feet and flow into the valleys like wax in a fire, like water pouring down a hill.” (1:4). But the Creator is a truly loving God who is working out a great plan for all humanity in our world today. (John 3:16; 2 Peter 3:9; 1 Timothy 2:4; 1 Corinthians 15:22-24)."

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Saturday, June 4, 2022

Kids and Religion in the 21st Century

The following article was obtained through the website,

Why Kids Not Interested In Religion Or Spirituality As Adults

It used to be that Sundays were a day of worship. It did not matter what activities were going on during the week or how tired people were, they made it to church without fail. But that is no longer the case. In fact, according to Barna, Generation Z claims that they are atheists nearly twice as much as the public. And because of this, older generations who are deeply involved in church wonder why kids are not as interested in religion or spirituality as adults are.

As society has changed, so has the importance of church for younger generations. This does not mean that church is no longer an important part of life for some kids. After all, as part of the weekly responsibilities, church as a family unit is very important. But, overall, the number of people, specifically young people, attending church has dwindled over the years. So much so that it is to the point where congregations are more often filled with older generations than young. And as things stand, it does not look like that trend will be changing anytime soon.

Here are why kids are not as interested in religion or spirituality as adults.

Kids Do Not Believe What They Are Being Taught

With there being a shift in what has become acceptable in society and younger generations at the forefront of acceptance of others, many kids are not believing what they are being taught in church. And because of this, fewer kids are interested in religion or spirituality.

According to NPR, when kids are being told stories from the Bible or other spiritual teachings if the story does not sound feasible, it is not being believed. This means sacrificing loved ones to appease God, being taught that homosexuality is a sin when God created man and being told to pray to bring an end to suffering and that does not happen, leaves kids without a connection to the church. When there is no connection, a foundation of belief cannot be built. And when there is no foundation, there is no reason to attend church or have any type of spirituality.

Kids Cannot Get Behind A God That Allows Suffering

With all the suffering going on in the world and for some kids, in their homes, many kids cannot get behind a religion or spirituality that allows for human suffering.

According to Focus On The Family, good and evil exist in the world because God is the ultimate standard of good. As such, when bad things happen, kids need to learn to have endurance through the bad to ultimately get to the good.

The problem with this reasoning for some kids is that if God brings comfort and love to all, then why would there be suffering through natural disasters, war, and diseases? It is grappling with these questions that make kids believe that instead of there being a higher power, things happen as they may. Because believing in something that would let such horrible atrocities happen makes little to no sense as no one should have to endure suffering in life, especially those who have done nothing to deserve a life filled with pain.

Church Used To Be A Social Outlet

Decades ago, it used to be that the community came together to attend church. This made it a time to socialize, enjoy one another's company, and catch up on the week. However, as social media and smartphones have become a part of kids' lives, there is no need to do this because everyone knows what the other is doing as a result of pictures and stories being posted. And if there are not any other ties to the church kids will not want to attend.

According to Natasha Crain, if kids do not have any friends at church, they will have zero desire to attend. Feeling like there is no one to connect with gets in the way of learning the teachings of the church. And with fewer kids attending church or being spiritual overall, there are fewer kids having anything to do with religion. As such, there is little desire to want to participate in anything that has to do with being a higher power be it organized religion or spirituality.


The following article was obtained through the Natasha Crain Blog

8 Reasons Why Kids Don’t Want to Go to Church by Natasha Crain

Reflecting on years of reasons for desperately wanting out of church, I would not have been able or willing to articulate those reasons to my parents. I can now, however, encapsulate the spectrum of my personal experience in the following eight reasons.

For those struggling with the issue, I hope this list encourages you to dig more deeply into your kids’ excuses of “I just don’t want to go” to identify and address the real underlying reasons.

1.       They think it’s boring.

I put this here not because it is a real reason, but because I bet this is the most common thing that all kids say about church. I probably told my mom this 1,000 times, but what I really meant if I could have expressed it was one of the other real reasons on this list. Don’t accept this as a reason unless the youth program at your church really is poorly conceived (in this case, consider other churches where the youth program is more solid).

2.       They would rather (fill in the blank).

Addressing this one really depends on what you fill in the blank with. It is either a heart issue (they have no desire to prioritize God in their lives), or a schedule issue. By heart issue, I mean that they would literally rather do anything than go to church because they don’t have a strong relationship with Jesus (see number 8).

For kids who have their hearts in the right place with Jesus, but would rather do other things, there is likely a schedule issue. If they would rather sleep, have you overscheduled them to the point that they desperately need rejuvenation? If they would rather see friends, have you allowed for enough social time during the week? The list could go on, but the key point is that everyone needs time to breathe. If your list of required activities during the week leaves your kids feeling like the only optional activity they can clear to make time for themselves is on Sunday morning, their schedule may need to be revisited. This doesn’t mean they will be willing to cut activities themselves, but it does mean you may have to work with them on it.

3.       They don’t have friends there.

I don’t have to tell you how important social relationships are to kids. If they feel like they have no one with whom to connect at church, the feeling of alienation will outweigh the ability to learn or worship. This is something that younger kids probably won’t be able to express and older kids won’t be willing to express. I was a shy kid who had trouble making friends, and dreaded church from 4th to 6th grade because I felt alienated. You can treat this situation proactively just like you would at school – make friends with other parents, talk to the teacher, invite kids over to your house, etc.

4.       They don’t like other kids there.

It’s one thing to have few or no friends at church. It’s another thing to outright not like other kids. Just like at school, church groups can have bullies, snobs, mean kids and more. Depending on the situation and the potential to rectify it, it may be best to look for another church. Yes, in the “real world” we can’t always run from the people who bother us, but church should be the one place our kids can feel safe. I would rather teach my kids lessons about how to deal with difficult people pretty much anywhere but at church (if possible).

5.       They don’t like their youth leader/teacher.

My husband, after misbehaving during middle school youth group, was told by one of his teachers that he was “going to go to hell.” You can imagine how he felt about her after that.  I went to a youth group conference in high school and, when I didn’t get emotional about the message like other kids, was told by my youth group leader that there was “something wrong” with me. I never wanted to go near that youth group leader again.

The other possibility is that the leader has no credibility with your kids – too young, a hypocritical lifestyle, inexperienced, etc.  If kids don’t respect their youth leader, they won’t value their church experience enough to go. This is especially true for middle and high schoolers.

If there is a legitimate and significant reason why your kids don’t like their leader or teacher, I believe it is absolutely appropriate to find another church.

6.       It’s not relevant.

While it would be great if every church had a fabulous curriculum to really make the Word relevant to kids, in reality, this is the job of parents. Church does not replace the application of faith at home in daily life. If you don’t pray with your kids, study the Bible with your kids, or talk about faith with your kids at home, relevance is mostly left at the door of the chapel.

One major relevance issue stands out here, from my experience: if your child’s notion of Jesus and faith has been boiled down to heaven/hell or saved/not saved, church quickly becomes irrelevant.  This was hugely true for me. All the churches I went to focused so much on salvation that there was no emphasis on a living faith. As far as I was concerned, I believed in Jesus and was saved, and then couldn’t see why I really needed to go talk about it more each week. If you’re not applying faith at home, your kids may come to see church as a redundant message about a decision that they feel they have already made (to be saved or baptized).

7.       They don’t believe in God or are doubting Christianity.

I read a fascinating study recently showing that most adults who have turned away from the church started doubting God in middle school (I’m going to write a separate blog soon on these findings). The more doubt your kids start to have, the less interested they will be in going to church and hearing about topics that aren’t directly related to their specific questions at the time. Having an ongoing faith conversation at home is critical so you can relevantly address these questions.

(Need help learning about and understanding the biggest challenges to kids’ faith today? Check out my new book, Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side: 40 Conversations to Help Them Build a Lasting Faith.)

8.       They don’t have a strong relationship with Jesus.
Practically speaking, this reason trumps all the other reasons. If a child is old enough to have a strong relationship with Jesus, that will likely outweigh all of these other things. If the relationship is weak or not there, then all the other reasons come into play. This is where we, as parents, have to really shepherd the hearts of our kids, by understanding where they are, why they are there, and what is needed to help lead them to where we want them to be with the Lord.