
Sunday, December 12, 2021

Sacred Biblical Mountains - Part Two


Mount Zion: Mountain of the Holy Temple

"And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call." ~ Joel 2:32

While not exactly classified as a "mountain", Mount Zion is a very steep hill that once housed the First and Second Jewish Temples and is located just outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. The term "Mount Zion" has been used to describe the "City of David", the "Temple Mount", and the "Western Hill". In a broader sense, the term has also been used for the entire "Land of Israel".

According to the Book of Samuel, this sacred mountain was the site of the Jebusite fortress, which was conquered by King David. It would later be renamed the "City of David" and referred to as the "stronghold of Zion".  

During the time of Simon the Hasmonean (2nd century B.C.), the current temple mount was not the highest mountain. The original Temple site was desecrated by the Greeks during the time of the Maccabees. Simon the Hasmonean decided to remove Mount Zion and he leveled the land and threw it into the Tyropoeon and Kidron Valleys. He filled up the valley with the earth and wanted to join the upper city with the Temple. The name Mt. Zion was then transferred to the western hill and soon thereafter the city expanded to the west. 

The historian, Josephus, from the tribe of Levi, was alive during the destruction of the Herod's Temple in 70 A.D. and gave a firsthand account of its demise in Wars of the Jews. It is probable that Josephus served in the Temple and was allowed access to the high court records of the Second Temple as the historian gave precise details about its location, as well as the size and proportions of the temple. Per Josephus, Mount Zion was located between David's Citadel and the Tyropoeon ValleyThis explains why the original mountain cannot be seen today. What you see now is not what Josephus was talking about.  

A few survivors of Masada wrote about the destruction of Jerusalem and stated the temple and the city were completely destroyed. They claim the only thing left standing was Antonia Fortress, which was not considered a part of Jerusalem at that time because it was outside of the city. Today, a minority of scholars and theologians believe the Western Wall was actually a part of the fortress, not part of the original Temple Mount.

Modern scholars have found the name "Zion" was not used in ordinary writing, but instead was used in correlation with religious prophecy and in poetic context (such as the Psalms). Regardless of the term's meaning and the actual location of Mount Zion, the name holds a great deal of spiritual significance.  

"Now on the north side of the Temple was built a citadel (Fort Antonia), whose walls were square and strong and of extraordinary firmness. The kings of the Hasmonaean dynasty, who were also high priests before the time of Herod, called it the Tower. It [Fort Antonia] dominated the Temple." ~ Flavius Josephus, Historian

Mount of Olives: The Mountain of David, Solomon and Jesus

"And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south." ~ Zechariah 14:4

Unlike the other sacred biblical mountains mentioned, the Mount of Olives location is not in dispute. It is located among three peaks of a mountain ridge which runs east of the Old City across the Kidron Valley and is situated in the middle. The mount was named for the olive groves that once covered its slopes. Mount Scopus is to the north and the Mount of Corruption lies on the south side.   

Mount of Olives, first mentioned in connection with David's flight from Absalom (2 Samuel 15:30), is frequently referenced in the New Testament.  According to the Bible, Jesus spent time on the mount with his Disciples, teaching and prophesying. The Bible records Jesus visiting the Mount of Olives three times in the last week of His earthly life, and each time something of significance happened (Luke 19:29–30; 37; 41-44).  

An apocalyptic prophesy foretold by Zechariah (14:4) states Jesus will stand on the Mount of Olives [during the End Times] and the mountain will split in two - one half shifting north; one half shifting south. In one of Ezekiel's visions, the ancient prophet witnessed the glory of the Lord depart from Jerusalem and come to rest "above the mountain east of it." (Ezekiel 11:23)  

The Masoretic Text records people will flee through the newly formed valley to a place called Azal. Pertaining to geographic and linguistic evidence, Charles Simon Clermont-Ganneau, a 19th century linguist and archeologist in Palenstine, theorized the valley directly adjacent to this landslide is Azal.  

According to Jewish historian, Flavis Josephus, the valley in the area of the King's Gardens was blocked up by landslide rubble during Uzziah's earthquake. Israeli geologist, D. Wachs, identified the remnant of a large landslide on the Mount of Olives directly adjacent to this area.  Today, the valley is known as Wady Yasul in Arabic and Nahal Etzel in Hebrew.  

Roman soldiers from the 10th Legion camped on the mount during the Seige of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. The Jewish harvest festival of Sukkot was first held on the Mount of Olives in ancient times. It became a traditional place for lamenting the Second Temple's destruction even unto our modern times. Immediately following Jesus' ascension, two angels appeared on the Mount of Olives and told the Disciples. "this same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven." (Acts 1:11).

One last interesting fact about the mount: for over 3,000 years, the Mount of Olives has been used as a Jewish cemetery and holds approximately 150,000+ graves today. Over the generations, the Jews have led an effort to prevent the desecration of graves on the mount.

"Christians tend to associate the Mount of Olives with the Messiah's suffering, Jews tend to associate it with the Messiah's glory. When we dig deeper, we see both, together." ~ Mark Barnes, from the article, "Mount of Olives: The Suffering and the Glory of the Messiah" (2019)


These sacred mountains of many faiths and religions [around the world] continue to be revered by a large percentage of mankind and have been extensively researched by both ancient and modern scholars, as well as the theologians.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Sacred Biblical Mountains - Part One

Sacred mountains are a central factor to various religions and produce many wonderful legends. In reference to biblical mountains, the peak is usually symbolic because it is believed [at the top] is the closest mankind can get to a Superior Being who resides somewhere in the universe.

There are many religion-based traditions centered around sacred mountains, such as:  Mount Ararat in the Abrahamic religions and Mount Olympus in Greek mythology. Other mountains are related to famous events, such as: Mount Sinai in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In other cases, divine mountains can be purely mythical, such as: Hara Berezaiti in Zoroastrianism. Then you have Mount Kailash, which is believed to be the residence of the Hindu gods, Shiva and Parvati (which are sacred to Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism). Volcanoes, such as Mount Etna, were also considered revered as [they lay claim to being] the abode of Vulcan, the Roman god of fire and the forge.  

The following will focus on four different sacred mountains that are well-known throughout the world. Part One includes Mount Ararat and Mount Sinai. Part Two will include Mount Zion and the Mount of Olives.

Mountains of Ararat: Mountain of Noah's Ark

"At the end of the hundred and fifty days the water had gone down, and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat." ~ Genesis 8:3-4  

For thousands of years many religious scholars have proclaimed Mount Ararat, located in present-day Turkey, is where Noah's ark came to rest, yet other biblical theologians point out Ararat is a large mountain range and Mt. Ararat is not necessarily the actual mountain in question. Since the Middle Ages the mountain range of Ararat has been identified as the resting place of Noah's ark, known as Masis. This sacred range corresponds to the ancient Assyrian mountain of Urartu, which was located east of Shinar (aka: Chaldaea or Babylonia).

According to the 1st century A.D. historian, Flavius Josephus, and quoting earlier historians such as, BerossusMnaseas and Nicolaus of Damascus, Josephus writes in his Antiquities of the Jews, "... the ark rested on the top of a certain mountain in Armenia... over Minyas, called Baris."

In the Latin Vulgate, Jerome of Stridon translated Genesis 8:4 to read, "... and the ark rested... on the mountain of Ararat." However, after the Second Vatican Council in 1962, the toponym is amended to the "mountains of Ararat".

The early Syrian tradition places the ark on Mount Judi in what is the southeastern section present-day Turkey in the Sirnak Province. Yet this particular association slowly faded after the Middle Ages and is now confined to Quranic tradition.

According to the Book of Jubilees, the holy mountain in question came to rest on the peak of Lubar, a mountain in the range of Ararat. 

In his book, Historie of the World (1614 A.D.), Sir Walter Raleigh implies in several chapters that in ancient times the mountains of Ararat included not only those of Armenia (east of Turkey), but also all of the taller mountain ranges extending into eastern Asia. Raleigh noted that since Armenia is not actually located east of Shinar, the ark must have landed somewhere in the Orient.

While the majority of scholars cannot pin-point the exact location of where Noah's ark landed, they do agree it was somewhere in the mountain range of Ararat.
"There is no doubt of the antiquity of the tradition of this (Mount Ararat) being (as it is sometimes termed) the "Mother of the World". ~ Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature-1894
Mount Sinai: Mountain of Moses

"Then Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. Mount Sinai was completely enveloped in smoke, because the LORD had descended on it in fire." ~ Exodus 19:17-18

Mount Sinai, located in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, is considered by the Abrahamic religions to be the place where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God. The mountain was traditionally known as Mount Horeb in Judaism and Christianity and referred to as Jabal Musa (Mount Moses) in Islam. The sacred mountain is near the present-day city of Saint Catherine in south Sinai Peninsula. It is surrounded on all sides by higher peaks in the mountain range Jabal al-Lawz which extends into Saudi Arabia.   

According to Acts 7:29-30, Moses fled from Egypt as a young man and lived in the area of Mt. Sinai. It was here, in the same place, that God instructed Moses to return after bringing the Israelites out of the bondage of Egypt (Exodus 3:12).

Early Christians identified Mount Serbal, the fifth largest mountain in Egypt, as the holy landmark’s location. This mountain is situated in Wadi Feiran in southern Sinai. 

The historian, Josephus, reported in his writings that Mt. Sinai was the highest mountain in the area where Moses once lived. And the philosopher, Philo of Alexandria, said this same sacred mount was located east of the Sinai Peninsula and south of Palestine.

There is no concrete archaeological evidence that the 7,500-foot Mount Sinai is the holy peak mentioned in the Biblical account. However, as early as the 3rd century A.D., Christian recluses living in the Sinai’s remote wilderness began to identify this particular mount as Moses' mountain, even locating what they believed to be the burning bush near the base of the mountain. 

In 337 A.D., Empress Helena, the mother of Constantine [the emperor who legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire in 313], made a pilgrimage to the site and ordered a chapel to be built around the bush. By the 6th century, when the complete departure of the Romans brought lawlessness to the region, the monastic community sought help from Byzantine Emperor Justinian I. The Byzantine emperor sent architects and masons, who from 527 to 565 built a fortified monastery complex, with 60-foot-high granite walls, to protect the community and its chapel. Justinian also sent men, most likely from Macedonia, to serve as guards. These Christians, over generations, intermarried with the indigenous Bedouin tribes and gradually converted to Islam and became known as the Jabaliya (“of the mountain”) tribe. The Prophet Muhammad visited the monastery in the 7th century and blessed it with a promise "that it would be cherished by Muslims for all time". Muhammed was convinced the monastery sat at the foot of Moses' mountain. Today, the monastery is home to a group of Greek Orthodox monks.

A small minority of scholars believe Mount Sinai is not in Egypt at all, but instead is located in Saudi Arabia. They believe that Moses traveled that way during the exile from Egypt. Another opinion, held by Emmanuel Anati - a modern archeologist - concludes that the holy landmark mountain is located at Har Karkom in Israel due to the biblical art found within the 2700-foot ridge.

While Mount Sinai’s exact location is disputed among many, it remains one of the most sacred mountains in biblical literature.

"The law given from Sinai was a civil and municipal as well as a moral and religious code; it contained many statutes . . . of universal application-laws essential to the existence of men in society, and most of which have been enacted by every nation which ever professed any code of laws." ~ President John Quincy Adams

Click Here to continue reading, Sacred Biblical Mountains - Part Two

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Biography of King Solomon: The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived

The following article was obtained through Learn Religions and written by Jack Zavada on September 11, 2019.

King Solomon. Writing Proverbs. Engraving by Gustave Doré (1832 - 1883). 
[Culture Club / Getty Images]

King Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived and also one of the most foolish. God gifted him with unsurpassed wisdom, which Solomon squandered by disobeying God's commandments. Some of Solomon’s most famous achievements were his building projects, particularly the temple in Jerusalem.

A conspiracy by Solomon's half-brother Adonijah tried to rob Solomon of the throne. To take the kingship, Solomon had to kill Adonijah and Joab, David's general.

Once Solomon's kingship was firmly established, God appeared to Solomon in a dream and promised him anything he asked. Solomon chose understanding and discernment, asking God to help him govern his people well and wisely. God was so pleased with the request that he granted it, along with great riches, honor, and longevity (1 Kings 3:11-15, NIV).

Solomon's downfall began when he married the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh to seal a political alliance. He could not control his lust. Among Solomon's 700 wives and 300 concubines were many foreigners, which angered God. The inevitable happened: They lured King Solomon away from Yahweh into the worship of false gods and idols.

Over his 40-year reign, Solomon did many great things, but he succumbed to the temptations of lesser men. The peace a united Israel enjoyed, the massive building projects he headed, and the successful commerce he developed became meaningless when Solomon stopped pursuing God.

King Solomon's Accomplishments

Solomon set up an organized state in Israel, with many officials to assist him. The country was divided into 12 major districts, with each district providing for the king’s court during one month each year. The system was fair and just, distributing the tax burden evenly over the entire country.

Solomon built the first temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, a seven-year task that became one of the wonders of the ancient world. He also built a majestic palace, gardens, roads, and government buildings. He accumulated thousands of horses and chariots. After securing peace with his neighbors, he built up trade and became the wealthiest king of his time.

Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. DEA PICTURE LIBRARY / Getty Images

The Queen of Sheba heard of Solomon’s fame and visited him to test his wisdom with hard questions. After seeing with her own eyes all that Solomon had built in Jerusalem, and hearing his wisdom, the queen blessed the God of Israel, saying:

“The report was true that I heard in my own land of your words and of your wisdom, but I did not believe the reports until I came and my own eyes had seen it. And behold, the half was not told me. Your wisdom and prosperity surpass the report that I heard." (1 Kings 10:6-7, ESV)

Solomon, a prolific writer, poet, and scientist, is credited with writing much of the book of Proverbs, the Song of Solomon, the book of Ecclesiastes, and two psalms. First Kings 4:32 tells us he wrote 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 songs.


King Solomon greatest strength was his unsurpassed wisdom, granted to him by God. In one biblical episode, two women came to him with a dispute. Both lived in the same house and had recently delivered newborns, but one of the infants had died. The mother of the dead baby tried to take the living child from the other mother. Because no other witnesses lived in the house, the women were left to dispute who the living child belonged to and who was the true mother. Both claimed to have given birth to the baby.

They asked Solomon to determine which of the two of them should keep the newborn. With astonishing wisdom, Solomon suggested that the boy be cut in half with a sword and split between the two women. Deeply moved by love for her son, the first woman whose baby was alive said to the king, "Please, my lord, give her the living baby! Don’t kill him!"

But the other woman said, "Neither I nor you shall have him. Cut him in two!" Solomon ruled that the first woman was the real mother because she preferred giving up her child to seeing him harmed.

King Solomon skills in architecture and management turned Israel into the showplace of the Middle East. As a diplomat, he made treaties and alliances that brought peace to his kingdom.


To satisfy his curious mind, Solomon turned to worldly pleasures instead of the pursuit of God. He collected all sorts of treasures and surrounded himself with luxury.

In the case of his non-Jewish wives and concubines, Solomon allowed lust to rule his heart instead of obedience to God. Apparently, he let his foreign wives worship their native gods and even had altars to those gods built in Jerusalem (1 Kings 11:7–8).

Solomon taxed his subjects heavily, conscripted them into his army and into slave-like labor for his building projects.

Life Lessons

King Solomon's sins speak loudly to us in our current day materialistic culture. When we worship possessions and fame over God, we are headed for a fall. When Christians marry an unbeliever, they can also expect trouble. God ought to be our first love, and we should let nothing come before him.


Solomon hails from Jerusalem.

References to King Solomon in the Bible

2 Samuel 12:24 - 1 Kings 11:43; 1 Chronicles 28, 29; 2 Chronicles 1-10; Nehemiah 13:26; Psalm 72; Matthew 6:29, 12:42.

Family Tree

Father - King David

Mother - Bathsheba

Brothers - Absalom, Adonijah

Sister - Tamar

Son - Rehoboam

Key Verse

Nehemiah 13:26

Was it not because of marriages like these that Solomon king of Israel sinned? Among the many nations, there was no king like him. He was loved by his God, and God made him king over all Israel, but even he was led into sin by foreign women. (NIV)

Outline of Solomon's Reign

Transfer and consolidation of the kingdom (1 Kings 1–2).

Solomon’s wisdom (1 Kings 3–4).

Building and dedication of the temple (1 Kings 5–8).

Solomon’s wealth (1 Kings 9–10).

Solomon’s apostasy (1 Kings 11).

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Twelve Signs of the End Times

The following article was obtained through the website, 

Here is a summary of twelve trends or signs of the end times. We can see that events are coming together for things to wrap up soon.

1. Earthquakes: "And there will be great earthquakes in various places ..." (Luke 21:11). There are 12,000 to 14,000 earthquakes per year or about 35 per day. More and more often we see earthquakes of disastrous magnitudes that cause great loss of life and misery to affected people. See list of major earthquakes since 2001. Many people label these as "Acts of God" without realizing that it is God's character to seek to protect His children from Satan, who is the destroyer, and from the forces of nature. Earthquakes are one of the best known of the signs of the end times.

2. Environmental Crisis: In the final events of earth's history, a moment comes when "... them that destroy the earth" (Rev 11:18) are themselves destroyed. This implies that there will be people held responsible for their part in destroying the earth. While we have to live here and use some of its resources we should be doing that responsibly. However, there are people who are doing things (and knowing better) that are destroying the earth for their own financial gain or other purposes. We are, even now, experiencing environmental degradation from these actions as one of the signs of the end times.

3. Wars: "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars ... For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom." (Matt 24:6-7). In the last 100 years, there has been World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnamese War, the Arab-Israeli Wars, the war in Bosnia, the Gulf War, Kosovo, Ireland, wars in the Congo, Rwanda, Somalia and the Sudan and other places in Africa, wars in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan etc. Surely this is one of the prominent signs of the end times "When they say, 'Peace and safety!' then sudden destruction comes upon them ... And they shall not escape." (1 Thess 5:3) This verse suggests that the only thing that will end war in the world will be the end of the world.

4. Violence: "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be before the coming of the Son of Man" (Matt 24:37). One of the major aspects of what was it like in Noah's day was that: "The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence" (Gen 6:11). Evidently, violence was everywhere before the flood, as it is today. Surely, this is a result, in part of people including violence in their entertainment in TV, the movies etc. By beholding we are changed.

5. Pleasure-seeking "But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power ..." (2 Tim 3:1-5) .As we look at society we see this fulfilled in many areas that we are, perhaps, all too familiar with.For many people, this is one of the signs of the end times that they are so involved in that they can't discern any of the others.

6. Financial woes: "Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days." (Jam 5:3) We have seen more and more problems in the economy and these problems are the result of the greed of men who are looking out for no one other than themselves. Expect more and more troubles in the markets and wild fluctuations in reaction to world events.

7. Disease and Stress: "... distress of nations, with perplexity ... men's hearts failing them for fear ..." (Luke 21:25-6). People are stressed-out everywhere, are much to busy and are not taking responsibility for their own health. Heart disease (the number one cause of death) and other chronic disease are rampant. Pain (see my other website: and suffering in so many forms are everywhere. Mostly, these problems are a result of our own poor choices. If Satan can keep us so Busy Under Satan's Yoke that we can't see the signs of the end times, then he has got us.

8. Medicine/pharmacy: "... for by thy (speaking of Babylon) sorceries were all nations deceived." (Rev 18:23). The word "sorceries" is translated from the Greek work "pharmakeia" from which we get the word English word "pharmacy." There are major drug companies (with government involvement) who are promoting drugs as the only cure of disease, even fighting against God-given, natural, simple remedies and making enormous sums of money doing it. This has the effect of controlling people and making them dependent on "the system." This is perhaps one of the least known of the signs of the end times but it is an important tactic of the enemy as he seeks to so weaken our physical and mental powers that our will to resist will be defeated.

9. Knowledge: "But you, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased" (Dan 12:4). Knowledge is now said to double every few years. As we look at the world of technology and the amount of information that is available to anyone via the internet, we can see that this surely is true. The question is what are we doing with it and are we bothering with knowledge in the most important areas that will influence our eternal destiny? Along with all the other increased knowledge, is there an increase of knowledge of the signs of the end times?

10. False Religious Teaching: "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." (2Tim 4:3-4) Revelation predicts a world-wide religious system called "Babylon," which means "confusion." Babylon, near the end, falls "... because she made all nations drink of the wine (false doctrine) of the wrath of her fornication" (Rev 14:8). Also, false Christs will abound: "Many shall come in My name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." (Matt 24:5). It makes sense that some of these religious teacher's would also teach false signs of the end times.

11. The Mark of the Beast: "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Rev 13:16-7). We can see the beginning of this now as the whole world is being amalgamated into one system of finances, there is more talk of one-world government, a new world order etc. The world is shrinking, people are expected more and more to conform to the norm, to go along with the system. Fashion and entertainment and so many areas of culture dictate what is expected. We are being groomed to take the Mark of the Beast in opposition to the Seal of God.

12. Preaching of the Good News: "And this gospel shall be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations, and then shall the end come" (Matt 24:14). With all of our modern means of communication and, lately, the internet, availability of the message of salvation and the truth about God's character is rapidly spreading across planet Earth. The question is: will people leave the pleasures and business of their lives long enough to pay attention to it?

So there are twelve signs of the end times with a little detail of each. Rather than being scary, signs of the end times should encourage us.

"Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near" (Luke 21:28)

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Unrecognized Modern Brushes With the Supernatural

The following article was obtained through the website, End Times Prophecy Report.

“And no nation or tribe to my knowledge has not acknowledged that there are many invisible beings, and that they divide into good spirits and evil spirits, according to how they benefit man.” — Anne Rice, Witching Hour

As has been mentioned before in these pages: there is ONE nation which has NOT acknowledged ANY invisible beings. At one time, that nation was called the United States of America.

The USA has STEADFASTLY refused to make such an acknowledgement. Because of this refusal, Americans have remained, for the most part, ignorant of the world which surrounds them.

“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” – Hebrews 13:2

Being filled to the brim with various bits of minutia–recipes, details of their favorite celebrities, music or TV shows– many Americans are totally convinced that they are informational powerhouses–and CANNOT be fooled about ANY detail of the modern world in which they live their modern lives.

IN FACT, the ‘smarter’ one is, the more totally convinced that person usually is of their command of the facts about the world in which they live.

BUT, nothing could be further from the truth.

“It’s easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.” Mark Twain

Americans (and increasingly, ALL moderns–no matter where they may live) are raised on a steady diet of STORIES about their world. These stories are NOT true and hide the truth from those foolish enough to believe them.

QUESTION: Why does the reader think that those who imagine they control the world finds it advantageous to lie about the existence of invisible beings?

And so, Americans are treated to a number of stories about HOW the world around them came to be.  They also are educated and entertained by STORIES about HOW the modern world ‘works.’

Lastly, Americans are given STORIES in case they happen to stumble over the truth at some point.

“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.” Winston Churchill

And, these STORIES, for the most part, have worked.

Clarke’s Three Laws

British science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke formulated three adages that are known as Clarke’s three laws, of which the third law is the best known and most widely cited. They are part of his ideas in his extensive writings about the future.

These so-called laws are:

  1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
  2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
  3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

And so it is that when many moderns experience daily brushes with the supernatural, it is THAT MODERN himself who explains away any supernatural connections.

NOT the government; NOT the popular culture; NOT the educational system: but that person who has had the experience.

NO DOUBT, most readers have had these supernatural experiences.

NO DOUBT, most readers have explained away these experiences as soon as they occur.

And so it is that MANY of modern experiences with the supernatural are ‘explained away’ with the one doing the explanation feeling uneasy about that ‘explanation’ and being bothered by it at some later point when the experience is recalled.

MOST experiences with the supernatural are NOT ONLY explained away: they are not even RECOGNIZED for what they are.

What does that person USE to explain away his experience?

Most often, that person resorts to the STORIES he has been told: preferring the lie he has been taught to the truth he has experienced. And THAT is the crux of modern deception, in particular, AND modern life, in general.

HAS the reader ever encountered an event for which there was no worldly explanation?

HAS the reader ever encountered an event for which there was no world explanation, but the reader ‘explained’ that event–mostly to himself–with an unsatisfying story he had been told, ONLY to be mentally bothered by this ‘unexplained’ event at a later time?

It is not YET too late: there is still a little time to change direction (repent), place your faith (hope) for the future entirely on Jesus Christ and enter the kingdom of heaven.


“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time. ” – 1 Corinthians 15:1-8


“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” – Romans 1:16

[Portions of this piece appeared originally in End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 6, 2021.]

Related Articles:

All Things, Visible and Invisible

The Nature of Spiritual Deception

Science Constantly Changes, The Truth Never Changes

IF One Does Not Know the Problem, One Can Never Find a Solution

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Holy Books of Islam

There are four major holy books associated with the religion of

1) the Quran - the most important book in Islam. It contains the teachings and story of the chief prophet of Islam, Muhammad     

2) the Torah - which are the first five books of the Christian Old Testament, written by Moses.     

3) the Zabur - which are the Psalms of David.     

4) the Injil - a testament gospel of Jesus. 

The following books of religious material is commonly associated with the religion of Islam...

The Main Components of Islamic Literature 

The Quran is the central religious text and the most important book of Islam. Its adherents, known as Muslims, believe the book to be a revelation from Allah (God) to the prophet Muhammad. The Quran is divided into chapters (surah), which are then divided into verses (ayah). Muslims believe the Quran was verbally revealed by Allah to Muhammad through the angel Jibril (Gabriel), gradually over a period of approximately 23 years. The Quran is widely regarded as the finest work in classical Arabic literature.

Islam was founded in 610 A.D. by a Arab man named Muhammad. During Muhammad’s time, polytheism reigned. His people were worshipping multiple gods. During one of Muhammad’s trips as a trader, he had a vision from a being he perceived to be an angel who said, “There is only one God, and His name is Allah. Worship Him.”  The prophet was thus inspired to write the Quran. The final verse of the Quran was completed in 632 A.D. after Muhammad delivered his sermon at Ghadir Khumm

The basis for Islamic doctrine is found in the Quran. The Quran was only in oral form while Muhammad was living, which means it was constantly interpreted by Muhammad and his disciples. 

Islam has seven fundamental beliefs that every Muslim must accept as a part of his/her religion. Every Muslim learns this formula as a part of his/her religious training. The fundamental beliefs are:
  • Belief in one God (the standard word for “God” in Arabic is “Allah”)
  • Belief in the angels (both good and bad)
  • Belief in the revealed Books of God (in reference to Islamic religious books)
  • Belief in God’s many prophets (including Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus)
  • Accepting there will be a Last Day (known as Judgment Day)
  • Belief in the divine measurement of human affairs (including miracles, interaction, etc.)
  • Belief in life after death (known as "Akhirah")
As a works-oriented religion, Islam requires that its adherents earn their way to heaven by performing the Five Pillars of Islam, which are Islamic teachings found in the Quran and the Hadith.
  • Confession of Faith - A Muslim must confess, "There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is the prophet of God."
  • Praying - Muslims pray five times a day: shortly before sunrise, mid-morning, noon, mid-afternoon and after sunset.
  • Almsgiving, or Charity - It is considered to be the personal responsibility of all who have to give to those who have not.
  • Fasting - Where the adherent to Islam denies himself food and water during certain times of the year and certain times of the day.
  • Hajj, or Pilgrimage to Mecca - It is the duty of every able-bodied Muslim to travel to the holy city of Mecca at least once in a lifetime.
The Quran contains 114 chapters and its text has been remained unchanged for the past 1500 years. The basic element of the Quran is to provide guidance to people.


The Tawrat (known as the Torah in Judaism), is believed by the Muslims to have been given by God to the prophets and messengers amongst the Israelites ("Children of Israel") during the B.C. era. When referring to the traditions from the Tawrat, Muslim adherents have not only identified it with the Pentateuch, but also with the other books of the Hebrew Bible as well as with Talmudic and Midrashim writings... 
"Indeed, We sent down the Torah, in which was guidance and light. The prophets who submitted [to God] judged by it for the Jews, as did the rabbis and scholars by that with which they were entrusted of the Scripture of God, and they were witnesses thereto. So do not fear the people but fear Me, and do not exchange My verses for a small price [i.e., worldly gain]. And whoever does not judge by what God has revealed - then it is those who are the disbelievers." ~ Quran 5:44

The word "Tawrat" is mentioned 18 times and the name of Musa (Moses) occurs 136 times throughout the Quran. While it is not mentioned anywhere in the Quran that Moses alone was given the divine laws, it is written [in the Quran] that the prophets governed with the Tawrat. 

According to the Quran, the Tawrat was revealed to Moses but Muslims argue that the current Tawrat (Torah) has suffered corruption over the years, and is no longer a reliable source. Moses and his brother Aaron (Hārūn) used the Tawrat to preach the message to the Israelites. The Quran states the Tawrat had words of wisdom and all the subsequent prophets, sages, priests and rabbis in Israel used its Law for guidance and instruction. Because he believed the Quran replaced it, Muhammad did not teach from the Tawrat but referenced it heavily.


The Zabur, often interpreted as being the Book of Psalms, is mentioned in the Quran three times and is designated as being the holy scripture revealed to King David (Dawud). The Quran itself says nothing about the Zabur specifically, except that it was revealed to the second king of Israel (David). Scholars have often understood the Psalms to have been holy songs of praise, and not a book administering law. The current Psalms are still praised by many Muslim scholars, but Muslims generally assume that some of the current Psalms were written at a later date and are not divinely revealed. Quran 21:105 and Psalm 37:29 are direct counterparts...
"We have written in the Psalms, after the Reminder, that the earth will be inherited by My righteous servants." ~ Quran 21:105  
"The righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever." ~ Psalm 37:29      

One hadith, considered valid by Muhammad al-Bukhari, and narrated by Abu Hurairah, says:

"The Prophet said, "The reciting of the Zabur (i.e. Psalms) was made easy for David. He used to order that his riding animals be saddled, and would finish reciting the Zabur before they were saddled. And he would never eat except from the earnings of his manual work." — Sahih al-Bukhari, 4:55:628

The Christian monks and ascetics of pre-Islamic Arabia may be associated in pre-Islamic Arabic poetry with texts called zabūrs, which in other contexts may refer to palm leaf documents. This has been interpreted by some as referring to psalters. Among many Christians in the Middle East and in South Asia, the word Zabur is basically used for the Book of Psalms in the Christian Bible.


The Injil was the holy gospel revealed to Jesus (Isa), according to the Quran. Although some lay Muslims believe the Injil refers to the entire New Testament, most scholars and Muslims believe that it refers not to the New Testament but to an original Gospel, given to Jesus as the word of Allah. 

Therefore, according to Muslim belief, the Gospel was the message that Jesus, being divinely inspired, preached to the Children of Israel. The current Canonical Gospels, in the belief of Muslim scholars, are not divinely revealed but rather are documents of the life of Jesus, as written by various contemporaries, disciples and companions. These Gospels, in Muslim belief, contain portions of the teachings of Jesus, but neither represent nor contain the original Gospel from Allah.  More commonly, Muslim scholars have argued that the Injil refers to a text that is now lost or hopelessly corrupted. For example, Abdullah Yusuf Ali wrote:
"The Injil (Greek, Evangel equals Gospel) spoken of by the Qur'an is not the New Testament. It is not the four Gospels now received as canonical. It is the single Gospel which, Islam teaches, was revealed to Jesus, and which he taught. Fragments of it survive in the received canonical Gospels and in some others, of which traces survive (e.g., the Gospel of Childhood or the Nativity, the Gospel of St. Barnabas, etc.)."
The word Injil is also used in the Quran, the Hadith and early Muslim documents to refer to both a book and revelations made by Allah to prophet Isa (Jesus).

Another Notable Book of Islam 


The Ḥadith [or Athar, which literally means "tradition"] refers to what the majority of Muslims believe to be a record of the words, actions, and the silent approval of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. In other words, the hadith are reports about what Muhammad said and did. 

While the number of sunnah's (verses) pertaining to law in the Quran is relatively few, the Hadith gives direction on everything from details of religious obligations (such as ablutions for salat prayer), to the correct forms of salutations and the importance of benevolence to slaves. Thus the "great bulk" of the rules of Sharia (Islamic law) are derived from the Hadith, rather than the Quran.

Hadith has been called "the backbone" of Islamic civilization, and within that religion the authority of hadith as a source for religious law and moral guidance ranks second only to the Quran. Scriptural authority for hadith comes from the Quran, which enjoins Muslims to emulate Muhammad and obey his judgments in verses such as...
"Say, “Obey God and obey the Messenger.” But if they turn away, then he is responsible for his obligations, and you are responsible for your obligations. And if you obey him, you will be guided. It is only incumbent on the Messenger to deliver the Clarifying Message." ~ Quran 24:54
Among scholars of Sunni Islam the term hadith may include not only the words, advice, practices, etc. of Muhammad, but also those of his companions. In Shia Islam, hadith are the embodiment of the sunnah, the words and actions of Muhammad and his family the Ahl al-Bayt (The Twelve Imams and Muhammad's daughter, Fatimah).

Additional Scrolls and Texts

The Quran also mentions two ancient scrolls:

Scrolls of Abraham

The Scrolls of Abraham are believed to have been one of the earliest directives of scripture, which were given to Abraham (Ibrahim), and later used by his sons, Ishmael (Ismail) and Isaac (Isḥaq). Although usually referred to as "scrolls", many translators have translated the Arabic suhuf as "books". The Scrolls of Abraham are now considered lost rather than corrupted, although some scholars have identified them with the Testament of Abraham, an apocalyptic piece of literature available in Arabic at the time of Muhammad. The verse mentioning the "Scriptures" is in Quran 87:18-19 where they are referred to, alongside the Scrolls of Moses, to have been "Books of Earlier Revelation".

Scrolls of Moses

The Scrolls of Moses are ancient works of scripture mentioned twice in the Quran. These scrolls contain some of the revelations of Moses and are understood by Muslim adherents to refer not to the Torah but to epiphanies aside from the Torah. Some Islamic scholars have stated that they could possibly refer to the Book of the Wars of the Lord, a lost text spoken of in the Christian Old Testament and the Hebrew Tanakh in the Book of Numbers. The majority of Islamic believers claim the Scrolls of Moses were inspired revelations Moses received and wrote himself during his years of prophetic teaching. The verse mentioning the "Scriptures" is also found in Quran 87:18-19. 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Book of Esther: Only book in the Bible that doesn't mention God

While God (the Creator) is not mentioned in the biblical Book of Esther, His superintendence is noticeably present throughout the story... We see:
> God's interaction with man's will
> God's hatred of racial prejudice
> God's sovereignty and deliverance
> God's power to give wisdom and help in times of danger

Centuries ago, a young, Jewish girl unexpectedly became the queen of a vast empire. She was instrumental in saving her people from genocide. The Lord raised up Esther just as He had raised up Joseph, Moses and Joshua to deliver His people from destruction. 

Theme of the Book of Esther

In the story of Esther, you'll meet a beautiful young queen who risked her life to serve the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and saved her people [the Israelites/Jews]. The story begins with Xerxes I, king of Persia (reigned 486–465 BC), throwing a lavish party at the palace. On the last day of the festivities, the king called for his queen, Vashti, to appear before his guests but she refused to come. Wanting to flaunt her beauty to his guests, Xerxes became livid when she refused his request. The king removed her permanently from his presence and set out to find a new queen. Esther, who unbeknownst to Xerxes I was an Israelite woman named Haddassah, was chosen to be the next queen of the Achaemenid Empire (aka: Persian Empire). Haddassah, which means "myrtle", was an orphan raised by her cousin, Mordecai, who would eventually become a minor official in the Persian government of Susa. The king's highest official was a wicked man named Haman the Agagite and he is the main antagonist of the story. He hated the Israelites/Jews with a passion, especially Mordecai, who had refused to bow down to him. When Mordecai uncovered a plot to assassinate the king he told Esther about the conspiracy and challenged her with these brilliant words:
"Do not think that because you are in the king's house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:13-14)
Esther the queen encouraged the Israelites/Jews to fast and pray for deliverance, then immediately reported it to Xerxes I [giving the credit to Mordecai for the warning]. Not only was the plot thwarted and Mordecai's act of kindness was preserved in the chronicles of the king, Mordecai was promoted to the highest official in the kingdom after Haman was called out by Xerxes I and hung on the very gallows he had built for Mordecai. Haman's plot to kill all the Israelites/Jews failed and soon after the people were granted protection throughout the land. The Israelites celebrated God's colossal deliverance, and the joyous festival of Purim was instituted.

Timeline of Events

Around 486-465 B.C., over 100 years after the Babylonian captivity under King Nebuchadnezzar and a little over 50 years after Zerubbabel led the first group of Jewish exiles back to Jerusalem, many Israelites/Jews still remained in Persia. They were part of the diaspora of exiles that were scattered among the nations. It is unknown why some Jews returned to Jerusalem after King Cyrus made such a noble decree and why some chose to remain where they were. It is believed that some of the Israelites/Jews did not want to risk the dangerous journey back to their homeland. Regardless, Esther and her family were among those who remained in Persia.

Other Interesting Facts about the Book of Esther:
  • The book was written between 460-331 B.C. (after the reign of Xerxes I and before Alexander the Great's rise to power).
  • The author of the book is unknown, yet some scholars suggest Mordecai (Esther 9:20-22; 9:29-31), while other theologians propose Ezra or Nehemiah because of similar writing styles.
  • The author of the Book of Esther displays an accurate knowledge of Persian customs and palaces.
  • There are only four key characters: Esther, Xerxes I, Mordecai, Haman.
  • Xerxes I was also known as Ahasuerus; this king seemed to have been an impulsive leader.
  • After Haman’s promotion, King Ahasuerus ordered everyone to bow before him [Haman]... hence the reason Haman became so obsessed with wanting to destroy Mordecai when he refused to bow to Haman.
  • Esther asked the Israelites to fast during Passover for one day, which was otherwise forbidden in Jewish culture. Yet, Esther reasoned it was better to fast on one Pesach lest they all be destroyed, never to celebrate the holiday again. (Esther 4:16)
  • The story of Esther forms the historical origin of the Jewish festival of Purim, which translated in English, means, "Feast of Lots".
Moral of the Book of Esther

There a many moral lessons to be found in the Book of Esther, such as using the influence you possess to help others and to always do the right thing. Undeniably, Esther was a noble biblical figure, who when called by the Creator himself, saved the Jewish people of Persia. The moral of the story of Esther attests to many virtuous instructions...
  1. Patience is a Virtue
  2. The Dangers of Anger
  3. The Right Way to Fight
  4. How to Be a Good Leader
  5. How to Have a Positive Attitude
  6. The Importance of Good Advisors
  7. Our Past Does Not Dictate Our Future
  8. God Uses Ordinary People to Do Extraordinary Things
  9. God Places Mentors in Our Life to Teach Us Wisdom
  10. We Can Make An Impact for Generations to Come


The following video sums up the story of Esther with great clarity...

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Earthquakes in Bible Prophecy

The following article was obtained through the website, Life, Hope & Truth, and written by André van Belkum

Earthquakes have caused widespread destruction and the deaths of millions of people. What does the Bible say about earthquakes in the end times? 
How should we respond?

Earthquakes—the seismic activity that causes the earth’s surface to shake or tremble—can be especially treacherous and terrifying. When the very earth we rely on without thought suddenly betrays us—and turns deadly—our whole world can come unglued.

Hearing the stories of survivors can bring home a little of the reality of these devastating disasters. Katie, who survived the 2011 Christchurch, New Zealand, earthquake, said:
“On Feb. 22nd I was the head teacher at a large busy preschool. I was in the bathroom with one little girl, when the shaking started I scooped her up to run back to the classroom to comfort the other children but I couldn’t stay on my feet. I ended up on the floor, holding that wee girl tight, terrified. I could hear the children screaming in the classrooms; I kept calling out ‘turtle turtle’ like we’d practiced but they were too scared to remember what to do..."
“I have children too—that was the hardest thing, I couldn’t get to them, I couldn’t get any contact with them. … [It was] the worst night of my life.”
Powerful and deadly

Historians have recorded many deadly quakes, and the evidence of such activity is readily seen in fallen ruins in earthquake-prone areas.

In modern history, the Valdivia quake (also called the great Chilean earthquake) of Sunday, May 22, 1960, was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in the 20th century. The epicenter was approximately 570 kilometers (350 miles) south of Santiago, with Valdivia being the most affected city. It is estimated that up to 6,000 people were killed. Monetary costs were staggering—estimated up to $6 billion in terms of today’s currency.

The Tangshan quake in China (July 1976) killed up to 655,000 people; and on Jan. 12, 2012, a quake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale killed more than 220,000, injured up to 300,000, and left hundreds of thousands homeless in Haiti.

Future devastation

As the populations of the world’s megacities continue to rise, seismologists note that large-magnitude earthquakes could be especially devastating in numerous locations around the world. And even if the epicenter of the quake is some distance away, these types of temblors can also create tsunamis capable of wiping out vast numbers of people who happen to be in villages, towns and cities located on an ocean coast.

Given the potential for large-scale loss of life, let’s consider what Bible prophecy says about future seismic activity.

The Bible predicts a number of earth-shattering events prior to the return of Christ—the time spoken of in the Bible as “the time of the end” (Daniel 11:35, 40). Worsening natural disasters are looming on the horizon. As we will see, there is a strong link between these disasters and God’s warnings for people to repent of their sins.

One of the signs that precedes Christ’s second coming is devastating earthquakes. In the Olivet Prophecy Jesus Christ predicted several major trends that would occur in the end times before His return. This was in response to questions from His disciples, who asked, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3).

Listing some of these signs, Jesus said, “There will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places” (Matthew 24:7, emphasis added throughout).

Warnings by ancient prophets

The ancient prophet Isaiah issued a similar warning for the end times. In a message that applied first to ancient Jerusalem and then to Jerusalem prior to the return of Christ, the prophet said, “You will be punished by the LORD of hosts with thunder and earthquake and great noise, with storm and tempest and the flame of devouring fire” (Isaiah 29:6).

During the “day of the Lord” (Isaiah 2:12), a time of judgment upon the nations when Christ returns, Isaiah said the people “shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, from the terror of the LORD and the glory of His majesty, when He arises to shake the earth mightily” (Isaiah 2:19, compare verse 21).

New Testament verification

The book of Revelation speaks of several specific earthquakes that will occur in the end times. First, it notes that an earthquake will accompany the sixth seal (Revelation 6:12), an event that occurs before the seventh seal, which is also called the “day of the LORD” (Joel 2:31).

Various scriptures warn us that the end-time events will come to pass suddenly and unexpectedly. God issued a warning that we should not be “weighed down” by the “cares of this life” so that the day of Christ’s return arrives when we are not prepared. Revelation also mentions earthquakes in chapters 8:5; 11:13, 19; and states that the wrath of God will conclude with the greatest earthquake in mankind’s history. As John noted: “And there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth” (Revelation 16:18). This earthquake may cause the splitting of the Mount of Olives in two as Jesus descends to earth (Zechariah 14:4).

Suddenly, like a thief in the night

Now that we’ve seen the prophecies of earthquakes in the end times, we need to consider what they should motivate us to do. Various scriptures warn us that the end-time events will come to pass suddenly and unexpectedly. God issued a warning that we should not be “weighed down” by the “cares of this life” so that the day of Christ’s return arrives when we are not prepared. “For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth” (Luke 21:34-35).

So it is up to each of us to “watch [like a sentry on guard duty] and pray always that we may be accounted worthy to escape these things which will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (verse 36).

There are a number of further warnings about the sudden and unexpected fulfillment of Bible prophecies:
  • “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night” (2 Peter 3:10).
  • “Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you” (Revelation 3:3).
  • “Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame” (Revelation 16:15).
  • “Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (Matthew 24:44).
  • “But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober” (1 Thessalonians 5:4-6).
  • The fall of the Babylonian system extant at the end time will happen quickly and suddenly: “Her plagues will come in one day—death and mourning and famine. … In one hour your judgment has come. … In one hour such great riches came to nothing. In one hour she is made desolate” (Revelation 18:8, 10, 17, 19).
In the last book and the last chapter of the Bible, Christ stated, “Surely I am coming quickly” (Revelation 22:20).

An earthquake analogy

To encourage Christians to remain faithful to God, the writer of the book of Hebrews referred to a prophecy by the Old Testament prophet Haggai, where God said, “Once more (it is a little while) I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land; and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations [Christ], and I will fill this temple with glory” (Haggai 2:6-7).

Although this prophecy in Haggai was directed toward the temple that was being rebuilt by the Jews, the author of the book of Hebrews used this concept of “shaking” to encourage us not to refuse God’s instruction as we shall “not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven” (Hebrews 12:25).

Continuing, the passage in Hebrews states, “But now He has promised, saying, ‘Yet once more [just before Christ’s return] I shake [margin: will shake] not only the earth, but also heaven.’ Now this, ‘Yet once more,’ indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made [physical things], that the things which cannot be shaken may remain” (verses 26-27).

The point of this comparison is that we should firmly focus on “receiving a kingdom [the coming Kingdom of God] which cannot be shaken” by serving God “with reverence and godly fear” (Hebrews 12:28). This coming Kingdom will stand forever because it cannot be shaken or destroyed (Daniel 2:44).This is the Kingdom Christ will establish at His coming and the end of the age.

Bible prophecy matters

All of us need to take the warnings of the Bible seriously. We must be careful not to make the mistake of rejecting any of its teachings because they don’t agree with our human reasoning—our opinions, our ideas and our beliefs.

Bible prophecy shows that unless mankind repents, earthquakes, along with other major calamities, will strike the earth in the not-too-distant future.

The prophecies of the Bible are important and relevant to us today!

God takes no pleasure in the suffering humans bring on themselves (2 Peter 3:9). Instead, He wants us to choose the way of happiness, joy and abundance that He offers to those who seek to please Him and live His way of life (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:9).