
Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Devil's Bible

The Devil's Bible, also referred to as the Codex Gigas, is an ancient book with quite a history. The following description comes from
Image result for devil's bibleThe Codex Gigas (English:Giant Book) is the largest extant medieval illuminated manuscript in the world, at a length of 92 cm (36 in). 
It is also known as the Devil's Bible because of a very unusual full-page portrait of the devil, and the legend surrounding its creation. It was created in the early 13th century in the Benedictine monastery of Podlažice in Bohemia, which is a region in the modern-day Czech Republic. 
It contains the complete Vulgate Bible as well as other popular works, all written in Latin. Between the Old and New Testaments are a selection of other popular medieval reference works: Josephus's Antiquities of the Jews and De bello iudaico, Isidore of Seville's encyclopedia Etymologiae, the chronicle of Cosmas of Prague, and medical works; these are an early version of the Ars medicinae compilation of treatises, and two books by Constantine the African. 
Eventually finding its way to the imperial library of Rudolf II in Prague, the entire collection was taken as spoils of war by the Swedish in 1648 during the Thirty Years' War, and the manuscript is now preserved at the National Library of Sweden in Stockholm, where it is on display for the general public. Very large illuminated bibles were a typical feature of Romanesque monastic book production, but even within this group the page-size of the Codex Gigas is exceptional.


According to, the Codex Gigas are summed up in the following article by Erika Harlitz-Kern  (07-15-15)

National Library of Sweden, Codex gigas, or The Devil's Bible, Book of Genesis, 2 r.
National Library of Sweden, Codex Gigas, 
or The Devil’s Bible, Book of Genesis, 2 r.

10 Things You Should Know About The Devil’s Bible (Or Codex Gigas)
by Erika Harlitz-Kern  

In July 1648, during the final clashes of the Thirty Years’ War, the Swedish army looted the city of Prague. Among the treasures they stole and brought with them when they returned home was a book called Codex Gigas.

Not only is Codex Gigas famous for being the largest medieval book in the world, but because of its contents, it is also known as The Devil’s Bible.

10 things you should know about the Codex Gigas, or The Devil’s Bible

1) The Devil’s Bible is 36 inches tall, 20 inches wide, and 8.7 inches thick.

2) The Devil’s Bible contains 310 pages made from vellum from 160 donkeys. Originally, The Devil’s Bible contained 320 pages, but at some point in time the last ten pages were cut out and removed from the book.

3) The Devil’s Bible weighs 165 lbs.

4) The Devil’s Bible was meant to be a work of history. That’s why it contains the Christian Bible in its entirety, The Jewish War and Jewish Antiquities by Flavius Josephus (37–100 C.E.), an encyclopedia by St. Isidor of Seville (560–636), and The Chronicle of Bohemia written by a Bohemian monk named Cosmas (1045–1125). In addition to these texts, there are a number of shorter texts included as well, e.g. on medical practices, penitence, and exorcism.

5) The identity of the scribe who created The Devil’s Bible is unknown. Scholars believe that the book is the creation of one person, most likely a monk living in Bohemia (today a part of the Czech Republic) during the first half of the thirteenth century.

6) Based on the amount of text and the details of the illuminations, it has been estimated that it took as long as thirty years to finish the book. In other words, the anonymous scribe seems to have dedicated the most part of his life to creating The Devil’s Bible.

7) In 1594, The Devil’s Bible was brought to Prague from the Broumov monastery, where it had been kept since the year 1420. King Rudolph II (1576–1612) asked to borrow The Devil’s Bible. He promised the monks that when he was finished with the book, he would return it. Which he of course never did.

8) The Devil’s Bible has been given its name because of a full-size portrait of the Devil. Portraits of the Devil were common during the Middle Ages but this particular portrait is unique. Here, the Devil is portrayed alone on the page. The image is very big—nineteen inches tall. The Devil is crouching and facing forward. He is naked apart from an ermine loincloth. Ermine is worn as a sign of royalty. It is believed that the Devil wears ermine in this image to demonstrate that he is the Prince of Darkness.

9) There are several myths surrounding the creation of The Devil’s Bible, and they all involve the Devil. One of the most famous myths is that the scribe traded his soul to the Prince of Darkness so that he could complete the book in one night.
Codex gigas, or The Devil's Bible. The Heavenly City (289 v.) and the Devil (290 r).
Codex Gigas, or The Devil’s Bible. 
The Heavenly City (289 v.) and the Devil (290 r).

10) On the opposite page of the portrait of the Devil is an image of the Heavenly City. This has been interpreted as the Heavenly Jerusalem mentioned in the Book of Revelation. It was common in the Middle Ages to leave book spreads on display to convey a message to those who saw it. It is believed that the message intended here is to show the rewards of a God-fearing life on one page and the horrors of a sinful life on the other.

If you’d like to read more about The Devil’s Bible, please visit the book’s official home page at the National Library in Stockholm, Sweden.

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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

End Times Update

The following article was obtained through End Times News

WARNING: An innumerable host of evil angels are spreading over the earth. They are not only crowding government institutions, but also the churches. They are doing Satan's work, and soon they will perform great 'signs and wonders' to deceive the whole world. The policies of the Papal 'Beast' of Rome are being pushed and the whole world is soon to be deceived into giving their allegiance to the fallen churches and the Vatican, rather than our Creator God. Our ONLY safety is to anchor our lives upon the Word of God. Please submit your life to Jesus Christ today!

When we seek and learn the truth and then live according to it, the enemy's deceptions become useless, because we then come under the Spirit and power of God, which Satan CANNOT penetrate. This is why it is so important to seek and learn the truth in these end times we live in. The news is full of prophecy fulfilling images today. All the Biblical signs of the end have been fulfilled like never before in history, and we are living during the last "hours". Just take a look at the prophecy fulfilling news events below:

"Human civilisation as we know it may have already entered its last decades, a worrying new report examining the likely future of our planet's habitability warns. The increasingly disastrous impacts of the climate crisis, coupled with inaction to tackle it are sending our planet down a bleak path towards an increasingly chaotic world which could overwhelm societies around the globe, the report's authors contend."

Satan knows that Jesus is coming back soon. He knows that judgments from God and the 7 last plagues are to fall soon. So what does he do? Convince the world that the world will end due to 'climage change' if everyone doesn't UNITE to combat it and 'save the planet.' So what will the world think when the plagues start falling? They will be deceived into thinking that climate change has caused them and Satan will deceive the world into believing that God's remnant people, who will NOT unite with the world are the ones to blame!

Revelation 12:17 ...'And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.'

"Despite some new tensions, 'practically the whole of Christianity is in a process of advancing beyond the controversies and competition of the past, toward greater understanding, trust and solidarity,' said Bishop Brian Farrell, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity."

It is so sad to see how God's people have turned away from the Lord and are embracing that 'mother of harlots' in this ecumenical movement. And all for the sake of what? 'Peace and safety!' But what did the Lord say would happen to those who seek 'peace and safety' instead of TRUTH? 'Sudden destruction' (1 Thess.5:3). Notice the bishop says that Christians are now 'advancing beyond the past controversies' and are now embracing unity. Oh how deluded the professed Christian world is today (2 Thess.2:11). The Protestant reformation was a movement of TRUTH from God. We must NOT forget the past but EMBRACE it.

Jeremiah 6:16-19 ...'Thus saith the Lord, stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, we will not walk therein. Also I set watchmen over you, saying, hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken. Therefore hear, ye nations, and know, O congregation, what is among them. Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil upon this people.'

"After a long and severe conflict, the faithful few decided to dissolve all union with the apostate church if she still refused to free herself from falsehood and idolatry. They saw that separation was an absolute necessity if they would obey the Word of God. They dared not tolerate errors fatal to their own souls ... If unity could be secured only by the compromise of truth and righteousness, then let there be difference, and even war. Well would it be for the church and the world if the principles that actuated those steadfast souls were revived in the hearts of God's professed people. There is an alarming indifference in regard to the doctrines which are the pillars of the Christian faith. The opinion is gaining ground, that, after all, these are not of vital importance. This degeneracy is strengthening the hands of the agents of Satan, so that false theories and fatal delusions which the faithful in ages past imperiled their lives to resist and expose, are now regarded with favor by thousands who claim to be followers of Christ." (Great Controversy, p.45)


"Dr. Smadja's daring plan calls for an international day of rest (about 53 days per year) plus approximately 15 'holidays' where cumulatively there would be a cessation of all productive activity for approximately 70 days, or about 20percent of the year. These days of 'non-activity' would help achieve the shared goal outlined in the Paris Climate Conference (COP21) of a 20 percent reduction of pollution globally by 2050, with the aim of keeping global warming below 2 degreesC ... This frantic race to go faster and faster makes us forget essential things, such as loving ourselves, others and also our earth ... the result is a global disaster, whose ecological impact is more and more obvious. A Sabbath for ourselves, our industry and our environment is a corrective to these failures." (see also here)

Now what day do you think they would choose to 'shut down' each week? Sunday! We were saying this would happen, just before the pope's climate encyclical came out. I mean, what better way to 'help the planet' than to have a law that makes businesses shut down one day a week. Ok, this is just someone suggesting it, but the Sunday law plan is now moving in darkness, concealed behind this climate agenda, and the leaders are concealing their true purpose. But God's people can see right through their plans, because everything is exposed when you are walking in the light of God.

The Sunday law is coming friends. The systems are being put in place, as you can see from the news item below, ready for the enforcement of the Sunday law. But should we wait for this to happen to get ready? NO! God forbid! We must BE ready now. If we keep putting off getting ready, then the Lord WILL pass us by and give our crown to someone else! The reason why things have not wrapped up by now, is because God's people have slumbered and slept. But the shaking is taking place now. The Spirit of the Lord is falling. People all over the world are waking up and the final events are soon to take place just before the Lord returns. Time to BE ready friends!

Revelation 3:11 ...'Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.'

And PLEASE do not rely upon your church leaders to keep you informed. As they have joined hands with Babylon and will lead you down the wide road to destruction! We must stop following the churches, and follow Jesus Christ alone (Revelation 14:1-5)

"Donald Trump's nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is a gift to evangelical Christians ... Simply put, the Supreme Court is the reason that many Evangelicals voted for Trump ... Evangelical leader Franklin Graham (Billy Graham's son) posted to his Facebook page a month before the 2016 election: 'The most important issue of this election is the Supreme Court' ... In an interview on NPR, another evangelical American, Karen Swallow Prior of Liberty University, concurred with Graham as she explained how easy it was for Christian conservatives to become Trump's bedfellows in order to make long-term gains on the Supreme Court."

Revelation 13 tells us that the second beast (America), would make an image to the first beast (the Papacy), and what is the Papacy? It is a uniting of church and state, with the church directing the affairs of the state. And that is what we see going on in America today. The image of the beast is already set up in America, and all it needs now is POWER to 'spead and cause' the world to take the mark of the Papal beast - the Sunday law in honour of their false trinity god. And that is why the Evangelicals are trying to get their people, whether they be Catholic or Protestant, into the hot seat in the Supreme Court. And it matters not whether they are Catholic or Protestant, because they have all united into the same team of "fallen Babylon".

The signs are all around for us to see that we are in the very end times. So it is time to BE READY in Jesus Christ. We must surrender ALL to Him now, so that He can live His life in us and make us ready for heaven.