
Thursday, August 30, 2018

Top 10 Most Accurate Prophets in History

The following article is presented by

Prophecy is a very dangerous and tricky activity for any person to perform. The reason why prophecy is so dangerous is that people can use this form of religious or spiritual practice to deceive individuals. Throughout the millennia there have been thousands of prophets. Some of these individuals were major prophets while others where minor seers. Most prophets do prove to be false. However, some individuals who provided prophetic predictions were (or still are) very accurate. The following list will describe the top 10 most accurate prophets in history and their important predictions that have come true.

10. Jeremiah

Most Accurate Prophets in History
Jeremiah the prophet was used by God of the Jewish and Christian people at some time between 628 BC to 586 BC. His message was to the Jewish people and what was going to happen to them at the hand of the Babylonians. God was punishing the Jews for their disobedience and he used the Babylonian people to carry out his discipline. Jeremiah told the Jews that they would be taken into captivity for 70 years by the Babylonians. He also told them that the Messiah (Jesus Christ) would be a descendant of King David. All of Jeremiah’s predictions came true even though the people of his time ridiculed and dismissed him.

9. John the Baptist

Image result for john the baptist
John the Baptist was the last prophet to speak out about Jesus Christ before he arrived on the scene in Jerusalem. John was born shortly before Jesus and that would have been sometime between 10 B.C. and 0 B.C. The Old Testament prophet Isaiah spoke of John’s coming shortly before Jesus’s arrival. Once John the Baptist was preaching about Christ, he started to make predictions about the coming Messiah. John was actually Jesus’s cousin. The predictions that he made about the Messiah were all true and they all came to pass.

8. Abraham

Most Accurate Prophets in History
Abraham is a Jewish patriarch that lived close to 4000 years ago in the Middle East. He was the first person that God used to start the Jewish nation. During his lifetime, Abraham had many adventures with God and he also made many prophecies. Abraham revealed that God would be the father of many nations, that his descendants would have their own nation, that the Jewish people would be a great race in the world and that the Messiah (Jesus Christ) would be one of his future descendants. All of these predictions came true thousands of years after Abraham had passed.

7. The Brahan Seer

Most Accurate Prophets in History 2019
The Brahan Seer was a Scottish prophet who served the Earl of Seaforth during the 19th century. The Brahan Seer’s prophecies were more about the fate of the Scottish people – especially those in power. He made predictions about how certain noblemen such as the MacKenzies of Fairburn will lose their wealth and possessions. He also said that certain monuments and landmarks within the kingdom of Scotland would be destroyed. He also told his people that when the five bridges over the River Ness in Inverness would be destroyed. Once this happened world chaos was supposed to have followed. Unfortunately, this prediction came true when Hitler invaded Poland during WW II. Brahan Seer lost his life when he predicted that the Earl of Seaforth was cheating on his wife. Apparently, the Earl’s wife had him killed for stating such things – even though they were true.

6. Joan Quigley

Most Accurate Prophets in History
Joan Quigley was an unusual prophet or seer because she was used by President Reagan and his First Lady Nancy. Normally, most presidents would not consult a psychic or medium before they engaged in political affairs. However, the Reagans did. They would often consult Quigley before they would meet other political leaders or before they made some type of major political decision. Eventually the public found out that the Reagans were using a medium to help determine political affairs. However, this incident was quickly and quietly swept under the rug. No American really wants a president who consults mediums and psychics to figure out political affairs.

5. Edgar Cayce
Most Accurate Prophets in History
Edgar Cayce was a popular seer that lived during the early 20th century. He would invite people to his home and have them ask questions about their future. While they asked the questions, Cayce would lie down and enter a trance like state. He would then answer them. Cayce made thousands of predictions. He supposedly accurately predicted Hitler’s activities and the Great Depression. He also predicted that California would fall into the ocean. However, as we already know, this did not happen. Not all of Cayce’s predictions came true.

4. Madam Marie

Most Accurate Prophets in History
Madam Marie was an American seer that performed this activity for well over 70 years. She made her predictions in the New Jersey area of Asbury Park Boardwalk. One of her most notable predictions was that Bruce Springsteen would become a music star. This prediction did come to pass. Springsteen referenced the Madam Marie in his song 4th of July and he even helped her to gain a following. Other notable stars such as Ray Charles, Woody Allen and Elton John used her services as well.

3. Noah

Most Accurate Prophets in History
Noah is the famous Jewish Patriarch that lived about 10,000 years ago. He built the great ark which as used to withstand the flood waters that God sent to destroy the world. Many people might be familiar with Noah and the ark but what they probably did not know is that Noah preached for over 100 years while building the ark. He was trying to get people to turn from their sins and follow God. While he was preaching, he prophesized that the world would be destroyed by water and this came to pass. He also prophesized that people would be destroyed if they did not repent. He was right.

2. Nostradamus

Most Accurate Prophets in History
Nostradamus was an unusual prophet because he could accurately predict a lot of things and they really would happen. Nostradamus never claimed to be a prophet and he often stated that his predictions might not happen at all. However, this seer did not have all of his predictions to come true. He predicted some things about WW II that actually happened. Yet, other of his prophecies have yet to manifest. Nostrodamus still remains one of the most influential prophets in modern time even though he died in 1566.

1. Jesus

Most Accurate Prophets in History
Jesus Christ is the most controversial figure in all of humanity. One of things that makes him such an enigma for many people is his bold prophecies. Jesus predicted that the temple in Jerusalem would be destroyed and it happened. He also predicted that he would die and rise again to become the savior of humanity. This happened as well. Jesus made predictions about the start and spread of Christianity and he made prophecies concerning the end times. Christ is also the Messiah and many Old Testament prophets made many prophecies about him in the past. Christ is a prophetic making machine and all of his prophecies have come to pass or will happen in the future. Keep in mind that all people who make prophecies should be taken with caution. All of the people on this list made accurate predictions but keep in mind that they are the exception and not the rule.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Ancient Prophecies Coming True

The following article was written by Gregg Braden

Ancient Scriptures
The visions of a world-age transition, and what follows it, extend far beyond the ancient and indigenous worldviews into the era of recorded history. For more than 400 years such visions of the future have fallen into the realm of prophecy, and the word itself has been nearly synonymous with the names of great seers such as Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus.

Born in 1503, Nostradamus was fascinated by the profound visions of ancient oracles and studied them to work on his own techniques of prophecy. Using what he learned, Nostradamus developed a gift of second sight that allowed him to peer—to remote-view—well into his future and even beyond ours, to witness events that had yet to occur with extraordinary detail and accuracy. In what is arguably his best-known work, Centuries, he recorded what he saw from his vantage point in the 16th century, through the next ten centuries, and then even beyond our time, ending in the year a.d. 3797. Some scholars believe his future sight may have extended even further.

Because of the stigma surrounding the use of prophecy in his time, Nostradamus couldn’t write about his visions directly. Instead he recorded them in a coded format called quatrains—mysterious verses of four lines each. By the time of his death, Nostradamus had set down his visions for each century as 100 verses of such quatrains.

The Prophecies of Nostradamus
While many of the things that Nostradamus recorded do appear to be surprisingly accurate, just as we find for other prophecies, without specific dates they are open to interpretation. Among the dates that are noted, however, are the specifics for the two world wars that cannot be mistaken.

Nostradamus also recorded Hitler’s name and a description of the swastika; the discoveries of penicillin, nuclear energy, and the AIDS virus; the failure of Communism; and the assassination of U.S. President John F.Kennedy. Even though the interpretations are subjective, scholars generally agree that he did foresee a great change on a global scale around the transition from the 20th to the 21st century. Similar to the Native American and biblical traditions, the changes that Nostradamus witnessed in his visions were accompanied by tremendous cataclysm.

Only when he felt that the event in his vision was critical or urgent did Nostradamus include an actual date. On the rare occasions that he did so, those dates have become the touchstones to orient us in history for the things that happen before and after. For this reason, I find it fascinating that one of those rare dates occurs in the late 20th century. In his book Centuries X, quatrain number 72 reads: “In the year 1999 and seven months, / A great King of Terror will come from the sky. / He will bring back the great King Genghis Khan [of the Mongols] / Before and after Mars [war] rules happily.”

In the Epistle to Henry II, verse 87, Nostradamus further clarifies this time in history, stating, “…this will be preceded by a solar eclipse more obscure and more dark…than any since the creation of the world except that after the death and passion of Jesus Christ.”

A solar eclipse that was visible throughout much of Europe did occur on August 11, 1999. In verse 88, Nostradamus continues describing the cataclysmic nature of his millennial vision, identifying a specific month of Earth changes:
“…and there shall be in the month of October a great movement of the globe, and it will be such that one will think the Earth has lost its natural [gravitational] movement…there will be initial omens in the spring, and extraordinary changes in rapid succession thereafter, reversals of kingdoms and mighty earthquakes . . .”
While there have, in fact, been record-setting earthquakes (the 2004 Indian Ocean quake registered between 9.1 and 9.3 on the Richter scale) and nations, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, have certainly changed their affiliations and forms of government, it’s difficult to say that these are precisely the things that Nostradamus saw in his visions.

What’s important here is that although the specifics of Nostradamus’s future sight may vary from those of other prophets and prophecies, the general theme of a great change at century’s end does not. Although they were born 374 years apart, there is a surprising consistency between Nostradamus and the man known as the “Sleeping Prophet” in the 20th century, Edgar Cayce.

The Prophecies of Edgar Cayce
In what have become some of his best-known prophecies, Cayce stated that the late 20th and early 21st centuries would herald a time of unprecedented shifts upon the earth. Just as many ancient prophecies described two paths that could carry humankind through such an upheaval, Cayce foresaw the possibility of a future brought about by gradual change as well as a time of tumultuous shifts that are obviously catastrophic in nature. What makes his prophecies especially significant, however, is that he saw both possibilities happening during the same period of time.

During his lifetime, Cayce gave approximately 14,000 readings that cover topics ranging from the diagnosis of ailments for specific individuals to the future and fate of humankind and the world. In reading number 826–8, which is dated August 1936, Cayce was asked specifically about the kind of changes he foresaw for the millennium that would not happen for another 64 years into his future. His response was a tangible statement regarding a measurable change for the Earth: “…there is the shifting of the pole. Or a new cycle begins.”4

Prediction of the Pole Shift / Changes in Earth’s Magnetic Field
The rapid decline in the magnetic fields of the Earth — the kind that precedes a magnetic reversal of the poles — has led some scientists to speculate that we may be in the early stages of just such a shift. In the absence of extenuating circumstances, however, and with the insights from our Time Code Calculator, it appears unlikely that such a shift will occur in the years immediately before or following 2012.

Although a number of Cayce’s early predictions for the new millennium sound catastrophic, later readings take on an interesting, although subtle, change. Reading number 1152–11 in 1939 describes the close of the century as a series of gradual changes rather than the sudden shifts he previously foresaw.

Once again, Cayce shares his future visions with the specifics of an actual date. He states, “In 1998 we will find a great deal of activity that has been created by the gradual changes that are coming about.”5 He continues: “As to the changes, the change between the Piscean and the Aquarian Age is gradual, not a cataclysmic one.”6

The Significance of Prophecies
The prophecies of Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, the Aztecs, the Hopi, the Maya, and others have sent the reverberations of an unmistakable message throughout time. Separated by hundreds of years of history and thousands of miles of distance, all point to now. They all see something powerful, possibly wonderful and possibly destructive, happening on a global scale during a time that spans the last years of the 20th century and the first years of the 21st century.

The odds against such similar stories developing “out of nowhere” for such vastly different people and places suggest that this is more than simply a coincidence. What did they know that we’ve forgotten? Why did the Mayan timekeepers choose 2012 rather than the 2000 millennium date as the end of their calendar What difference could those 12 years possibly make in the ending of a 5,125-year-long cycle?

Prophecies of the Mayan Calendar
Perhaps the best way to answer that question is through a better understanding of the Maya themselves. To appreciate just what the Mayan calendar and the end of time means, we must look beyond the calendar itself. Its symbols and codes are the lasting legacy of an obsession with vast cycles of time and our relationship to that time. It’s the Maya’s advanced knowledge of the cosmos and their ability to preserve it for generations to come that modern archaeologists have called the “Mayan mystery.”