
Monday, June 10, 2013

Comparison of World Religions

 Baha'i Faith:  Founded by Bahá'u'lláh in 1844 AD in Iran.
              Current Worldwide Adherents: 13.5 million
God and Universe
One God, who has revealed himself progressively through major world religions.
Life's Purpose
The soul is eternal and essentially good. Purpose of life is to develop spiritually and draw closer to God.
Religious Practices
Daily prayer, avoidance of intoxicants, scripture reading, hard work, education, work for social justice and equality.
Afterlife Beliefs
Soul separates from the body and begins a journey towards or away from God. Heaven and hell are states of being.

 Buddhism:   Founded by Siddharta Gautama (Buddha) in c/560 BC in India.
               Current Worldwide Adherents: 376  million                                              
God and Universe
Varies: Theravada atheistic; Mahayana more polytheistic. Buddha taught nothing is permanent.
Life's Purpose
To avoid suffering and gain enlightenment and release from cycle of rebirth, or at least attain a better rebirth by gaining merit.
Religious Practices
Meditation, mantras, devotion to deities (in some sects), mandalas (Tibetan)
Afterlife Beliefs
Reincarnation (understood differently than in Hinduism, with no surviving soul) until gain enlightenment
      Christianity:  Founded by Jesus Christ in c/30 AD during the Roman Empire.
              Current Worldwide Adherents: 2.1 billion
God and Universe
One God who is a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Life's Purpose
All have sinned and are thereby separated from God. Salvation is through faith in Christ and, for some, sacraments and good works.
Religious Practices
Prayer, Bible study, baptism, Eucharist (Communion), church on Sundays, numerous holidays.
Afterlife Beliefs
Eternal heaven or hell (or temporary purgatory).

 Confucianism:  Founded by Confucius c/520 BC in China.
             Current Worldwide Adherents:  6.3 million
God and Universe
Not addressed
Life's Purpose
To fulfill one's role in society with propriety, honor, and loyalty.
Religious Practices
Honesty, politeness, propriety, humaneness, perform correct role in society, loyalty to family, nation
Afterlife Beliefs
Not addressed
 Hinduism:  No founder: indigenous religion of India developed c/1500 BC 
               Current Worldwide Adherents: 900 million
God and Universe
One Supreme Reality (Brahman) manifested in many gods and goddesses
Life's Purpose
Humans are in bondage to ignorance and illusion, but are able to escape. Purpose is to gain release from rebirth, or at least a better rebirth.
Religious Practices
Yoga, meditation, worship (puja), devotion to a god or goddess, pilgrimage to holy cities, live according to one's dharma (purpose/ role).
Afterlife Beliefs
Reincarnation until gain enlightenment.
  Islam:  Founded by Muhammad in 610 AD in Saudi Arabia 
               Current Worldwide Adherents: 1.5 million
God and Universe
One God (Allah in Arabic)
Life's Purpose
Humans must submit (islam) to the will of God to gain Paradise after death.
Religious Practices
Five Pillars: Faith, Prayer, Alms, Pilgrimage, Fasting. Mosque services on Fridays. Ablutions before prayer. No alcohol or pork. Holidays related to the pilgrimage and fast of Ramadan.
Afterlife Beliefs
Paradise or Hell.

       Jainism:  Founded by Mahavira c/570-550 BC in eastern India
               Current Worldwide Adherents:  4.3 million
God and Universe
The universe is eternal; many gods exist. Gods, humans and all living things are classified in a complex hierarchy.
Life's Purpose
The soul is uncreated and eternal and can attain perfect divinity. Purpose is to gain liberation from cycle of rebirth, by avoiding all bad karma, especially by causing no harm to any sentient being.
Religious Practices
Monasticism under the Five Great Vows (Non-Violence, Truth, Celibacy, Non-Stealing, Non-Possessiveness); worship at temples and at home. Meditation and mantras.
Afterlife Beliefs
Reincarnation until liberation.

    Judaism:  Founded by Abraham c/1300 BC during the Egyptian Empire.
               Current Worldwide Adherents: 14-17 million
God and Universe
One God, Yahweh (YHVH).
Life's Purpose
Obey God's commandments, live ethically. Focus is more on this life than the next.
Religious Practices
Circumcision at birth, bar/bat mitzvah at adulthood. Synagogue services on Saturdays. No pork or other non-kosher foods. Holidays related to historical events.
Afterlife Beliefs
Not historically emphasized. Beliefs vary from no afterlife to shadowy existence to the World to Come (similar to heaven).

     Shinto:  Founded by Kojiki & Nohon Shoki in 500 AD.
                 Current Worldwide Adherents: 2.7 million
God and Universe
Polytheism based on the kami, ancient gods or spirits.
Life's Purpose
Humans are pure by nature and can keep away evil through purification rituals and attain good things by calling on the kami.
Religious Practices
Worship and offerings to kami at shrines and at home. Purification rituals.
Afterlife Beliefs
Death is bad and impure. Some humans become kami after death

   Sikhism:  Founded by Guru Nanak c/1500 AD in Punjab, India
                Current Worldwide Adherents:  23.8 million
God and Universe
One God (Ik Onkar, Nam)
Life's Purpose
Overcome the self, align life with will of God, and become a "saint soldier," fighting for good.
Religious Practices
Prayer and meditation on God's name, services at temple (gurdwara), turban and five Ks. Balance work, worship, and charity. No monasticism or asceticism.
Afterlife Beliefs
Reincarnation until resolve karma and merge with God.

  Taoism:  Founded by Lao-Tzu c/550 BC in China
               Current Worldwide Adherents: 2.7 million (almost 400,000 in China)
God and Universe
Pantheism - the Tao pervades all. Yin-yang - opposites make up a unity.
Life's Purpose
Inner harmony, peace, and longevity. Acheived by living in accordance with the Tao.
Religious Practices
General attitude of detachment and non-struggle, "go with the flow" of the Tao. Tai-chi, acupuncture, and alchemy to help longevity.
Afterlife Beliefs
Revert back to state of non-being, which is simply the other side of being.

    Wicca:  Based on ancient pagan beliefs dating to 800 BC; modern religion 
                  founded by Gerald Gardner in early 1900's in the Untied States.   
                  Worldwide Adherents:  1-3 million
God and Universe
Polytheism, centered on the Goddess and God, each in various forms; also a belief in a Supreme Being over all
Life's Purpose
"If it harms none, do what you will."
Religious Practices
Prayer, casting a circle, Drawing Down the Moon, reciting spells, dancing, singing, sharing cakes and wine or beer
Afterlife Beliefs
Reincarnation until reach the Summerland

  Zoroastrianism: Founded by Zoroaster 600 BC during the Persian Empire.      
               Worldwide Adherents: 2.7 million
God and Universe
One God, Ahura Mazda, but a dualistic worldview in which an evil spirit, Angra Mainyu, is almost as powerful.
Life's Purpose
Humans are free to do good or evil, must choose the side of good.
Religious Practices
Good deeds, charity, equality, hard work.
Afterlife Beliefs
Judgment followed by heaven or hell. Hell is temporary until final purgation and return to Ahura Mazda.

For more information, please visit the following link:  The Big Religion Comparison